Nov 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Without bringing back the moral code, the concept of a Constitutional Republic is dead. This is loosely paraphrasing John Adams who said: Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Interesting piece. I subscribe to Utobian, so I am familiar with his style and approach to ideas. There are a few historically doubtful assertions here, about the civil war and WWll. The civil war ended slavery but that wasn’t the root cause of the union war effort, it was more broadly economic which is consistent with Toby’s accurate identification of the contradictions of capitalism which he refers to here as liberalism. Marx was the most astute observer of these contradictions, of course.

The Nazis were ultimately defeated by the Russian army, but certainly the industrial might Toby refers to was a huge factor in defeating Hitler. Of course, Hitler had been supported by major American financial interests. Anyway, quibbles notwithstanding, he is right about the lack of a coherent political philosophy among those of us in the loosely defined Health Freedom movement. The most common belief appears to be condemnation of “communists” and “communism,” a throwback to the paranoia of the cold war and a dangerous sort of reductionism that contains the seeds of yet another tyranny. However, we need more than a coherent philosophy to escape the tightening noose of AI, global governance and the destruction of all bills of human rights.

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Our political philosophy is already laid in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We just need to abide by it.

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Where Public Life is concerned there was always only one team on the playing field. If you love freedom and limited government and believe that a free and prosperous civil society should be the foundation of political order, and you act every day within the philosophical confines of that worldview, you will eventually lose to those who do not share that philosophy. It is axiomatic. In America it took about 233 years, starting at 1787, but the outcome was guaranteed. I didn’t go to Town Halls for 50 years because I didn’t want a Town Hall. I wanted a Rotary Club or a Church or a Boy Scout troop or any number of civil organizations that would make my community a happy place to live and that would organically look after the poor and needy while minimizing their ranks. It was a freedom based worldview based on a theological understanding of how life should be ordered. When you are facing an opposition that awakens every day and dreams of how much more money and power and control they can funnel to themselves and to government, the end being to take away your freedoms, and that is their passion and their religion, 24/7, you better have an equal and opposing force on that very same playing field. If your love of freedom means you don’t want to get involved because you don’t believe in the fundamental premise, well, in that case you or your children or grandchildren are in big, big trouble.

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Our modern priorities are Comfort, eating and entertainment. Politics, inequality and God are way down the list. New absurdities are rolled out daily to create confusion and fear such as killing your 6+ month old in the womb is ok. What is stopping killing a 2 year old? Not enough are uncomfortable to disrupt the comfort, good food and Taylor Swift moments to recognize the sound of a waterfall approaching. We are modern day Roman’s believing the U.S. is too powerful to fail, believing all those millions of new arrivals without any means of support will not rebel, believing they can ignore the corruption, greed and absurdity as they enjoy the good life of apathy and overconsumption. I don’t trust my own reality anymore making it difficult to know who or what alternative would provide a viable solution to the current insanity. I do know killing is bad in the womb or out, that accepting millions and millions in donations for a congressional salary of $174k requires payback, that CO2 makes trees and plants grow, and greed breeds liars. You think all those MSM liars aren’t influenced by million dollar salaries?

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Rather than developing a new political philosophy maybe we need to revisit an existing one. I refer to ancient wisdom that establishes the proper hierarchy between us and the One who gave us our very breath.

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

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Having a degree in economics and public policy analysis from Penn State, I found reading a Wealth of Nation's by Adam Smith a journey into the brain of a genius. His comprehensive practical analysis of how microeconomics and macroeconomics work to sustain commerce which sustains a civilization laid the blueprint for capitalism.

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How can we survive if humanity is now considered lab rats by the medicine man? Case in point. Crispr/Vertex announced today that after marketing their new DNA/injection sickle cell anemia drug, they can then evaluate the "off target" events. This was approved by the FDA. No longer are adverse events called by their true name. Now they are "off target" events. Initial "off target" events are at 10.1% and they have a green light to move forward. RNA injections are in the same classification and the harm created and will be created is being totally ignored. The root cause I have discovered is "regulatory capture" here and across the globe. Stop it and we the people are back in charge. Until then we are traveling down the wrong roads in society. Here is a full explanation of "regulatory capture". When the Republican lead legislation that gave corporations the same rights as we as individuals in the US, was the height of regulatory capture. Corporations now have control over individual rights with their money power! Well expressed with the covid con.


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When can we expect to hear you again on Rogan?

