NO MORE, indeed!

“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”

—F. A. Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty

CJ Hopkins is the latest victim of this forever-emergency totalitarianism. He is facing 60 days in jail or a 3,600-euro fine for the thoughtcrime of daring to draw historical comparisons between the New Normal Reich and its predecessor in two thoroughly innocuous tweets.

I encourage those who can to support CJ’s Legal Defense Fund as he is going to be fighting this free-speech battle for the long haul:



Here are some additional details from a Note (https://substack.com/@margaretannaalice/note/c-38899653) I wrote the other day:

“The @CJ Hopkins case is the equivalent of the Assange case for satirists. If Germany succeeds in imposing this Sophie’s choice of a 60-day incarceration or 3,600 euros fine for TWO BLOODY TWEETS, that is the end of satire as we know it—at least in Germany and other countries that have weaponized ‘hate’ speech laws against those courageous enough to expose the authoritarian practices of their governments. For daring to draw valid historical comparisons with present-day policies and trying to STOP the advance of fascism, CJ is being charged with furthering ‘the aims of a former National Socialist Organization.’

“Anyone who has read even a single column by CJ knows the opposite is emphatically the case, as is made crystal-clear in my Dissident Dialogues interview (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-cj-hopkins) with him from last year.

“I have written repeatedly about the weaponization of the ‘anti-semite’ label to silence dissidents because it is such a danger to those seeking to expose totalitarianism and has been used to crush innocents like poor Clemens Arvay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens) and threaten credible scientific voices like Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit).

“We must stand with CJ just as we must stand for Assange (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower / https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower-video-tribute) as their persecution is not only about the vilification of innocents for daring to speak out but threatens the future of satire, journalism, and free speech for all human beings on this increasingly tyrannical planet.”

Additional Note here:


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This is yet another incredible written explanation of how things work against public perception to distort via fear a mass hysteria.

Choose a path not to be on team conform else the most undesirable path will be chosen for you 😴👎 Do it soon 🧬

Great essay Robert. A+

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How do we win against their total control of the NARRATIVE?

Yesterday my husband and I were in a restaurant being served by a young lady already (or maybe still) wearing a mask 😷 🤔.

I just couldn't stay quiet.

I asked her: Do they let you serve people when you're sick?

She replied: I'm not sick, I just don't want to get sick! I'm pregnant 🤰 and I'm very worried about getting sick and harming my baby!

I told her the trying to keep mosquitoes out with a chain linked fence story about the effectiveness of masks 😷.

Then she said I don't like the pointy masks.

I then said: All of this worrying is very bad for your baby 👶. Focus on getting, being and staying healthy!


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perhaps more thoughts later. This morning I noted a Guardian article reporting new studies that validate that masks, distancing, lockdowns (and vaxing ? - I didn't take time to read the article) save lives! Are they getting worried and rushing their strategy?

The second point that comes to mind is our clear need to identify, share, support and monitor reliable sources. The recent steps Google and UTube have boldly announced - Nothing but the Gov/Party line will pass through their hallowed portals says all we need to know about them (and undoubtedly their fellow MSM traitors). Solid sources will be vital!

Back later. Block buster essay! Thank you!

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's reality and the next day, if mentioned, is the misinformation of racist bigotry.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Laws are created to protect people (or should be), including from the government itself. When a government ceases to obey its laws it can and will turn against its own citizens. It is rogue and becomes the enemy. Our Founding Fathers were highly cognizant of this outcome since they lived and suffered under the capricious and malicious British Crown. THAT was what our Declaration of Independence was all about. Nothing has changed! We are back to square one of being ruled by tyrants, only now they are in D.C. instead of London!

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Yes!!! Totalitarianism is a religion!

People need to feel important and a crisis gives them that. I've been reading several novels about WWII and the fascists were religious fanatics. There's a difference between personal power and domination. The British developed personal power during the air raids, especially the Blitz, while the Nazis and their collaborators got high by brutalizing as many people as they could.

But the Nazis & co. didn't last. Although most of the French did what they felt was necessary to survive, without fighting back, and many collaborated, there was also the French Resistance where extraordinary, brave people--men, women, and older children--fought for their country.

The Law of Attraction says that when we fight against something or someone, we give it more power. But when we fight *for* what we believe is right, that can also include doing whatever we can to stop what we believe is wrong.

Our time is coming and sometimes passive resistance works. That's how Gandhi and his followers got freedom for the Indian territory after WWII and how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement got the civil rights legislation during the l960's.

