Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Fight climate change" and "feed the world" -> "Make a shitload of money"

The formula is so simple, yet somehow people don't see it.

Or, people do see, and when they point it out, they are violently silenced.

Reminds me of a recent vaccine campaign.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article. Thank you. The poisoning of the food supply will continue until morale improves.

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So frustrating on so many levels. This "feed the world" excuse is used for GMOs as well and it is a false claim. What they are leaving out after "feed the world" is "our way". The world can be fed with sustainable practices.

On top of that, climate change isn't the issue, pollution and chemical contamination of the globe is. The real problem is chemicals like atrazine not climate change and these guys are saying to fight climate change they have to pollute.

We are so inverted, like I have said many times, the craziest person in a room filled with crazy people is the one who walked in sane.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are a chemical society envisioned by Rockefeller who saw the profit in the poisoning of the earth. Also saw that chemicals to resolve disease states was profitable and Big Pharma in the US is a one half TRILLION annual endeavor feed by Big Agra!

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is there a government agency left in ANY western country that hasn't been corrupted by big business? What a mess and what a BIG cleanup we have ahead of us! And how will we stop this from happening again once we have re-built the system??? Because that will be the trick to making sure that what we re-build will last and serve us well.

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Thank you for bringing this important issue to your readers. Many of us have known about it for quite a while and it’s awful that a gender altering chemical could be used in the food supply. But of course the global elite agenda may support the use of this chemical, as it creates gender confusion! Those gender confused individuals turning to government instead of God & the endocrine-disrupting, toxic environment for answers, is a win for governments who want to control their citizens’ freedoms.

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We can start by alerting the naive at the CDC that they are being used to allow new oral polio vaccines in order to hide the fact that Gate's new oral polio vaccine caused the case in NY 2022

Before the ACIP meeting tomorrow, I wanted to get you this research to prevent the injuries and deaths of innocent people:

Link Between Polio Case in New York 2022
 and New Oral Polio Vaccines 
Developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

As you probably know, the US stopped using Oral Polio Vaccines in 2000 because they cause Polio

When a person receives an oral polio vaccine, they’re getting a live polio virus that has been weakened, and sometimes that weakened, aka live-attenuated, virus changes and reverts back to an active virus that causes polio, paralysis or death

Link to CDC - polio vaccine stopped 2000


Only 29 people were paralyzed worldwide from natural wild polio (WPV1), whereas 660 people were paralyzed from polio vaccines (cVDPV1 and cVDPV2), in twelve months March 2022-2023, according to The World Health Organization

Link to WHO Polio map


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation developed new Oral Polio Vaccines (nOPV2)

Link to Gene sequence of nOPV2

“Development of a new oral poliovirus vaccine for the eradication end game using codon deoptimization”

In 2020, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided $2,673,690 in funding to the CDC Foundation “to provide laboratory support for the analysis of immunogenicity and shedding of new oral poliovirus vaccines in human clinical trials and related issues for polio endgame”

Link to the CDC Foundation 2020 Financials - Active Programs


In 2020, the CDC Foundation granted $1,202,690 to the Advocates for the Aging of Frederick County Maryland (AAFC), for the analysis of immunogenicity and shedding of new oral polio vaccines

(What was the remaining $1,471,000 from BMGF used for?)

Link to The CDC Foundation 2020 Form 990, p.46 Advocates for Aging grant $1.2M


Why was an advocacy group for the aging asked to work with new oral polio vaccines?

Link to Advocates for the Aging of Frederick County mission and history


Four hours away from The Advocates for the Aging of Frederick County Maryland, a person in Rockland, NY was paralyzed and tested positive for vaccine derived polio in June 2022

It is unclear why the NY public health department’s press release suggests that the vaccine derived virus circulates in areas with low vaccination coverage, since vaccination is the source of the case.

Are public health authorities suggesting that someone caused this outbreak, and that they specifically did so in a neighborhood with fewer people who are vaccinated in order to convince people to get vaccinated?

