Isn’t it ironic on the one year anniversary of the Palestine Ohio disaster, a train wreck is going to view the site of a train wreck.

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That's only because he thinks he's going to the Palestine in West Asia. Biden doesn't give a shit about the people of the US, unless of course Xi tells him to.

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T, I wanted to mention what happens when you have a completely comprised person running the largest business in the world. Yes we know he has taken millions if not billions in bribes from countries like China, Russia, the Ukraine, Turkey, etc.. We know he has taken millions of dollars in contributions from dirty evil companies like Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Burisma, Social Media Co.’s etc. all of which have made him make selfish anti American decisions. Now that he has allowed terrorist cells to be flown all throughout the interior of the US, with our tax money, could he allow service members to be killed oversees to avoid a terrorist attack before the 2024 election? Hypothetically, let’s say Iran killed 3 service members, could this compromised CEO hold back retribution in fear of a terror attack before November 5th ruining his chances of a second term? Well just something to think about on Friday!!!! These are the things I think about when I can’t sleep at 2 in the morning….

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You most times (if not always mate) inspire my mind, because I am desperately looking for answers as to "OK, what do we do about it". I believe we know what the crimes are, we know what the motivations were, we know (mostly) who the criminals are, those of us who are AWAKE know what the future holds for Mankind if we just "coast along". I believe I have the basics of a strategy (that no one seems to have thought of , which I find amazing, but think I know why) and attract the attention of Dr Malone, but being a "nobody from far away "downunder" makes the que very long. HOWEVER Mate, the point I wanted to make is this!

In reading your words, I had to go back a second time and read carefully every word. I could not help but feel "this is extraordinary"! If I cast my mind back even as little as (say) five years ago, and somebody known to be intelligent and well versed wrote THOSE SAME WORDS about ANY COUNTRY especially America, :-

......................................................NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE IT!..............................................................

I am hoping Dr Malone takes an interest in what you have stated. I see it as possible that he might tell us that your words, extraordinary as they are, is PART OF THE FIFTH GENERATION WARFARE HE HAS BEEN EDUCATING US ABOUT.

YOU are saying, and we are accepting that The most Powerful man in the world, heading the Most Powerful Nation the world has ever known is destroying that very Nation and (according to your words, AND I AGREE) he appears to be & may well be a criminal.

I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. "who would have thought"?

I still cant believe it but there it is. I still ask mate, OK what do we do about it?

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One thing (mate - to understand (and let others know), is that "Joe Biden" - (aside from being an out-and-out TRAITOR to the nation and the U.S. Constitution he "SWORE"on a "BIBLE" to "UPHOLD"), Joe Biden is a PUPPET - member of the REAL "power behind the throne" in the U.S.S.A., in the guise and form of a so-called "Non-Governmental Organization" - the innocuous sounding - "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" -, whose members are "embedded" - make that INFEST every agency, bureau and department in and of the U.S. federal government.

Other "CFR" members (picked) for the Biden administration include: Anthony Blinken, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Michael Morrell and Janet Yellen.

This "American" NGO - the "CFR" (is) dedicated to "One-World-Global-government "- at the expense of the sovereignty of the U.S.A., (and) the elimination of INDIVIDUAL sovereignty of American citizens - slated to become "citizens of the world" - just like Barry Soterio aka Barack Hussein Obama sez he IS.

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Les, thanks for reading my comment. I honestly have never heard any congress person, senator, radio host, journalist etc. ask about cells in America and how compromised president Biden is or that he does whatever he has to to not have a terrorist attack that was generated by terrorists that walked over Joe Biden’s open boarder before this upcoming election. Never have I heard a question about it. It wouldn't be the first time I mentioned something mostly on a conservative radio show and it went out and people started asking exact questions. Maybe this forum will be picked up by someone with the stones to bring up this question of joe being compromised and terrorist cells spread throughout this country. It’s been 5 days since 3 American were killed by Iran. There’s been over 160 attacks on US interest in the past few months. Is there an underlying reason we do nothing? Honestly Les I’m like you, I just got off staging on a house to take a break and respond to your comment. I think we need republicans to start growing a pair and start asking Joe and themselves tough questions. Do they want to save this country or not. I’m afraid I know what the answer is going to be. So if things go wrong or bad anything could happen. Eventually something will happen. So all I can say my down under friend is try to be prepared, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride.

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deletedFeb 2
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Listen to TCN -Tucker Carlson Network interview with Bret Weinstein if you want to hear what is happening regarding terrorist cells in America.

