"And in this lies yet another key insight into why some of us have had our worldview turned upside down by the flow of events and lies which we have all experienced since the beginning of 2020, while others have not."


It's pretty crazy going out into the world and seeing people pretend like it's still 2018. They have no idea what's coming. (And also no idea what's happening right now!)

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My background growing up Jewish and female in the 1950's and '60's made me doubt a lot of what the authorities said was true. And then in the mid '70's, I was in charge of training all the ward clerks in a large Chicago training hospital, and during the time I spent on the floor I was appalled by a lot of what I saw. And, of course, there was the Vietnam war.

Then there was the hormone scandal, where a small, flawed study of hormones for menopausal women was used by Big Pharma to push hormones on women starting in the 1980's. When the NIH finally decided that women were worth studying 20 years later, they had to stop the study in the middle because so many women were developing serious heart problems.

I have worked with several good doctors and some pretty bad ones and learned the hard way about the bad ones. That's why I did my own research about the Covid vaccines, because too many medicos are too eager to just follow the hype and prescribe drugs instead of checking things out.

I have also avoided social media because I value my privacy and I knew enough about how lucrative big data is not to trust the promises of confidentiality. And I switched to duckduckgo.com as soon as I found out about it because it doesn't track and, later on during Covid, it didn't censor. I avoid TV like the plague that it is and check Yahoo so I can get an idea of what's being pushed and how people are responding to it

Censorship and yellow journalism aren't new, but with the internet they're far more pervasive. I used to tell my students not to believe anything just because it's written in black and white (pre-internet).

What's so dangerous this time out is that the vaccines are killing people and making them very sick. And because we can't know the long-term effects of the mRNAs, we can't know what's going to happen in the next 3-10 years. (The non-mRNAs are also causing all sorts of problems, because any vaccine created to fight a gain-of-function virus is going to be dangerously powerful.)

But the backlash has begun. Every time Yahoo publishes a story about Covid boosters or some new virus that the CDC is using to terrorize us, the comments are very pointedly negative. And, of course, the backlash against woke and LGBQT+ terrorism is getting more powerful every day.

I've lived in 6 different states and spent time with a wide range of people, and I have confidence that our brother and sister Americans will continue to figure out what's going on and take necessary action. We have Dr. Malone and other courageous souls telling the truth, and this does and will continue to make a difference. We are a resilient people and I know in my heart that we will make it through this very rough time.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"But the history of large scale intelligence and psyops campaigns is littered with tales of unanticipated blowback." That is our hope..... Those who think themselves godlike often melt their wings in the heat of the sun.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OFF Topic: in case you haven't picked it up

Judge Delivers Major Blow to Biden Admin in Social Media Censorship

Case https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/judge-delivers-major-blow-to-biden-admin-in-social-media-censorship-case_5373891.html?utm_source=andshare

Now I'm on to read this essay.

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I am not sure I have ever trusted the government, but my awakening happened in the Vietnam era. Daniel Ellsberg exposed the truth about the same time I came back home. More, I embraced the wisdom of James Madison many years ago, understanding that ‘in truth all men holding power ought to be mistrusted.’ Then 911, the premier’inside job’ until the scamdemic came along. I guess I’ve been a cynical bastard from young age.

Humans are conditioned to embrace the fantasies of Santa Clause and Easter Bunnies from very young ages, and organized religion plays on the same dynamics. So we’re conditioned to buy all sorts of falsehoods.

Since 911 have accepted that the majority cannot face unpleasant truths. Sadly it is part of the human condition. Understanding how we are incessantly brainwashed is a burden to bear, even though the truth will set you free. Alex Jones was right--there is a war on for your mind.

