This is a perfect example of the insanity we're living in. Those committing the crimes are calling them out. This in intentionally designed to obfuscate, confuse and ultimately make people give up any hope of clarity or truth. It doesn't work in the end, but when you're in it, what a f'ing drag. I can already hear my leftie-friends using this BS piece to prove to me how the left is not for censorship.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent piece, thank you. I have to admit, I am frustrated that so many people seem to accept a life of cognitive dissonance rather than doing the work required to live in truth. I'm not sure if it is cowardice or moral corruption. Maybe a bit of both.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this excellent article.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The article is excellent. There is no better way to describe the NY Times than to compare it to Orwell's Ministry of Truth. I do not read the NY Times but was not surprised to read how it has defamed and slandered Kennedy and attempted, by minimizing the success of his book, to stifle sales of the facts about the evil little weasel Fauci.

While I usually bristle at seeing promotions for products, I was excited to see the promo for Dr. Malone's book. I immediately pre-ordered it and I am confident it will be the #1 best selling book in June. I do not expect it to be reviewed in the Old Gray Lady or for its actual sales to be documented by the State-Run Propaganda Machine.

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One of the oldest tricks in politics is to wrongfully accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing - that way, the public will perceive his retaliatory response as tit-for-tat. The issue will have been neutralized.

Sadly, the entire world seems to have caught on to that trick. A few years ago, I heard a so-called "climate scientist" at Penn State pull the very same trick during a faculty chat with alumni. His opponents were dishonestly politicizing the issue, he claimed. This from a "climate science" department that was more proficient at bringing lawsuits than they were at producing accurate climate models. Having followed the global warming issue for years, I easily spotted the scam.

More recently, the "diversity, inclusion, equity, and climate change" committee took to censoring the academic work of the rest of the university on political correctness grounds. A professor was intimidated into removing his name and his contribution to a body of work for citing an academic theory that had long been accepted and recognized by the academic community at large.

Caveat emptor, when it comes to any academic research from Penn State these days. Theories aren't proof. If you don't like a theory, prove it wrong. That's how it has been traditionally done.

Not anymore. Penn State got caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Other colleges and universities? Proceed at your own risk.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

NYTimes have just told how they support freedom of speech, openness, honesty, and truth. The next time they tell us 2 + 2 = 5….how can it not be true.

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They don't call it New York Slimes for nothing! Truth is the enemy of a Communist state. Stakeholder capitalism as outline in Herr Schwaabs vision of the great reset. In a more frightening developement, a lawyer working with Dr Fuelmichs Nueremberg case has been arrested in France on charges of terrorism and treason for seeking the truth! Virginia Recchia. Please say a prayer for her safety!

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a well written rebuttal

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Luckily I was never subjected to the NY Slimes growing up in Northern NJ. My father totally disliked the NY Slimes and that was 50 years ago. He was a smart man. RIP Dad.

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The NYT used to be called the Gray Lady. It is now the Gray Whore.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"I can't read the NYT anymore"

This was in a comment a few days ago and I agreed.

This is a paradigm shift: from the most trusted name in news, to another corporate shill

Like Big Pharma that thinks, or thought, that they could get away with anything and still be legitimate

NYT, WA Post, BBC, etc thinks, or thought, that they could join the Trusted News Initiative and still be legitimate

The collective that now views them as illegitimate is growing and it will be hard to climb back to legitimacy

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So narrative management has been around for a long time. Maybe the desire to control allowable speech has intensified recently owing to the nature of social media, how it gives everyone everywhere a voice. It seems to be bordering on hysteria now, which might explain NYT claiming the opposite, they are reliably horrible.

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We don't have the billions required to fight this global coup d'état. We know this problem all too well, thanks to excellent reporting like this article. We must now focus on deceiving the deceivers...genius is our ultimate weapon.

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great write up! They are on the wrong side! Thank you for your amazing work Dr Malone.

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Way to give the NYT “what for”!!! Bravo Mr Lyons for a well written piece! I will never forget their betrayal to the American public nor any other who have become “the Ministry of Truth” I would much rather support 20 independent and honest journalists any day than give one red cent of support to the likes of them!

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At this point to continue to try and relate or understand the NYT's or any social media company in the context of fairness and the constitution is a fools errand. We need to stop playing the game and just ignore all of them.

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