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I have seen it (several times) and I agree with you that we need (in the wise words ) of Col Michael Flynn, he states (and again I agree) "fear is a reflex we have little control of it, HOWEVER, COURAGE is a DECISION". He goes on to tell us (quite rightly) that we can demonstrate COURAGE even though at the basic level we might be scared s$%^less, (thats what makes true HERO'S), we as Societies under attack, USA Britain and Australia (Canada and New Zealand have (in my opinion) already fallen. NEED to hear Col Flynn and others Dr Malone, Joe Rogan, Tucker (as you say) and others and DECIDE WE ARE GOING TO DEMONSTRATE COURAGE AND SAVE (LITERALLY) OUR FAMILIES, OUR GENERATIONS TO COME, AND OF COURSE OUR NATIONS.

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I have more thoughts Mate, but will ponder a little more deeply.

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Thanks Les so appropriate you!!

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Haha, Me too.

Brain overdrive when woken up by the tent popping spectacle my bladder creates right about that time. Luckily, the bathroom isn't far, and the urge of the tent master goes away, relatively quickly afterwards.

Then the thoughts of government overreach keep me awake!

Haha, just kidding. It's more of the adrenaline rush that one gets seeing how many "likes" are on their Robert Malone MD SS posts.


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The big problem understanding anything appening at 1600 is his are the same string pullers as were 44s. Committee decisions rarely the best options and particularly so when made be incompetents

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And, of course, Xi isn't going to tell him to do that.

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Technically, one year later, The Train Wreck is still only TALKING about visiting the site of the train wreck - the most recent date given was sometime NEXT month but no actual date. WH Spox: "when the time is right". East Palestine mayor extended an invitation to The Train Wreck to visit the site of the train wreck in February 2025.

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It seems except for anti American everything talk is all they got!!!

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I wonder James what part is anti-American and what part simply not really knowing what constitutes being an American? These dudes give no hint of having a clue

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He'll want to know where Gaza is, of course. Also, he'll want to know the restaurant where they serve hummus, which, after chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream and banana pudding, is his favorite. Yum.

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Did I say, FJB ?

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I think I understand what you're saying, but please repeat to confirm.

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Funjamaghool Joe Biden

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Ah, all the way from Australia and I GOT THE LAST TWO WORDS RIGHT, THE FIRST was my mistake, I had a totally different perspective.

Does that mean he is Funjamaghooling America on purpose?

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Ha ha ha.... Ya' Think?

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Les Power:

Does that mean he is Funjamaghooling America on purpose?

His puppet masters are. Yes.

Abso-tootin-lutely !

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Just now noticed you beat me to the Palestine joke.

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Joke ?

Oh, you mean Joke Biden

Got it !

(Thumbs Up)

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I hope the folks at East Palestine are waiting with tar and feathers. Just sayin'.

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Robert, it's disappointing to see the rotten apple cartoon and its implication that the people, who have suffered 70 years of horrors and atrocities at the hands of a deep-state colonial fascist apartheid government, should be further impugned, as this cartoon seeks to do. Victimize the victim? Shame on you.



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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Huh. My wife said the one about finding the stud reminded her of me.

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Been there, done that.

Sometimes stud finders LIE.

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Stud finder? I range find with a dissecting needle and go to an icepick when I think I know where it is. Maybe why the wife….

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Use to be able to do real well with my knuckles and listen for the hollow sound. Then, I’ve packed walls with insulation to dampen sound 😒; now studs can be so wavy that an assumed straight line shouldn’t be; or edges can be scalloped or knotty — for once in my life I truly get to say, "it’s not my fault."

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that is what I do also. Knuckles and a tape rule looking for 16" on center. Allows you to sort of triangulate from multiple data points.

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In my neck of the woods, carpenters obviously have not heard of that 16 inch thingie. They just figure out how many boards they have left and then eyeball the difference. LOL

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A stud finder is faster 😉

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I use to knock on the walls too until my stud introduced me to a stud finder.😃

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You mean that a "stud," isn't a guy? They do LIE!!!

Boy, you learn something everyday! Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂

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I use the stud finder then do the knock test.

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My old stud finder only finds nails and there is no guarantee a nail is in the right place. I measure from both corners of the wall - spacing 16". I keep a container of spackling in the house. I have a shelf that's never been installed because, well you know . . .I won't pay $200 for the 'new' stud finder.

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I use a 1/16" drill bit till I hit the stud. Once I do, I backtrack to one side of the stud, then mark the center (3/4") of the stud, where I know I have hit the meat of the board.

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I am very handy with drywall repair so I keep the original paint for each room (2 cans for the whole house) and if I miss I dimple the mistake, mud it, sand it and paint over.

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That's why you call stud finders "politicians".

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Ya’know, sometimes "naming" things (tools 🤔) is good and I thought about your comment and naming my least reliable stud finder "politician;" but, even as unreliable and frustrating as it can be -

Doing so would still have been defamatory.

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It's not really fair to your stud finder to refer to it as a politician. If I had to guess, though, your stud finder has more intestinal fortitude and self confidence than that loser Joke Biden, or any of the other shit for brains living or working at 1600.