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As information systems have become exponentially more sophisticated with the advent of computer technology, the very wealthy have gained controls of these information systems. This has allowed "the ruling class", these elites, to manipulate all data input into these information systems to their advantages. It is inevitable these same elites have gained the abilities to vastly influence a global population severely lacking in critical analytical thinking skills. Using the knowledge they have gained from these same info systems, these elites have provided an opiod to a population easily distracted by many types of audio-visual vectors, effective distractions engineered by the elites. One massive effect of all of this is the elimination of smaller economic competitors, creating fewer and fewer megacompanies. These megacompanies, in turn, are owned by megawealthy investors who expect mega returns on their investments. These ultrawealthy investors sit on the controlling boards of directors of these megacompanies, and they hire subservient management teams who are "legally" bound to do their fiduciary duties to make sure these ultrawealthy investors receive a maximum ROI. The logical conclusion of this spiraling upward of wealth into the hands of the few, and control of the global population, is an oligarchy that controls all aspects of society, including police enforcement of laws and regulations created by this oligarchy. The World Economic Forum is just a feign. The real manipulation ensuring this oligarchy will never be seen, unless of course, drastic actions are taken to destroy it. That's where are Planet Earth is headed unless radically changed.

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(Between creating a weaponized virus, blocking access to off-the-shelf treatments, imposing deadly hospital protocols, authorizing toxic Remdesivir, and injecting the most dangerous vaccines in history, Stakeholder Fascism has already killed over 7 million people worldwide.)-

You are forgetting the lockdown deaths. According to the UN over 30,000,000 starved to death because of the manufactured economic collapse.

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Liberals, the left or as you say progressives all act as a hive. This all is mainly wrapped around, economic, medical, social media and political issues. We as average hard working citizens, many who have become WOKE to this, should treat it as an asymmetric war that has been waged against our way of life. With that we have been forced into this war. If we as the majority in this country fight on these four fronts, economic, medical, social media and political, and choose alternative conservative parallel businesses we can make change and a shift away from the progressive fascist communists. If we become more hive like as the progressive they will be forced to change. J.Goodrich

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

It's beyond me how we turn things around sufficiently after so much hate and envy has been fueled by politicians, while simultaneously increasing global debt and unfunded liabilities so extremely as to be impossible to deal with non-radically (unless freeing up oil drilling or some new energy miracle could make the difference?). I would like to believe we could still win the right to informed consent, at least. But I'm not even sure that most of our legislators even care whether the WHO takes over. It's as though they think they can take the world right up to the brink and just turn on a dime any time they want. It's beyond me.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

A very interesting essay and a critical question to explore. I see one glaring omission. In my mind you cannot talk about the development of classical liberalism, as it relates to the Western world, without addressing the role of the Bible/Christianity in that development. We just returned from Greece and Turkey where we visited sites at Phillippi, Athens, Thessalonica, Delphi, Ephesus and other places. The history is almost too much to get your head around. There is a lot that has come before us, the opportunity for learning from these ancient societies is nearly endless. I was struck with the brilliantamce of St. Paul in sailing nearly 800 miles to the tip of Europe where he was able to start a church in each location. The lessons of the Bible opened completely new frontiers, for instance Lydia, the seller of purple was the very first convert in Europe. We assume she was a single woman because she invited Paul and his companions to her house and not her husband, as would be the custom. The Bible brings the focus on individual rights, as seen in the teaching about slavery. Slaves are equally loved by God. It was this foundation that prepared the soil for Adam Smith and the development of western civilization as we know it in modern America. Liberal democracy requires citizens with clear morality and clear ethics. Western civilization has walked away from this foundation that made it possible for 1 in every 7 peoples alive to want to come to America. Until we return to the foundation we cannot regain what has been lost.

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I am unsure whether this idea of a coherent "political" philosophy has any possibility of success at this point in history, but I'm slightly hopeful. As other writers below point out, we've lost a great deal of our communal capacity for rational thought, and when the discourse happens in a forum that the powerful can control, our actual philosophy may never become wide spread enough to take hold. We've lost a lot. It's heart breaking. That said, the human being is informed by an inexplicable but clearly undeniable connection to the eternal. Maybe this understanding will, over time, coalesce into a coherent philosophy (sure, political in part) that can bring us into a new age. Thanks Dr. Malone and Utobian for this very timely and very thoughtful "next step forward" in the discourse. Joe Uveges

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This "classic" liberalism is being erased by people who felt that they weren't able to get enough of what they wanted with that system in place.

Capitalism is similar, in that it works well, and to the extent that people don't steal.

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