We still have the Constitution, and while the elites are violating it, especially the Bill of Rights, as much as they can, it withstood slavery and then Jim Crow in the South. It will eventually triumph again.

America took my parents in when they were running from the Nazis and I will remain a patriot for the rest of my life.

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I truly think the majority of the American public will not sit back and bow to the authoritarians this time around. We have had it!! This government had overplayed its hand the first time around and exposed themselves as frauds, even to the vaccine lovers. The facts about the vaccine being neither safe nor effective is going to be a hurdle they will not be able to jump over. The people will not accept their bullshit this time around. I think George Orwells 1984 part 2 will be a truly different novel. J.Goodrich

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Excellent post. I read Agamben's blog posts in English translation, and then, read, Where Are We Now when it first appeared. I bought several copies and gave them away.( I have a few of his other books, but somehow overlooked The State of Exception, so thanks for writing about that). Your quote from Where Are We Now is one I have quoted often. The attacks on Agamben by his fellow academics have been brutal, no surprise there. I hope he writes another book soon.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've said this before, there are those of us that sit around and ponder what to do, what to do, [and wring our hands] and those of us that do. Dr. Malone thank you for being, 'one that does.' You brought many together to offer information, data, constructive thoughtful opinion and even the bad news. We can handle the truth. Thank you.

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Thank you this excellent post, introducing all your readers to another thinker who sees the totalitarians for what there are and what they mean to do to us. As Churchill said, never, ever, never give up and thus post and thus information gives you another weapon to fight these ogres.

Danny Huckabee

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I met a man in Greece recently and we discussed 1984 at length. He’s one of only a handful of people familiar with the book I’ve met since I began asking people during Covid if they know Orwell. It seems the under 30 crowd are ignorant and fearless about the warning signs so obvious in 1984. Thanks for the reference to Agamben’s book it sounds very interesting.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

This is brilliant - (“technological-sanitationist despotism”) !! I’m going to try and use your term sanitationist the way people use Christian, democrat and republican. Maybe the word will help them snap out of it? This new medical religion is a cult, there’s no discussion, no explanation, no nuance, just fear.

I was discussing a new Rx with my Mum (former nurse) that Dr wants her to take, which is truly unnecessary in her mind and even her friend and nurse navigator is vehemently against, but I can tell she thinks she has no choice.

Mum to Dr “why do I have to take this, my numbers are excellent for my age and trending in the right direction, can we wait and see how labs are in 3mo? “

Dr:“ No, because you’re special and we don’t want to lose you”.

(Edited typos)

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State of exemptions. A term I was unaware existed. But like the other classic oral crafted mandated call to obey and conform to the persistent orders for the good of us all phrases, it illustrates the evil power to decern

who what where when this shall be administered by decrees. 👎

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice Zelensky archive photo - BTW!

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A simple test of any policy or law is whether at the core of its existence, the purpose is for the greatest and highest good for all of humanity. If not, or if it is deceptive in nature, it simply must be discarded and not complied with. Humanity has a strong weapon and that is the right to say NO, and act by stopping all support for whatever it is that is curtailing its rights. We have been wrongly conditioned on all levels to be obedient to government. This is a disservice to ourselves and humanity as a whole.

If the government is taking action humanity finds repugnant or violative of any of its rights, we have the right and obligation to refuse to pay taxes in support of such policies so as to shut them down..

The gov't has threatened to and has put people in jail wrongfully to create fear in the masses. But when the masses rebel, the gov't collapses. Remember, if a government is of, by and for its people, then how can it ever make any policies that screw the people? It's only when Gov't answers to others it has allowed to control it that we the people really get screwed.

Stand your ground, talk it up, UNITE with others to do the right thing in your hearts which everyone knows is right. What is right is not necessarily what some government tells you. It is in your DNA, you know intuitively. So never give in. Never give up. Because as long as we remain strong, those who are tasked to enforce the bogus policies will join our plight. The plight of all of Humanity which seeks complete equality in every aspect of life as far as that can be achieved reasonably.

We are at a crossroads where humanity wants the old energy of Wars, Conflict, Weapons Barons influencing false flag events, debt slavery, etc., to end once and for all. We the people of the world have the opportunity right now to shape a world that will meet our needs and vision for the next thousand years. And if it is based upon Love, Compassion, Benevolence, Caring , and Equality for all, there is no end to what we can accomplish. Each and every system, law, rule and regulation you see today, and the institutions that support them are of an old negative energy, that is dying, and we must ensure that the light of truth exposes every bit of the darkness involved heretofore. NAMASTE, and May God Bless. Edward William Case, Esq.

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