Link to Press release of NY case


The gene sequence from the case of polio in NY matches the gene sequence of the new oral polio vaccine nOPV2 developed by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

(Based on a search in Gen Bank, peer review needed)

Link to Gene sequence of NY case of vaccine derived polio June 2022


The new oral polio vaccines nOPV2, developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, were found to revert to neurovirulence and cause paralysis

Link to nOPV2 results

“12. Secondary Outcome” - “Outcome Measure Data” - “Analysis Population Description”


The case of polio in NY was identified in June, but the press release wasn’t published until July 21, 2022

The CDC presented the analysis of polio vaccine uptake in children from July 21, 2022 - September 25, 2022 at an ACIP meeting in October 2022

Was there an interest in determining if the announcement of the case of polio in NY would increase vaccine uptake?

At the October 19, 2022 ACIP meeting, slide 29 refers to using nOPV to deal with vaccine derived outbreaks of polio which is concerning since it is OPV that causes outbreaks in the first place.

Work group seems unaware that the nOPV was able to revert to virulence


Link to ACIP meeting 10-19-2022


Link to the polio endgame study

“Development of a new oral poliovirus vaccine for the eradication end game using codon deoptimization”


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We grew our own corn. There is a reason why we called their crap…Frankencorn. Ed

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As usual, language is being used to spin a story in favor of profits over people. In my opinion, efforts to "bend science" are more accurately described as efforts to "pollute science".

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is an extremely difficult conundrum. On one hand there is a single chemical, atrazine, that by all world wide rights should be banned. But failure to address the consequences of the ban is also a huge mistake. At a time when world food supplies can least afford a reduction, we'll get that reduction. Big time. So that must be addressed. But further fueling this controversy is the idiotic carbon as a pollutant meme. Kerry is running around shamelessly saying agriculture must be zero carbon in 9 years. Such a fool, but he has a lot of power, and no one knows where his boomerang will land. Hopefully his backside.

We can talk of organic food production, but the actual sustained practice is going to wipe out one hell of a lot of human calories. Organic production is not so much continental waves of grain, rather, it is island production. Many organic crops can profitably exist only within a sea of herbicides and pesticides that knock out grower problems. This is especially true with tropical crops and tree fruits. A window is agreed on, say 6 maybe 10 rows deep, where the outer edges of the island crop is managed organically but marketed conventionally. This supposedly allows pesticide drift to be accounted for, (itself a contentious practice) but gives the grower an "organic" crop. In my experience, the efficacy of the practice falls off over time as pests move into the island. Hence, total food production falls. As always, the poor will take it in the shorts. Extreme hunger, and couple that with the wholesale curtailment of both home heating and cooling as "zero" carbon knocks down electricity supplies. We need to be extremely open eyed going forward into this mess.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you !!

An https://rumble.com/v2v28u8-david-talbot-rfk-jr.-truth-and-reconciliation-and-the-devils-chessboard-rob.html

OUTSTANDING Int’w -- David Talbot endorsing Robert Kennedy – June 19, 2023

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How do we stop this?

FWIW, I've been trying to use a home made vinegar, salt, dish soap spray for natural weed control on my little patch of land (1/3 acre, mostly gravel). The mix when sprayed on leaves is supposed to be safe, but is is not terribly effective. You can see why people are tempted to use the "good stuff" -- which really is VERY BAD stuff.

What's happened to our country and our three-letter agencies is a travesty. Three-letter agencies definitely are four-letter words.


The regulatory capture of EPA etc. is EXACTLY the same as for agencies that regulate "vaccines." It's literally "Turtles -- or maybe feminized frogs -- All the Way Down" (Book reference: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/store/turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine-science-and-myth/)

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In one of the studies you cited, under Puberty... were they using organic oils that were tested and found to be free of pesticides and herbicides? Oils are concentrates so the herbicides and pesticides are also concentrated, making a small dose quite toxic. I don’t need a response or answer, just pointing out I would have to have questions answered and proof before I would believe lavender is an endocrine disruptor. It has been used for over 2500 years. Seems unlikely.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Shedding light in a dark place where light has not been shed is enlightening.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic pieces about this pesticide! Very informative. Thanks for keeping us abreast.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is all about the money.

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