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I would have better luck operating a particle accelerator than I would using a stud finder. By the way, has anyone ever found the guy who invented those damn bags in the produce aisle which have no openings on either end. If I could get my hands.........

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I found a lovely stud when I married my husband almost 47 years ago. He’s awesome. And he knocks on walls to find studs too. So far, he’s found many studs over time, but none as good as he is :-)

Sorry! Couldn’t resist.

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Big E- Oh this is so funny! Love your sense of humor!

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Michael, Because you're such a stud ?

That's not what your wife told me. She said "Dreamboat", not Stud.


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My son said it best when he was 13 (I helped inoculate him vs the leftist rabies so prevalent in schools today)

I was explaining RINOs, he said, and I quote,

"do you mean they are the elephants ass"?

I was so proud.

Around that time Charlotte, NC, was trying to pass a law mandating swinging dicks could use the girls rest room.

We talked about that.

He said, "dad, that's not a gender issue, that's a genital issue"!

Did I mention pride?? He is also an eagle scout!!

Today, he is finishing his undergrad in 3 years, taking a year off to work as a CNA, and then off to medical school to be some kind of radiologist.

Sometimes, I look at him, and wonder, who the hell is his daddy!

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Hopefully he doesn't comply with all these injections being done to the medical and educational folks out there, fulfilling their career goals.

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I am optimistic, my dad was a hell of a contrarian when he was young (turns to stubborn later)

I have been a contrarian all my life (turning into stubborn, dammit)

and my son is a contrarian.

I have been fired in the past for trying to stick up for patients and staff vs rabid admins and doctors.

I suspect all 3 of us would have been executed in Nazi germany, for not being good little nazis, so telling the rabid democrat vermin here to fuck off, seems a lot easier to get away with,

todays vermin forgot to disarm the victims

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Well, if my fate was to be executed in Nazi Germany, or Nazi America, I would be glad to stand by your side (being of like mind) as they took the line down. Nothing wrong with being a curmudgeon, especially at this stage of the game.

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Been one since a teen.

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me too, after reading Louie Lamor, and the Sacketts, I liked curmudgeons.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Michael: "Been one since a teen"

Curmudgeon, or nasty asshole ?

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The difference being?

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Having read all the below comments I find myself on an online posting board that reminds me of being raised by a curmudgeon with three curmudgeon brothers. Father was also a committed prankster, put a cherry bomb under a can in the hallway on 4th July morning and lit it. Speaking of the Nazi Germany, our elites could not do enough to assist them. https://rumble.com/v1fr8nd-86931337.html

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curmudgeon, I like that (Robert Raiford was the curmudgeon on John Boy and Billy)

and here I thought I was just a noisy asshole!!!!

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Solzhenitsyn said it best: "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

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the veneer of civilization is razor thin.

hard to tell, "normal" people are so very capable of such horrors.

There was a group of police in Germany (small town, about 50 cops) , who were asked to volunteer to go to Poland, and help round up the jews for extermination.

The chief was up front about what they were expected to do, and told anyone that did not want to go kill the jews could stay here.

ALL 50 of them volunteered to go kill jews. Because, authority, and peer pressure.

Imagine living with a bunch of rabid vermin who had no problem exterminating jews, and volunteered to help with that.

See also all the rabid muslims.

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Haley is a reflection of how detached from reality the oligarchs have become.

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And how detached from reality the conservatives I personally know who said "I want to vote for Haley" have become.

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Haley has strong support from all of the staunch Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger conservatives out there.

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Which clearly indicates her position....

You know, being a war mongering whore, like Lindsay Graham, Mark Levin and the other Toadies of the DOD machine.

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War is profitable and good for political donations. That should be the text on a Haley for President bumper sticker.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

I meant to say Cheney and Kinzinger conservatives don't actually exist. Haley's support is as astroturfed as Cheney and Kinzinger's. The only thing these people conserve is forever wars like you pointed out. And the uniparty.

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I concur, my diagnostic coded friend.


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Yes, I agree.

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Regarding the counting chemicals rather than calories, this would make a good meme:

Is it more likely that Germs


Vaccines, Pesticides, Herbicides, Lavricides, Glyphosate, Flouride, EMF, Parasites, Chemicals, GMOs, Toxins, Carcinogens, Flavorings, Colorings, & Tap Water Contaminated with all of the above

are making you sick?

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Bottom line: big chemo drives big Food and Big Medicine is the beneficiary of the inflammatory diseases which dominate the lives of American citizens! Since NIH and it’s multiple division take their marching orders from these mega institutions nothing changes for the better!

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You forgot one more thing:

Government overreach

It makes me sick, pretty much more than anything else out there.

