Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This article mentions vax "breakthrough infections" which I believe is a marketing term meaning "this stuff doesn't work all that well, but let's minimize that thought."

Just consider that a condom manufacturer would be forced to withdraw its products if users experienced that many "breakthrough pregnancies."

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

If you are interested in a stalwart for truth who brings the substance with facts, you need to follow Dr. Malone. Too many in media today are providing vague mistruth, and this calls them out. The good doctor has been informing us for over two years now, and all he has received is besmirching from those who have self-lorded over us. This must change, and change now!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

PS: Millions of elderly and immunocompromised died.

Is there an economic cost/benefit analysis -- how much “savings” were made?

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But if they(the CDC) were on board with the real intent behind all of this, perhaps we need to turn our analytical model upside down. That is, they fully knew and were on board with the fact that masks were a fear and compliance tool, full stop, and they were fully aware and on board with the fact that the vaccines were(and remain) a depopulation tool. If that supposition is true, and I believe it is, what rhetoric should we have naturally expected from them all along? Answer: “Safe and Effective”

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Dr. Malone, I’d like your opinion on this situation, if you would please. My dear friend is in a brand new Johns Hopkins colon cancer study currently. It is a 'gene therapy’ study, involving mRNA ‘vaccines’ and infusions, purportedly to ’turn back on' the gene mutation that no longer recognizes the cancer as a danger to her body. Background is that in 2017 she was diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer, long story short, she had operations and chemo, and at five years had great markers… remission. She then received her first covid jab at the urging of her oncologist, some small spots started showing up in her lungs, she received her second jab…and about 5-6 months later the cancer had really spread and the chemo was no longer helping. Does this sound like the theory that the jabs turn off the mechanism that fights/recognizes cancer??

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My question is “Who is John Galt?” And, “Who is Robert Malone?” Ed

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

As a recovering government employee, albeit in a red state where some honesty is mandated. I recall a statement that I picked up somewhere: “You can tell they ( to a great extent government employees and definitely elected officials) are lying because their lips are moving!” I have to admit I have been encouraged to try to talk people into allowing things I would not agree to, knowing what I knew.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, including for famous Solzhenitsyn’s quote.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God bless you Doc for walking the walk and talking the talk! You have been a courageous truth teller from Day one! Your voice is INVALUABLE!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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I knew back in June of 2020 (ONE YEAR BEFORE THE CDC) that masks weren't working and I wrote about it here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-i-dont-wear-a-mask

Here's the thing: If the CDC knew masks weren't working and if they knew the vax weren't effective, then WHY did they continue to push it on us? My argument is that this was a deliberate attempt to gain profits no matter the costs - even if those costs included the deaths of millions:



So if we KNOW our government is willing to do this, willing to throw away innocent lives for uphold a narrative (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-power-of-narratives-and-how-they), WHEN are WE going to stop going with THEIR system, and begin to build OURS (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-not-quiet-quit-and-live-your)?

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"So why did the government mandate this vaccine"? The answer is always the same; money and power!

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With age comes learning. I’ve always tried to deal with straight shooters in my adult years. I, I’m sure, like many of your subscribers stay engaged in your sub stack for this very reason. We get honest well rounded and researched information in which to make decisions. This creates trust. Unfortunately the government has used, lies, propaganda and coercion destroying any trust that once did exist. I can’t explain strongly enough how refreshing truth is in these types of issues. It creates confidence when making decisions. I’m not sure if the government will ever realize the long term destruction of trust it has created. J.Goodrich

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Learning from you everyday Dr. Malone.....everyday also new questions come up, first one leaking vaccines but in who, not 1 got the same vaccine and second, there’s mentioning of Pfizer not using the vaccines that were used in the trails. Chaos to make control impossible?

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In July 2020 it was obvious to anybody with a brain that even if masks could HYPOTHETICALLY work in a lab environment, the way that people wore masks IN THE REAL WORLD could never 'work' to stop transmission. People CONSTANTLY fiddled with the mask -- and then went right back to playing on their phones.

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I have not changed my mind since June of 2020 when Luc Montagnier declared it was gain of function from Wuhan lab. It is a preplanned well thought out exercise to control the future of medicine for profit and not good health! Big Agra, Big Food and Big Chemo are the root causes of many of our ills by delivering multiple trace toxins to humanity! Totally ignored. Well documented in an astute research paper entitled: "Lifestyle Medicine: A Brief Review 2017". Google it!

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I can report that among our immediate family, all unvaxxed, any brushes w/ Covid were met with early Ivermectin use and D3, with symptoms similar to those of the common cold. At 74, I had a sore throat for a couple of days - no biggie. Not science, but not scientism, either.

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