It occurs to me that this whole game of characterizing people who are against mandatory vaccinations - and the vast erosion of personal liberty that entails - as, "anti-safety" or "wanna kill grandma", is really something that should be met head on.

I completely reject the notion that my being against getting injected with something against my will makes me a bad person.

I am pro liberty and freedom. Those who wish to violate my bodily sovereignty are anti-American, because they are against the core principles that the country is supposed to stand for - a democratic republic, a free and open society with due process and the rule of law, a humble inward looking government constrained by checks and balances, a bulwark justice system more than strong enough to keep the tireless wolves of government and corporate tyranny at bay...

But those who would force this upon us... They corrupt all of that by defending the indefensible all the while hiding behind a faux cloak of "for the greater good", which is anything but. The father of lies has inverted everything and it is far past time we stopped complying with that predatory viper's crocodile tear demands.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Bowden for having the courage to speak truth to power. The tide is turning.

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When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, most US MDs were in private practice. However the ACA mandated that medical practices had to have electronic medical record-keeping systems by Jan. 1, 2014. At the time I believe that meant a minimum outlay of $50,000 - a lot for a private practice and particularly for newly-minted grads. Today, the majority of MDs are employees of large businesses which own hospitals, labs, urgent care centers. Your doctor is no longer employed by you. Also, a collection of large businesses is much easier for a central government to corral and control than the herd-of-cats that was the millions of independent physicians.

(This same strategy can be seen w California's move to eliminate diesel tractor trailers and mandate EVs; now, that essential transport industry is dominated by small businesses that own 1-10 trucks; if the mandate dominates the industry, and the more expensive trucks with smaller payloads and greater expense to operate become standard, the trucking industry will consolidate into a few large businesses that can be readily controlled by the central government.)

Welcome to fascism!

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We here in Texas are in a HEAP OF TROUBLE!!!

We've been invaded by so many chameleon RINOS!

We wake up every morning ๐ŸŒ„ looking for ways to STOP โœ‹๏ธ THEM!!!

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Everyone needs to go read that 1,600 page Bill that Pelosi told us had to be passed to find out what was in it: the "ACA" or Obummercare, which was actually a result of years of planning by Hillary and her team of Fraudci like doctors who sold a bill of goods called affordable health care to millions of unsuspecting people...it executed the big phrma plans for their medical industrial complex and insurance collusion to kill people legally! We had to fight and put pressure on the Florida state govt to get free from this gross exploitation of the system!

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Now it is making more sense to those of us living outside Texas what the whole impeachment fiasco in Texas was really about. The House (clearly beholden to Big Pharma, based on the votes outlined in this article) impeached AG Paxton after he opened an investigation into Pfizer for misleading and fraudulent activities. The Senate cleared him of all charges and roundly criticized the House for its handling of the matter. I can already hear the money pouring into Senate candidates who will be more industry friendly.

This is in line with the persecution of James Oโ€™Keefe, Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand for asking questions about Pfizer and Big Pharma. They are very effective in silencing their critics.

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I just got a notice from Baylor Scott hospital in Dallas/Fort Worth. They are requiring all employees to take the new jab.

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As the "jabs" disproportionately kill socialists and other woke fascists, the entire western world, including the US, will become more conservative.

They didn't properly game-out their strategy.

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Modern American 'medical' training is the pinnacle of government 'education'. Designed in the early 1900's to control the population of the country. It's working better than they had hoped.

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A hospital system to be aware of: Online Portal privacy policies. I read the fine print recently for UPMC. The portal system tracks the patient's use of other online services and websites (Google, Facebook, etc.) and will "also place cookies of third parties...in the online services that track your interactions with that third party's website, content, advertisements, website links, and/or other online services."

They also do something called "re-identification." "Re-identification is a process by which anonymized data collected on our online services (for example, UPMC.com) are matched with personally identifiable information." [Note: the use of an example implies they may scavenge info on you from other online sources as well.]

You can opt out, and then the portal loses functionality.

They actually have the chutzpah to state "Re-identified data are used, among other ways, to provide website users with a more relevant and user-friendly online experience." Does the "among other ways" legally apply to how the data is used or to other methods employed to provide the online experience? Or is the language deliberately sloppy?

At any rate it appears they may be monetizing patients' personal data, while not protecting their identities. They are after all asking for the permissions necessary to do that.

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Without a consolidation of resistance they will pick us off one at a time. Starting with the biggest fish and moving down to anyone who peeps opposition. The Gulag or Re-Education camps will be the final solution to break those stubborn enough to hold out. Hillary has been at the forefront of defining those who disagree as deplorable, Nazis, etc. and now re-education is her solution. The arrogance is revolting.

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We move from "Houston we have a problem" to "Houston is the problem".

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Do we need to further connect the dots now? Pfizer, DOD, CDC, FDA, UN, WEF? Where and how is the $$$$ flowing? In my estimation, these are the ANTS working in formation. Who is laying out the BREAD? Who is feeding Texas? And...any connection to their open borders? Did Abbott, the shill, say in answer to the question, why arenโ€™t you doing more, โ€œitโ€™s complicated? Can we attain a Hawk EYE view?

Thank you for sharing this terrific information!!

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I own a medical device company. A couple years ago we moved it out of my state due to the executive and legislature being horribly top down and simultaneously incompetent. We are registered and comply with FDA. But we didnโ€™t want to also be in a state that had a compliance regime that was expensive, idiotic, inexpertly applied, an unpredictable. To escape this, one of the states we looked at was Texas. We found that Texas HHS was a giant organization that could not tell us how we were going to be regulated (but wanted to keep all options open). We found another state.

Please get out and vote freedom loving Texans. Your Governor is the middle kind of politician. Not dedicated to freedom, not completely bought or fascist, but a voter pleaser. He will do what you, the people, force him to do. This is true of many of your legislators as well.

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Once Texas goes, the rest of America follows.

Democrats know this -- that's why the border is wide open.

Next up -- sending out ballots for illegals. (Maybe "on accident" like in WA)

Democrats don't even need the voters -- only the ballots.

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Just a great overview and personal documentation. What a profile in courage, along with so many others. Thank you for the stand you have taken, and I'm sure some will assist in these horrendous $bills.

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