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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many great funnies today, Drs. Malone. Thank you for mixing serious and silly so beautifully. And huge congrats on your new EpochTV series too. I think Jan Jekielek is one of the best interviewers on the planet; this should be a great series with you both.

Perhaps my favorite funny is this one, which embodies the antics at the federal level and in our own state legislature:

"Teach a Man to Fish, and He'll Eat for Life.

Give Him Someone Else's Fish, and He'll Vote for You."

(P.S. I'm stealing it for my Substack, with proper attribution, of course.)

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Found in Matthew 4:19 I think 🤔

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Well, it's a riff on Matthew 4:19 for sure: https://biblehub.com/matthew/4-19.htm

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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Definition of Eurasia sounded like Kamala talking and making no sense 😂

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The old spy novels (Ambler etc.) used to have beautiful eurasian courtesians.

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Spy novels. I love spy novels. I read Robert Ludlum

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Happy POETS Day everyone.

Every Friday is POETS Day.

You know,

Piss On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday!

Did you hear about the 2 TV antennae's that fell in love, and got married?

The wedding ceremony was simple, but, the reception, fantastic!

Happy Valentines Day.

(when I tell young people I say satellite dishes, since so many young people have no idea what an antennae is)

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Those took me a minute but then I am only about 4 years younger than Joe Bidet!

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preaching to the choir baby, my processing time has slowed a little

love the joe bidet.

I do prefer, diaper man bad

and then there is Joe Brainstem

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thanks, I am on a roll,

a pasty roll, albeit

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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

absolutely LOVE the "Bearded Reedling" Made my day

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Cutest darn bird I ever did see!

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I bought me one of them "Studfinders".

The only time it worked was when I put on my chest. Ha!

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You sound just like Michael.


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Hey doc, I tried some yoga (had to cheat for some of the positions, my friends thought I was amazing)

Yes, yoga completely sucks.


I did a Bruce Protocol stress echo on a 60 some year old little old lady, who only did yoga for exercise.

She beat the time for a 30 year man. (like 9.5 minutes or so)

Holy buff crap Batman.

That was VERY impressive.

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I know it's an old one, but..... If they ever find my dead body next to a hiking trail, just KNOW that my body was brought there from elsewhere.

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hahahahahahahahaha, so true

I blame the bears (we have several that live here, along with a 45 pound bobcat)

When I take a walk in the neighborhood, I bring the BIG pistol.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Little pistols with expanding ammo works pretty good as well. IMO, Nothing feels as good as a .45 with that same expanding ammo, though. Just heavier to hold out straight.

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the good side, a heavy gun tends to kick lees. I have a Stainless steel 44 spc. Very heavy, no kick at all, and spot on accurate. I also have a SS Bond Arms 45 acp derringer.

Kicks like a mother, and real accurate to 80 feet (in a friends hand, I can hit the broadside of a rabid democrat at 5 paces)

my motto, walk softly, and carry a big glock.

I started carrying the big gun after my dog chased TWO , 300 pound black bears out of the lot next door. They might get me, but I will have servants in Valhalla!

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Pat Orsban: "Kicks like a mother, and real accurate to 80 feet (in a friends hand, I can hit the broadside of a rabid democrat at 5 paces)"

Haha, I'm gonna save that one for future use.


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I normally only pack a .22.

If the shot is placed properly your companion will trip and fall when hit in the kneecap giving you ample time to get away.

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so true, although any handy stick will do, and looks less suspicious and premediated

love the old bear joke..

Fred, I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to out run you.

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.357 180 gr solids though anything is better than nothing. Works on two or four legged vermin.

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I have slowly been moving away from HP to solid. My thinking, HP better at ripping tissue and causing bleed out. Solid tends to go thru, but stop the 2 legged critters.

Still have mixed feelings stopping violent vermin, vs actually killing them.

Self defense that ends with the vermin dead results in maybe a state cost of a funeral.

Merely stopping them, means the state has to spend a lot of money to prosecute, assuming the perp is in a red state where he would actually get prosecuted.

Sidebar, https://rumble.com/v4b06i3-cnn-analyst-goes-nuclear-shocks-anchors.html the look on the cnn rats face when he says, "they don't commit crimes in Fla because they get arrested there"

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Handsome Pristine Patriot:

If they check the blood alcohol levels from your dead body, would they be good enough to run my generator?

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Alcohol will nev......well, maybe.

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I am SO looking forward to watching!

P.S. I have often thought about what aliens would think of this perversity of a country!

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They would be telling their "out of this world" friends to steer clear of that silver orb (3rd stone from the sun) as they are really freaking weirdos there, specifically their leader, Bill Gates. He's the biggest weirdo out of all of them.

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The Bearded Reedling looks like an escapee from "Angry Birds."

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Feb 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The video tells us all we need to know about how we’re being made fun of!

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Feb 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

looking forward to thus evenings epoch times show. you all do fantastic articles.

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