I'm definitely sharing this with friends and family. A couple thoughts - I agree it's going to get worse before it gets better. The motive to push the clot shot the first time around was primarily money, with a secondary bonus of testing global control and, as an extra benefit get rid of the elderly who are dependent on Medicaid and Medicare. But I fear that what is looming just ahead is focused on poking us to rise up in protest so that they are justified to either jail us or kill us to shut us up once and for all. And, no, I am not a conspiracy theorist - I'm a practical realist. And, for the record, Fauci is a classic malicious narcissist. Most tyrants can be diagnosed as such. They always find ways to rise to power. The irony is how the brain dead masses are so easily manipulated to worship these demons. My only consolation is knowing that God always keeps a remnant. Be a remnant.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone you both are so inspiring and amazing! Keep on keeping on~ you are doing important work! You are GREATLY APPRECIATED! For such a time as this….✝️💜

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I do fear that we have yet to see the worst of this. They are purposely, systematically destroying the middle class. This has to be done because the middle class has enough awareness and financial ability to fight back. This is the one thing they cannot allow. So...take precautions!

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Very illuminating interview, kudos to Ms. Ferber and the Malones. Connects the dots on what transpired, why it transpired, and the timeline behind the recent madness.

It has been very much underreported regarding the early history, especially the problems that led to Dr. Malone's abandoning the platform despite having done the early research on mRNA. (The only other time I've seen it mentioned was during an overseas interview when a Dutch interviewer noticed the inconsistency in his career path then asked about it.

Very telling, that. I wish Robert spoke about it more often. Thanks again, for filling in the timeline.

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A great interview. Ties up all the threads as we currently know them and puts them in perspective. Endgame: Living a simpler more independent life yet dependant on trusted truthful support systems....and yes, I too think it is going to get rougher. Thanks for being on the frontlines and taking the hits. You are both national treasures.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a joy to have a family interview! Appreciated the insights as to how it works behind the scenes. From what I've heard about lions, behind every successful male lion there's an able hard driving lioness. Seems that does fit. So far, have come across 3 articles on modRNA. The changes to your base product made a creation with its own unique formulation, usability and risks. Glad you alluded to the difference. You folks are a powerhouse together. We, our world, couldn't be more fortunate to have you on our side. I'm especially grateful for the community you've provided for us here. Wishing you another glorious day on the waters and islands as you contemplate the wonders of our world and the prospects of our tomorrow's.

Very Bestest ever and always. ❤️ 💜

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was so much fun seeing the two of you together in this podcast! I wish everyone would read the portion where the two of you talk about your role in developing the mRNA platform and how you DID NOT develop the covid vaccine. You've said it many times before, but the lies continue. I agree with Robert, we are in for rough times. Some pastors are saying that we may very well be in the end times, as prophesied in the Bible. A well-known pastor in California, Jack Hibbs, preached a very interesting sermon recently, giving his explanation of UAPs. He believes they are demonic spiritual forces and I think he may be right. There are prophecies in the Bible that seemed so outlandish and impossible in the past, but seem very plausible now. https://calvarycch.org/in-the-daze-of-deception/

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"...she dragged out a large box of data that we kept..." Now there's a morsel of wisdom! And the

Amish reference! In the face of this 5th gen warfare, the more unplugged we are, the better.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic interview! I'm forwarding this to everyone in my sphere. The Malones are priceless.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love you Dr Malone, but it was SO nice to hear from Jill in this one! ♥️

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! It's so good to see you Dr. Lioness! I enjoy reading your works that you and your husband take the time and effort to write. It's deeply appreciated and sanity saving for us all, love you both and love your coat!

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every time you need to do an interview such as this, it must dreg (dredge) up all the insidious crap you two have gone through for decades, not just these last few years. P.T.S.D. is certainly understandable. Thank god you two are resilient and capable of handling the stress. Thank you is hardly sufficient for all you go through, but for lack of better sentiment, Thank You!

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The travails of the Malone family only point to my sincere belief that medicine and science should be kept as separate as possible and not as conjoined as it has become today. When they become too conflated you are gifted with a certifiable asshole like fauci declaring he is science. A more implausible statement is to me unimaginable but there you are.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A nice read, but scary too

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Good read, thank you.

Where do you think this will end? Will this dystopian system eventually implode like every other communist regime?

When people are forced to cash out their 401ks, will the financial overlords lose power, or are we beyond that point? Can we simply unplug the machine?

The arrogance at the top may ultimately be its downfall. I work alongside many white collar professionals who support the current bullshit. They would have a quick demise if there were no internet, Amazon/Whole Foods delivery, psychotropic meds or blue collar servants. Nobody in leadership at my job knows how to read a map, shoot a rifle or even use a drill!

I too have bought land, am buying machinery and preparing for the worst-but I’m still hoping for the best.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Very nice seeing Dr. Jill on the podcast, and hearing her perspective, the behind the scenes activities, and the interactions between Dr. R. and Dr. Jill. Nice to finally get her viewpoint, as my curiosity since joining this substack, was what she was actually thinking on all of this going on today. You two make a really nice couple, and work well together, which is more and more a rarity, today. Being with my wife over 34 years at this point, I concur.

My wife will like this podcast, minus the sexual overtones of the hostess, which I agree are a distraction from the interview. I sat through the episode because I wanted to hear their combined perspective of Dr. R. and Dr. Jill together, over the past few years, not watching, just listening. The host's voice tones which are somewhat "valley girl" to me, which I find irritating, but that's just my personal opinion, and no reflection upon the Dr.s.

Striking a nerve with some..... as I will do sometimes:

I know people say, oh she's (the host) beautiful, and smart, and yada, yada, yada. Yes, she may be, but if this was Joe Rogan, wearing a body builder's show trunks, with the camera pointing right at his "Junk", I think there would be some outrage, or at minimum, some disapproval of his attire.

Just saying....

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