
We are a medical family, nurses and doctors. None of our nuclear family were vaccinated, all of us recovered from Covid. One daughter had to quit her hospital career. This has been an astonishing time. We are mourning the loss of what we believed was a good medical system of care. I sincerely mean it when I say, God help us all.

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

Well written account of medical bureaucratic malfeasance that supported the preplanned Pseudo Covid con. I applaud this brave RN for her dedication to humanity which we have lost with the corporate medical model!

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As I have mentioned my wife has been an OR nurse in a major Boston hospital. She has worked in Boston OR’s for37 years. I drove her and picked her up every day through the “pandemic”, which alone was stressful for her and me. Every single situation mentioned in this essay happened to my wife in her hospital. This makes me believe these policies were definitely implemented from one central source and I do think for nefarious reasons, mainly money and a test of control. I can’t explain, under non pandemic times the stress these people deal with. Many I swear, including my wife have PTSD. Throughout the entire time not one nurse succumbed to Covid. The biggest issue that really angers me was the forced shots and the fears of long term complications from them. I have long ago stopped talking about it because it upsets her being that she had no choice. There were many doctors and nurses that suffered blood clots strokes and cancers to this day. I personally saw people that refused the shots or tried to get an exemption ostracized. It definitely further divided the nurses into groups. I myself have had big disagreements with my PCP over the shot. Not sure if he still feels the same about them.


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Thank you for posting this, I am sending it to people I know who don't have a clue about this side of the coin. This dramatic incidence of fear and how it affects the outcome of healthcare needs to be known. This is one of the best first-hand accounts of the whole picture of debacle and human selfishness and greed. What a steadfast and courageous family!

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Wow what a substack. The fact that they had to wear the same PPE and pass them down is so unbelievable . Especially when the powers to be were so “concerned” about spreading Covid germs. It is so criminal.

The hospital administrator in our area got up in church and said that if people didn’t get the vax they were going to kill people.

I totally agree with having an advocate with you at the hospital. I had an experience with my dad in the hospital. If I hadn’t been staying at the hospital with him he might have died. An oversight . Nurses changing and trying to become familiar with the patients charts.

I thought that it was very interesting that PCR tests could have been read at the time of testing. It was a plan to isolate us from each other. Kill as many old people as they could get away with killing and put fear in everyone to make them be compliant.

I want to thank this dear nurse for speaking the truth behind this madness . Such evil in the world.

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The picture that continues to flash before my eyes is the 2010 photo-op signing of the Obamacare(ACA) legislation by BHO surrounded by a beaming cadre of Congressional Democrats. It was a seminal moment that fully unfolded ten years later. What happened could never have happened without Obamacare. This was the plan and they knew it all along. The ACA was never about healthcare, was never about lowering the cost of anything and was certainly never about medical freedom. Quite the opposite.

What it was about was using public health as a weapon to subdue the American people, to gain control of people’s lives and yes, to usher in the unthinkable agenda of thinning the world’s population. The perpetrators so thoroughly believed in this agenda that they considered it benevolent, still do. Benevolent and right. No need to speculate about the intent any longer. We have seen the full flowering of the dark flower. We have seen the secret weapon on the battlefield. What surprised and even shocked many was how quickly the entire medical industry succumbed to totalitarian control with evil intent. Like a drowning child, it almost went down silently. Almost, but for the courageous professionals like Corrine Lund and Drs. Malone, McCullough, Bhattacharya, Kory, Cole, Tenpenny....the list is long. Without them they would have won the propaganda war and the censorship would have been total to the point of being unnecessary. That is a much darker world that the one we live in.

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Would I be right in saying that those “Dancing Nurses” pictured in the masthead aren't real nurses?

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Incredibly well written and needs to be shared widely! We cannot let this happen again. I'm sure there are many RN's and hospital staff across the world that could share the same experiences but are too afraid of losing their jobs to do so.

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This appeared in a comment section yesterday & appears to align with Corrine Lund, RN's assessment of what has transpired since the outset of covid: "A longtime EMS worker just posted that ambulances new covid protocol from the beginning was the directive to no longer do CPR, CPAP, & no longer do breathing treatments for asthma. If they died along the way to the hospital, it was to be called covid because covid-related means due to protocol changes. Those are her words. I do not know about the validity of this, but would we doubt this? It would be good to inquire more about this." This would not surprise me based on so many other similar stories/experiences expressed by others over the last 3-years.

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Criminals running the asylum...

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Yes. Thank you! It is sad and alarming. I have a friend nurse who told use not to go to hospitals unless absolutely emergency. It’s still bad, after pandemic- or is it plandemic?

I still cannot take clients at a local Catholic nursing home bc I remain unvaccinated. (Had Covid mid ‘21. Haven’t had any symptoms of it since nor positive tests.)

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Thank you Corrine and Robert. It is because of honest and brave souls like you that I was alerted to definitely not take the Vaxx (though having conducted clinical trials for HIV+ folks in 1986 I was already able to see the fraudulent nature of "COVID and Vaxx" thing; plus 1986 that was my first taste of Dr. A Fauci).

Hence I closely followed what honest reportage I could get on these matters and, in December 2021, when I was infected with what was likely the Delta variant of COVID I knew to not go to "the hospital, or any emergency medical facility" . . . but instead nebulized at home with saline and dilute H202 plus a dash of Lugol's iodine. This begun the instant of first symptoms and my temperature going up to 100.1. At age 86 at the time, it worked out fine for me . . . but sadly, not for the other New Yorkers who surrendered themselves to the dictates of the establishment powers.

It is because of honest and brave individuals like you two that I survived "the system."

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Thank you for posting this well written account of Corinne's experience during the pandemic, and especially of her entry into nursing and incredible care of herself and her family. In my experience, hospitals have always been a scary place and nurses like Corinne are the exception. I wish that wasn't true. Of course, it all ramped up after the pandemic and it is a place that I for one will avoid like the plague it has become. I wish health and well being for all.

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Wow!! Truth teller

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I am a retired RN. I was a staff nurse at a large teaching hospital for many years, including many rotations in the emergency department. When I was going to nursing school many years ago, we were taught to do nursing care plans, the more comprehensive of which included every patient's needs. Some of those needs included oxygen (respiratory & circulatory), safety (mechanical, chemical, radiological), elimination, nutrition, & psycho-social. A comprehensive plan was not feasible in most acute care settings, so we typically chose the patient's (3) greatest needs & based our plans of care on those, modifying the plans as needed. The one need that was ALWAYS included was the patient's psycho-social needs. That always had to be one of the (3) most important needs. Not that the others were not important, but we were always mindful of that one need. As far as I can tell, from all that I have read & researched over the last 3-yrs., of what has transpired in our nation's hospitals, that is the need that was most neglected &/or abused. It is such a sad & tragic commentary on how far we have devolved, in terms of our humanilty, these last few years. I no longer recognize the medical & nursing professions.

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And if I'm right about my first thought, my second thought would be why didn't real nurses stand up and denounce what was obvious propaganda?

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