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They aren't real numbers. Just like the artificial political polls these are used to sway the perception and opinion of the public. Fear of missing out (FOMO) works extremely well on those without a solidly defined sense of self. These types look for bandwagons to join because they do not know what they stand for and so they adopt a position from the crowd. NPC is a adequate term to describe them.

The following are lessons they never bothered to learn:

It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. —Gandhi

Fear has two meanings - Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours. —Proverb

They laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at them because they're all the same. —Cobain

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I am remembering the poll taken that showed 80% of people (all parties) supported Obama's DACA - deferred action program for young illegals brought her by their parents. It was again stayed by a federal judge just last week. Why do polls seem to persuade? It is called COMFORMITY. Here is how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDDyT1lDhA (5 minutes)

I should have mention that I knew NO ONE that was for DACA. The poll results were all made up.

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Off Topic but thought Texasans would appreciate. Start out with my opinion DOJ needs to be crashed and rebuilt. Then a worthy IMO arose before my eyes. In view of the recent victory and his roaring challenge - none other than Paxton came to my attention

Decided to congratulate with a few Paxton for DOJ comments on my social media. Yes, I do mean it. Today out of the clear blue sky I get an email from Paxton(s org).

We don't need any CCP Social monitoring system. We seem to have our own

bright and bushy tailed version


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That's why I am not on Social Media. Well, I do peruse Truth Social and sometimes post pot shots at Pope Frances.

I did see some posts about Paxton for DOJ, mainly for Trump's admin. He would be the perfect person to disinfect the USG from within.

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It's a simple binary. You either publicly support DACA or you are a white supremacist. There is no middle ground.

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A WS and oppressor!

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Same dumbasses who selfie themselves doing everything:




Washing their dog

Sitting on a toilet

Food shopping

Having sex

These morons have been conditioned that they have to announce to the entire world, every act, every nuance, every damn fart they make, to be publicly broadcast for their pathetic little lives to have any meaning.

This feeling of inadequecy is intentionally being magnified, and encouraged by social interaction, and media.

IMO, This is all a representation of the failed parenting over the last 30 years, allowing children to morph into young adults who then perpetuated this behavior with their own children.

Allowing the television to rear your child has consequences, people. You did this to them, and now they're paying for it.

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Awesome Rant🤣🤣🤣!!! Ed

I only know three parents I would consider epic.

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There is a certain sadness to imagine that there are people in this world that have never had an original thought in their entire lives. These are the folks that are no longer spoon fed their daily info. They have a permanent funnel to the TV brain now. And like the "Sand People", will return in greater numbers.

I have a sister in law who every night leaves CNN on a 50 inch big screen TV (sound on) in the living room, yet sleeps in a bedroom with my brother. I once spent the night there. When I asked her in the morning why do you leave the TV on all night, her reply was...I don't want to miss out on important news!! Wonders why she's always tired. Can you say Dumb as a box of rocks?

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So Much of What You Conveyed is Unfortunately So True. I’m buying stock in Duct tape for my mouth. Stock price going up. 🏴‍☠️ Oliver Anthony…”It’s a Damn Shame”. Ed

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These are profound! ‼️‼️‼️

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