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Interesting concepts....which can be summed up as “ being a doubting Thomas”. As a healthcare professional bias is possible and known to be a factor in a diagnostic process is the difference between the flea internist or that general surgeon who always wants to hide behind the radiologist. Yet it is the neurosurgeons who interpret their own MRIs over the radiologist’s view. Of you are truly a 3 dimensional thinker then assess any set of circumstances becomes a second nature....and if done from the original set of COVID response it was obvious a false flag type circumstance was operative.... and as such rejecting most anything coming from Govt was imperative not to get sucked into their creative minefield. The degree of pre-planning on the psych-op scheming of so many groups reveals the depth of deceit and pure anti-USA bent is behind that green door. All agencies, NGOs and politicians who pushed the Govt narrative must not be exposed and purged if not they will do it again and again.

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I will be 80 next month and pretty sure I am older than most followers of Dr. Malone. My faith in all that I grew up believing in has been destroyed. I thank God that I was given the gift to recognize bull shit when they tried to force it on me. I rejected all vaccines because it was obvious they had no objective science behind their claims. A hoax beyond all comprehension.

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I prefer the idea of "Ontological Shock" since it preserves my agency, and thus my sovereignty.

Yes, I have lived parts of my life based on "lies" I was told -- in a "child's universe". It was fun while it lasted. Then I grew up.....or so I thought.

Since all of this started, I've become like a child again but with grown up eyes. And much to the consternation of the Oligarchs and cultural marxists, people like me are still standing and we are much harder to fool.

And we do not quit.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Coming from a background where I am regularly exposed to totalitarian and tyrannical regimes in the Middle East (all of them, by the way, good friends of the West and steadfast allies of the US/EU), I saw the signs early on of previously, nominally "free" and democratic western governments operating as totalitarian/control regimes. I warned my friends in the west who are less accustomed to these matters and told them about the signs that were rapdily emerging in 2020-2021.

However, I too was shocked by the degree to which establishment media emerged as under that control. And this level of control could not have happened overnight with covidism. It must have had older roots. I was also astonished by the near-uniformity of compliance. No hint of objection or dialogue but "yes sir" across the board.

Big Tech was a different story. Multiple stories over the years about how they engineer "backdoors" for government agencies to break into otherwise secure/encrypted messaging made it logical that they would be cooperating. Also, because Big Tech does not have a journalistic tradition - but they are to all extents and purposes operating in the field - they were easier to co-opt. Whatever resistance some traditional journalism may have put up, did not exist in Big Tech.

So, perhaps more than "shocked", I was just very dissapointed. It makes me think there is something in the human psyche that makes most people tend to obedience and compliance, if only because it is easier and people are naturally lazy.

However, I am greatly heartened by the explosive growth of alternative media. Who heard of substack before 2021? If someone had told you 2 or 3 years ago, that a debate between Joe Rogan and Russell Brand was important for public discourse, and it attracted tens of millions of views, what would you have thought?

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Great topic! Every day when we turn on the TV we are told (who is advertising on what station) what companies are with the Great Reset and what companies are willing to be daring. It's amazing, as we spend money also, but the vast majority of companies chose to stay on what they think is the safe lane. While some take money from George Soros et all and fly the transgender flag. These companies who chose the great reset know (I believe) that communism only has two groups of people; the slaves and the billionaires, and their company, no matter how big it is today will be wiped away ~ if they don't play along. The really silly think 'everyone will be the same ` hooray!' Yes, everyone will be a slave and a few, the master.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Scary what you say that if this lying on a big scale is not stopped soon, the chances of reconciliation ( and peace) may become unachievable. Thank you for this thought provoking article. I look forward to your emails in my inbox every morning. You are now my most popular substack author followed by Matt Taibbi

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The USG DOJ/FBI's apparent protection of outright money laundering and treason of the Biden crime family is particularly catastrophic. If these alleged crimes are true and are covered up the entire Constitutional Republic of the US is at stake.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was struck by how similar the ontological and existential shock descriptions in this article mirror my experience as a child of divorce before it became commonplace. As a child it was the betrayal of a belief system and complete devastation of one way of living without knowing what was going to happen to you. But, day by day, I made it through to now; perhaps not as well as what might have been if my family had remained intact, but it is what it is. The whole Covid plandemic has also been devastating but I wonder if I've had an easier time dealing with the upheaval, lies and unfulfilled promises because, for me, "Been there, done that". We'll get through this too, not in as good a shape as 'what might have been' if it hadn't happened, but we'll survive.

