Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agree 100%, the state is an economic parasite.

Saying that and leaving it there obscures the full extent of the damage. If it only consumed and wasted society's resources, that would be bad enough, but it goes a lot further than just waste.

The state uses those resources as a destructive force. It doesn't merely waste school funds by not teaching our children. It brainwashes them with DEI and CRT. It doesn't just waste welfare funds paying people not to work. It creates a thug class of young unsocialized males raised without a father.

The list of these kinds of unintended adverse effects is endless.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In one of Milei’s interviews he said that those on his side had been made morally and aesthetically superior and better at doing everything by the weaponized leftist justice system, and that this was driving those leftists crazy. He’s inspirational.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you want to bathe in the warm waters of reason and calm comprehension, take a bath in Friedrich Hayek's book The Road to Serfdom. You will rise up baptised and cleansed from the illusions employed by scum that soil this world.

"Argentina remained among the fifteen richest countries until the meteoric mid-century rise to the Presidency of a previously unknown minor military leader named Juan Perón." Now where did Senro Peron get his ideas? Could it be the Nazis who fled to Argentina in 1945? Was it Nazi looted gold that funded his rise to power? Who exactly is Hans Rudel, apart from being the most decorated Stuka pilot in Nazi Germany? Worth a little research.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We all know the saying history repeats itself. We must also understand evil doers embedded into our systems take history and pervert it to gain control and power. The Reichstag Fire in Nazi Germany was a perfect blueprint for present day American politicians. After this building was burnt in protest the German government handed power over to Hitler and he became dictatorial head of state or as he called himself Fuhrer un Reischkanzler. Our government since Bill Clinton has systematically sold off and sold out America. The politicians have become rich off of the backs of our capitalist system social successes. We see with the Jan. 6th tapes a government orchestrated plan which began with a permitted peaceful protest at the capital when our government opened fire on peaceful protesters clearly shown on the newly released tapes. The fbi infiltrated the crowds dressed in civilian clothes. The police pulled the barriers back opened the doors and fbi infiltrators influenced crowds to enter the capital. This devised plan was yes to squash a conservative plan presenting questions of a stolen election, but it also created this narrative we continually hear that Trump and Trump supporters are the biggest threat to democracy. This whole stolen election and January 6th government plan was a complete power grab to kill off individualism and American freedoms. Freedom is contagious, and what we are witnessing is our government desperately trying to hold on to its power and ability to profit off of we the peoples ingenuity. If Javier Miles has honesty, integrity and common sense Argentina will be a role model to follow. J.Goodrich

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you think of gov as being a juggler, then as long as there are not too many balls in play everything is o.k. But when there are too many then dropping the ball becomes the default position. Those bloody agencies should never have been formed and should be abolished.

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I would fear for his immediate and future well being.

Tempers and confusions are growing.

Patience is limited by his nay-sayers.

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Imagine the possibilities of cutting the size of the US Federal Government in HALF! How many three-letter police organizations does the FED need? 60-80% of what each state should do, the FED claims DOMINION. I hope Milei gets even 10% of what he wants to accomplish.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Those of us being parasitized will own nothing, be happy, have nowhere to go and no way to get out from under the thumb of this New World Order. What could possibly go wrong?"

I will indeed be keeping an eye on Argentina's government under Milei. I was born in the US, have roots, and hope to die a free man here. But I speak enough Spanish to make my way in Argentina, and I wouldn't completely rule out taking temporary refuge abroad if developments here continue to unfold as they have been.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish the Argentinian people well. I pray that there will be effective change that restores political balance, prosperity and the God given freedoms due to all humanity.

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Brilliant analysis Robert. Milei will be a beacon, and right quick. I can't wait to see what he does on day one, which is just two weeks away. Frankly, Italy is so encumbered by the EU that Meloni cannot make truly radical moves, same with Hungary and Poland.

Milei will truly pull out the chain saw, and his next twelve months will inform the Trump presidential campaign to a great degree.

The Dems will go to their bag of tricks, one of which is just surfacing: getting signatures to put abortion referendums on the ballot to bring out their base and get GOP female switch-overs. Just worked in Ohio. Something to watch.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched Tucker Carlson’s interview with Milei 9/14/23, episode 24 which is now pinned on Tucker’s X page. At the time I didn’t think much about the interview. One thing stood out in that interview for me.

Tucker Carlson asked Javier Milei—who has lived with the fallout of his government implementing socialist policies—what advice he has for Americans:

“Never embrace the ideals of socialism. Never allow yourselves to be seduced by the siren song of social justice.”

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish I could believe that we are not past the point of no return. The election protocol in Argentina required paper ballots, hand counted, voter ID required. I don't see that happening here in 2024. And, since the covid trial run didn't quite work, I have a dread building that we might not even have elections in 24. They operate on the by-any-means-necessary strategy.

I just learned this morning that the TSA has the air marshals tracking every single person who took a flight for any reason in the vicinity of DC on 1/6/21. Every single person regardless their reason for traveling is being watched and tracked. But they could not find out who the dude was who planted the pipe bomb at the capital.

I don't know that an election is going to fix this.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If Austrian Economics gets a foothold in the Hunger Games, it is over for the deep state and globalists. This economic model is far superior to what we have now, and all who are suffering now financially would get a huge change in our quality of life. The economies would be free to expand on their own without so much micro management from politicians. I wish him well and hire some excellent bodyguards, you will need them. Your opponents are proven murderers and worse.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have never heard a more accurate definition of our government in California: "the State is an insatiable economic parasite, constantly growing by feeding off of the surplus productive labor of those free sovereign individuals over which it asserts the right to govern."

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reading this article was like learning a foreign language, for me. I do remember reading Ayn Rand when I was 20 something and not being able to put it down. Maybe there is hope for me to be able to learn a new language after all.

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Dr. Malone quoting Rothbard has now reached the maximum level of based possible on planet Earth.

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