
I'm so confused. This was supposed to be disclosed? I thought nothing was supposed to be disclosed - the package inserts were blank. You mean not to us, but disclosed to the FDA? I thought this was really directed by the DoD and everything was considered secret or proprietary - no disclosures necessary. And I read that something like 33% of the vaccine is this plasmid DNA. If true, the word "adulterated" seems way too kind. 33% would be a key component and doesn't sound like even fragments of SV40 are risk free. Sorry, but I'd rather just say no to every health recommendation that ever comes out of the FDA/CDC/HHS/DoD ever again. And let's get out of the WHO.

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Man, it's like those filthy "anti-vaxxers" ended up being right about everything.....

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! Nail their hides to the wall!.

I pray every night for their take down, like Arya Stark did for her enemies.

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Our supply lines and food production facilities are owned by billionaire psychopaths who get joy from harming others and contamination like what is in the vaccines is just the beginning of a horrible nightmare. Check your children's candy this Halloween: https://tritorch.com/degradation/ParasitesFoundInHalloweenCandyBoughtFromWalmartOctober2023.mp4 [1min]

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" The Shot" scourged round the world !🤬

We were Right! 👍

They were so damn wrong!👎

Time to fix this once and for all!

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Wouldn’t pulling the deadly VAX from the market be an admission of guilt? I heard Naomi Wolf and do not view this as an economic move or a failed attempt to speed up the vaccine development process. I view this as an attempted genocide, and the biggest in global history and would like to see the punishment match the crime. Scaffold for ten or twenty on the mall, televised executions daily at noon until they are all gone!

Confession: I have a scientific, although definitely not medical, background and called BS when told after recovering from what was obviously Covid that I had no natural immunity. Just how did I manage to recover if my body didn’t create antibodies that throw off the infection? Why would my body not retain these antibodies? My wife, with a similar earth sciences background, and I have gone from an annual flu shot to a total anti vaxer as they have proved totally untrustworthy!

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And what's more sad, is people still believe them and continue to to get the shots!

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Okay, everyone, let's get into action: "He said every state’s Attorney General, who bears responsibility for product safety, should be asked why they would allow a vaccine that is contaminated and “has unknown short-, medium- and long-term side effects.” Call, write, email, contact, peacefully hang outside their offices with signs asking them why they are not filing lawsuits & subpeona's on our loved one's behalf or in groups:


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So....contaminated with DNA and SV-40 and no action has been taken to stop the injections! The pushers at CDC, FDA and Big Pharma certainly will argue against this effort and will not admit they are guilty of genocide! So... where do we go for resolution? Working through the legal system takes money and years to resolve. In the meantime Big Pharma will continue down this path. Will President Trump pledge to stop it? I know RFK Jr. Will if elected!

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...and to think, all Canadians have to look to is so called expert Dr Tam...the only expert 'allowed' by the turd WEF shitshow.

Real Canadians are really looking forward to Dr McCullough visiting Alberta, thanks to Olympian and Stanley Cup winner Theo Fleury!

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Those who pored over the Pfizer documents (which the courts ordered to be extricated prior to the requested 75 year period), and those who have done the analytical work on the contents of COVID jab vials have done a great service for humanity. Thanks to you all!!

What could be the basis for the FDA distinguishing one brand of biological drug entity from another in any case, if they don't know what's in them? Do last 4 letters after the generic name of these drugs have any meaning at all?

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This is a job for Aaron Siri!!

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In May 2021 it was discovered Joe Biden received emails showing heart damage, heart damage in young people and lung blood clots from the mRNA vaccines. Shortly after that he and his administration pushed through the mandates for forced injections. Just yesterday, right after news broke on the contamination of the Moderna and Prizer mRNA shots, Joe came out with an announcement that the safe and effective Covid shots are now being tested to treat cancer!!! You can’t make this stuff up. Between the show trials, the ministry of truth, the forever wars, the constant lies and our complicit fake media I’m starting to think we’re living in the Soviet Union; on steroids

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HAs the FDA ever been sued for not recalling a product? Who would have standing? I think a medical organization would have standing. I see this as similar to the EPA declaration that glyphosate is not harmful to human health and the court telling it to go back and look again.

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So the shot had monkey DNA. That might have been okay if we descended from monkeys; however, God made man in the image of Himself and the angels, not in the image of monkeys.

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But there is an explosion of cancer. And 72bp SV40 plasmid that enters the nucleus can promote cancer, we are talking about lots of plasmids. That to me seems like a ticking time bomb, no one knows what genes will be affected, and that again is super dangerous. I think if people knew what they put in their bodies, truly got it, there would be pandemonium. So perhaps, there is an effort being made to avoid the reaction warranted.

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