We are with you. I’m moving my family of 7 children out of Australia. It will be hard, but I have to for their survival. Do not let America, become like Australia.
We are with you. I’m moving my family of 7 children out of Australia. It will be hard, but I have to for their survival. Do not let America, become like Australia.
I won’t be able to get into America. I have found another country. But America is the home of freedom and it radiates that freedom to other countries. Please protect it.
I'm not giving up on America. This country was founded on the idea of liberty, and while we have many faults, we are still Americans, and freedom is our birthright. It's so encouraging to see young people waking up and taking a stand for liberty. Let's support them.
Are there other Australians like you. I’ve noticed a handful of new Aussies in our neck of the USA. We would be happy to have you here in America! Come to the Midwest.
Unfortunately because I do things legally I won’t be able to get in. But thank you for your kindness. Their are a lot of Australians against this tyranny, but the msm does not publicise their demonstrations.
We are with you. I’m moving my family of 7 children out of Australia. It will be hard, but I have to for their survival. Do not let America, become like Australia.
Congratulations on your bravery. Areas of the USA are Marxist parasite hellholes. Other areas are bastions of freedom. Choose wisely.
I won’t be able to get into America. I have found another country. But America is the home of freedom and it radiates that freedom to other countries. Please protect it.
I'm not giving up on America. This country was founded on the idea of liberty, and while we have many faults, we are still Americans, and freedom is our birthright. It's so encouraging to see young people waking up and taking a stand for liberty. Let's support them.
Incredible bravery!!!
Wishing you and your family, aLL of us, a brighter tomorrow...
Are there other Australians like you. I’ve noticed a handful of new Aussies in our neck of the USA. We would be happy to have you here in America! Come to the Midwest.
Unfortunately because I do things legally I won’t be able to get in. But thank you for your kindness. Their are a lot of Australians against this tyranny, but the msm does not publicise their demonstrations.