Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

At 4:50, Desmet says, "Truth speech is a kind of resonating speech." I find that to be absolutely true. When I listen to Bret Weinstein or Heather Heying or Robert Malone or Peter McCullough or Pierre Kory or RFK Jr., the authenticity and sincerity shine through. In contrast, when I listen to somebody like Joe Biden or Jen Psaki or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Anderson Cooper, what I hear sounds scripted and shallow.

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Seems that Donald Trump fits the bill for a truthful politician. Many also shun him and claim he lies much but never seem to give any examples. Yet they support Biden, who seems to only put out lies and propaganda.

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For strong personal reasons I have been a severe critic of folks who claim ability to repair damaged minds, particularly psychiatrists. That Dr. Desmit is a psychologist I found encouraging and having read his take on several issues have to say he is a rare gem indeed. Can only hope his message here gets the attention it deserves from those who can make good use of it.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert for sharing Dr. Mattias Desmet's concepts regarding the importance of speaking truth to the best of our ability and the appreciation of the ethical nature at the core of our being. I would be interested if Dr. Desmet could share his views with regard to the importance of honesty and truth with regard to money and its use in society.

I like the perspective offered by Ludwig von Mises on this topic:

It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bills of rights.

From p. 30:

Understanding Money Mechanics


Is it possible to make use of fiat currency and still "speak" truth?

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Just read a press release this morning that 10 Philanthropic organisations(led by George Soros Open Society Foundations) have teamed up with the Biden Administration and provided $200 Million in seed money to create a new “initiative” to ensure that “Artificial Intelligence advances the public interest by protecting democracy, defending elections and censoring disinformation”.

I can just hear it now: “You can all rest easy folks. Our super powerful AI election analysis algorithms have just confirmed that this election was free and fair and that the winner was indeed....(fill in the blank). All other claims are corrupt disinformation as confirmed by the unprecedented power and scope of our artificial intelligence analysis capabilities”

And on and on. Sure am glad our globalist overlords are on it. I was starting to toss and turn at night.

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I read his substack on Sunday afternoon. His thought train is far above most mortal men.

But it is important to know that such a finer intelligence persists to explore and define the COV19.

Reading it a second time can highlight things I missed. And honestly at a snails pace I remain.

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I think it not so difficult to realize the rearrangements via a Social Life Extinction turning into a Digital only Social Life, it's already taken a monster hold. Failure to comply within this New Frontier framework will disconnect humanity from sustainment/thriving/surviving. Some machine will be the taskmaster-ish overlord. There will be no human connections permitted. Is that the Ai coming?

The WEF slogan "Own nothing and be happy" is already in play globally. A Scary thought as it is.

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I put a post on Dr.Desmet sub stack on Saturday, and got two responses. This was my post. I was born in 1965 and not until about 4 or so years ago I took my first amendments freedom of speech for granted. Being the last son of a WW2 vet that was shot in the back you would think I would have been more aware than most of how ultimately important the freedom of speech is. Most Americans don’t realize the importance of speech and the threat our country is under. A quote from Harry Truman, “once a government is committed to the principles of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens, and creates a country where everyone lives in fear”. I honestly don’t think violence is necessary to fix this. But for a government official to break his or her oath to uphold our constitution, arrests, prosecutions, and jail times will be the only deterrent for these totalitarians that stand before us. Two people responded to me, one told me isn’t jailing someone violence. After a few back and fourths I asked a simple question should there be no justice he gave up on me. The other said America violently took this land from the Indians. Of coarse every land in the world was at one time conquered. All of Europe was one time Rome. He wouldn’t respond to me what conquered land he occupied. I would not be surprised if he lived on land that America liberated. Hard to watch the sacrifice of our soldiers for so many people that are ungrateful.

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Here’s my sincere thought for the day: it’s sad to see the squabbling among the covid truth community. Lots of accusations of controlled opposition makes me believe there IS some kind of divide and conquer influence going on. But I don’t know who is doing what for whom. To those who are sincere, I suggest a little forbearance instead of demands for purity. Relationships require understanding that no one gets it right all the time, and if Desmet is correct, it’s more important to connect with other fallible humans than it is to construct any other sort of solution.

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Always remember….there is more of us than them. Stand up , speak up .

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Yes, not only that, RFK, Jr. continues to reject exiting the WHO until he first tries "negotiating with the WHO from the inside." There is no time for that. I cannot vote for him.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Was there a link to the video of Dr Desmet’s speech included in the column? If so, I missed it and would appreciate it if someone could point it out to me. The prepared remarks were excellent!

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What is being missed here is that the issue traces to the basic human behavior which cannot be altered. The technocratic mind leans sociopathic which is how they eliminate from their thinking basic human values so they profit from stealing ideas from others to feed the vision of themselves as controlling their own destiny/wealth at the expense of others. Gates was never an inventor. He recognized good organizational ideas and copied them, then promoted them on a singular platform which others did not have. This was the IBM operating system that IBM did not recognize as having the value that Gates saw. Gates convinced IBM to sell the software to him in 1980. Corporations were already focusing on IBM computers. By copying VisiCalc and Lotus protocols, simple to do by writing these into the IBM operating system, Gates froze out these companies of the IBM-wide distribution network. He took their ideas and thrived while they failed.

The sociopathic mind is one-to-one with technology company success as this personality assumes that they can take whatever information makes them successful and mine it however they can get around legal restrictions. They assume your personal information 1st belongs to them if you are on their mining-system, and then they assume they can manipulate at will to keep it going which includes political elections and candidates. This is all about money and power to influence and to make money. It never stops unless enough average people modify their support away or enough people demand that they get paid for their personal information. If social media had to pay individuals for every instance in which their personal information was used, these companies would lose all profitability.

Gates met with Zuckerberg to advise him to do the same.

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Is it true speech that shines light into the darkness of totalitarianism or is it the sincere intent to find truth? Is it the words, or the energy behind those words? I believe the words themselves are dead and impotent without the passion that inspires them, and infuses them with power.

Is it true and sincere speech, or open-hearted and open-minded speech that is the destroyer of propaganda? I rather thank that there are all too many bloviating fools who have not thought through their ideas carefully, sincere as they may be. Words spoken with both passion and humility, with sincerity but not pride are far more powerful. Above all words spoken with love are the most toxic of all to evil. As MLK Jr. once said, regarding the propaganda of racism, "Hate can not drive out hate; it takes love to do that."

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Thank you for sharing this and providing your insights! While I have been an ongoing skeptic from the outset, it has been extremely helpful to acquire the broader perspective. It is also quite helpful to learn of more effective ways to respond personally and with others.

Today and Thursday am running off to get shots in my eyes. As soon as I can see effectively will be reading Dr D's speech. So may get back this evening.

Have a productive and satisfying day!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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We have to stop calling these sociopaths “elites”, they are merely sociopaths that have come into positions with decision making over our lives; Voted in by ignorant people, or placed via corrupt elections does not make them elite.

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