

I really like this search engine. Jan at Epoch Times told me about it. Way better than Brave.

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Feb 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congratulations on 45 big ones. It is rare in todays world. For all you and your family do for America and all us patriotic Americans, you folks deserve a big break from the madness, chaos, and insanity.


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We're headed for a ONE WORLD: 1) Government 2) Money Supply 3) Education 4) Religion, which are all required before the return of Jesus Christ. So relax, enjoy it, and watch it happen. Watch watchman, watch!

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And to think this is only one of the numerous means they used to steal 2020 AND 2022. If they hadn’t pulled out all the stops, they wouldn’t have “won” either time.

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is some of the most frightening corporate attacks on the freedoms of We the People I've ever read. Besides voting for Trump, what the hell are We the People to do?

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I have come to the point where when I am on the internet I am entering into a mine field. Hence take very little of what I read at face value but maintain healthy dose of skepticism. Particularly medical/health issues.

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Interesting times. It really does feel like this next election may be our last hope for the freedom we once took for granted. The DNC side of the political realm is unraveling and the puppeteers seemingly without a puppet. I just saw a post Putin interview of Tucker Carlson. I've accepted Governmental corruption existence via the recent "pandemic". Still I am shocked to learn our Government blocked Carlson from the Putin interview for years. Also at our once great and enviable cities becoming crime infested and waste ridden. I hope voters, particularly Democrats vote for freedom.

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Our systems have all been corrupted. We cannot fix it by fighting them. We need to build new decentralized and transparent systems that we migrate to that we trust. And we need to use Collective Intelligence systems and combine our intellect into super systems. How? https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The first line that stood out to me was the one where the founders of Google are described as "utopians" - that line and what it implies is the thread that runs throughout all of this. Based on his actions, I suspect it holds true for the chief metahead as well. The problem, as many/most of y’all know, is that this never ends well. In the last 150-200 years how many "utopians" have ascended to power and how many millions more have fallen to ensure/maintain those utopias. Even if the story is allegorical, a teaching moment, man began in The Utopia, Eden, and our nature (desire to be or play god) got us kicked out forthwith. It’s funny, in a wry sort’a way, we set up utopias today (typically by deifying a a a solitary man; 🤔 funny #2: how come it’s never a XX woman) based on unknowable rules and enforced at the point of a gun while that first utopia had one rule (this one thing is not good for you (yet)) and no coercion.

The second aspect was that which I didn’t catch - was there a solution offered? We’re not gonna change this by appealing to the masses: we’re too addicted to free stuff and our nature of avarice, our desire for more costing less or nothing, is too great for us to break away from being the "product’ to be used, abused, sold, traded for or at the pleasure of our digital overlords. So does that mean we’re left with The Government getting involved to rein in these monsters? Be careful of what you wish for. Supposedly, our government was set up in such a manner to ensure the power of the people and the states would reign supreme. tl:dr, we’ve seen how that lasted. Our predecessors 5 generations before us traded in the power reserved to the states for more power to the individual and here we are, in 2024, having saddled our children with a debt greater than has been known to man since that first utopia (OK, didn’t do the math but I’m sure it’s close and it sure sounds good 😉. Why?: our avarice, and selfish nature.

I suppose it stuns people at times why such a generally happy, content fella with a positive demeanor can have such a pessimistic view of our future; well, while I know what good man has the capacity of doing, I’m too familiar with what man has already done (that’s not good).

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First - Great to hear from you! Many good wishes for your Aniversary celebration and a Happy Valentines Day!

This is a blockbuster essay. Needs sharing with parents. As they add AI the impact on children will be all the more devastating!

To me Google and Microsoft are among my enemies. I don't know if you Apple folks are better off. I'm stuck with my enemies. As a small tick on the ass of the donkey, I do expect they have larger enemies to thwart.

On the other hand, beyond my phones, there's no smart tech in my life. Samsung does try and plague me, but ignore their opportunities.

MD is soliciting mail in voting 2024 and forever. So this rearranges the stage a bit.

So, how can we get the messages here out to those who might take these cautions to heart? Sharing this substack essay, discussing the concepts here in with those who may be willing to open their minds and take heed?

All insights are welcome.

Many joys and pleasures with your celebration ❤️

Very Bestest Always ❤️ 💖 ❤️

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We hear a lot about “election integrity” or lack thereof, particularly around the issues of counting the vote and the ballot box. But the truth is that elections are more likely to be stolen via search engine manipulation effects (SEME).

What is SEME?

SEME is an abbreviation for the search engine manipulation effect. In a series of randomized controlled experiments, it has been shown that more than 20% of undecided voters can be manipulated into voting one way or the other, by simply manipulating the rankings of search engine results.

These studies were published in an article titled “The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections”, which was published in the journal, PNAS in 2015.


1. Obama legalized propaganda as he was leaving office by sticking a few sentences into the multi-thousand page Defense Authorization Act to cancel an old Senate Bill that protected us.

2. New technology -- Hammer and Scorecard (discussed extensively in our book "Invisible Treason") makes it easy to "adjust voting results" if the voting systems are networked in any way.

3. This all on top of "Zucker boxes," 2000 Mules, and more.


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Doctor Malone, I have to scroll and scroll and scroll to get through Amazon, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, WIKIPEDIA, THE ATLANTIC, HUFFINGTON POST 📫 before I get to a neutral news information site.

Sometimes, I give up because of time ⏲️ constraints.

Most people will CLICK on the FIRST promoted sites because MANY belong to the INSTANT GRATIFICATION GENERATION!

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Great article! I wrote about this a while back.

There’s a tendency — a passive acceptance that belongs somewhere along a continuum between faith and negligence — to assume that Google is merely a benign, disinterested gatekeeper of a vast repository of information. But nothing could be further from the truth.

A central responsibility of an information intermediary is, or ought to be, refraining from using data in ways designed to further the political goals of the intermediary. When Google’s employees or algorithms block our access to information about a news story, business, or politician, reputations can be ruined, businesses can crumble, and opinions and votes can shift.

According to Epstein's recent research, Google’s autocomplete search suggestions “can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into a 90/10 split without people’s awareness” by manipulating people’s thinking and behavior “from the very first character typed into the search box.”



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During covid in 2020, I was trying to find a source to buy HCQ and IVM to have on hand since my doctor would not prescribe it. I tried google.com, and not one source came up. So I switched to yandex.com and found lots of sources and ordered it from India. With my health problems, it felt like google was trying to kill me.

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Wishing you and Jill a relaxing and treat-filled anniversary! 45 years is no small feat. I hope you can unplug for a day or two, sorry I was snarky about your lack of comments...you deserve a break today!

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Feb 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this article. I had heard this man when he was on the Mark Levine show before the 2020 election. I was astonished and flabbergasted. But I had not heard anything about his work since that interview, and I am so thankful for him and I am thankful that you have shared this. It is a wonder that he is still alive. I am so sorry to hear about his wife.

Enjoy the warm climes. Happy Anniversary.

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