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A "relative infant in the world of language"? I think not! I am learning so much from everything you write! I love language and the nuances and the potency. The depth to which you investigate words and language is a sign of intense interest and intellect. Now, back to digest more...

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love this post. You both used the tool as you explained the tool.

I have known about this “terminology trick” (the power of words) and hoped an influential person in the Medical Freedom movement would become a lexicogenesis. (Quite Ironically, I thought I was inventing that term but just Googled it and it already exists).

Lexicogenesis, what you’ve done here with “Ontological Shock” and “Scientism”. Not to trick people but because, as times change, we need new words which capture essay long definitions.

One of my biggest ontological shocks was how good people got so easily and severely manipulated by terms. For example: killing people. Generally accepted in the realm of “known” to be morally wrong ... until term “anti vaxxer” was invented and became synonymous with definition “people who deserve to die”. When I got discarded by friends and family, it WAS shocking. And frustrating because I knew the trick. I’ve been using it my whole life. Way back in college, my boyfriend and I went to the zoo. We had just bought a home. The rest of the block were senior citizens and they were very unhappy about how we maintained our yard. At the zoo, each animal had a plaque announcing it’s species. It was a pass out hot day. Walking in the sun was exhausting. We came upon a hill blocked by a section of overgrown grass. The section had one of those same plaques. It read: “Tall Grass”. Well no shit. However, because of the plaque, it left the impression that perhaps the weeds were some exotic intentional exhibit we were supposed to appreciate. There we were along with the crowd, double whammied for our paid admission, accepting the detour while hiking uphill in the sun. Yet, no one objected or complained because of the plaque. That’s when my boyfriend got the idea to avoid mowing the lawn by placing a similar sign out front in the yard. And why should I use my weekends dictating which plants should survive or die in the flower bed (aka “weeding”)? Why not simply place signs with their scientific plant name so the neighbors would stop complaining about how I let the previous owner’s beautiful flower beds go to pot.

After that, in my own personal lexicon, I have used the term “tall grass” to mean, a term used to manipulate behavior. I avoided being invited to baby and bridal showers, which is tall grass for “personal fund raiser” by declaring myself a “recluse”. In reality I didn’t want to build diaper cakes or buy wedding gifts twice. Later, when I lived in a multi unit old house, I was too cheap to pay for the drier and would hang my clothes in a shared community courtyard by announcing that I was “European”. Somehow, that gave me a special privilege no one else had and people would happily tolerate wet cloths occupying the space... because of “the European lady” that lived there. 🤔Seriously? I too was surprised it was that easy. Please don’t think horribly of me because of these confessions. I’m wearing a plaque that reads: “Street Smart”. Which, turns out, can help you survive a whole bunch better than “book smart”. And what I really hope is, that we all get a little smarter and bust people on their “tall grass bs” while at the same time recognize the value and need for appropriate lexicogenesis. It’s not the tool. It’s how we use it.

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Very interesting essay. I don’t think anyone could have dreamed how deep the corruption went. It is a little hard to get your head around it. However, I would not say that I have experienced it as an ontological shock.

The truth is that the behavior of the elites driving this evil is quite consistent with what we have seen down through history. Unfortunately they have more sophisticated means at their disposal.

I use the word evil because there is something very inhuman involved in what we have witnessed with the mRNA shots. How can one fathom such crimes against humanity. Evil is the only explanation that works for me. Because I see it as evil a spiritual solution is required.

A spiritual solution requires faith that the Creator can and will help us defeat evil. Genuine faith is stimulated by the Creator and is far different than magical thinking. Multitudes of persons have testified to this experience of genuine faith.

A very real evil presence that exists outside our reality and beyond our immediate senses purposely foments the current behavior we see from the elites as it has for centuries. The answer is to counter the evil with genuine Spiritual truth. Nothing changes hearts and minds like an encounter with the Spiritual.

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