Kinda makes one wonder if all this gender ideology and pushing drugs and surgery (that often cause sterilization) on young people isn't somehow part of the plan. Under the guise of helping "affirm" a youngster, they actually create infertile adults who remain mentally unstable and dependent on big pharma for life. Double win for the wicked.

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When the fertility rate falls below replacement level it creates an inverted population pyramid, which leads to a host of big problems. Economic growth slows and government budgets are strained. Today’s babies are tomorrow’s workers and taxpayers: They're the ones who'll sustain the economy by funding our pensions when we retire, paying the taxes that finance Social Security, Medicare, and many other government programs we’ll rely on, and buying the homes and stocks we invested in to build our savings.

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I have a big family. I have 6 children , thirteen grandchildren, a great grand child and one on the way. My family is my life. I have a college degree in voice performance. I had the opportunity to go professional. Catherine Grayson had found me a gig in California. I told her her that I had children that needed me, but thank you so much. I have been a stay at home mom. I teach voice and piano lessons in my home. I couldn’t even think of putting my children in daycare. One of my children we adopted. He was Latino and a crack baby. We got him as a foster child at 2 1/2 years old and the adoption became final when he was 3 1/3. I can’t imagine not having my children. Family is everything .

Wow a virus that could sterilize an animal species and transfer to humans is frightening.

In the 1970’s the big push was zero population because the planet would not be able to sustain human life. It has been 50 years later. Liar liar.

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Dr Malone, you mention adenovirus and sterility. Is there a relationship to the Johnson and Johnson adenovirus cdna vaccine in regards to increased sterility/reproductive health? I am curious because this vaccine was specifically pulled by the FDA the other month. No mention was made on reproductive health but I wonder....

My second comment is yes, my wife and I made the mistake of waiting too long to have children and now it won't happen. I explain the mistake to younger people openly sometimes and the act like I am crazy for bringing up that they should have children younger and not wait. I honestly think I am the only person to tell them this and even their grandparents or parents don't put pressure on them to have kids. I do recommend everyone here to tell young women to not wait so long even though it can be a difficult discussion with them.

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She was supposed to say "pollution" but the truth slipped out.

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“There is a scenario whereby it could decimate the population of an endangered species or all the cats.”

That was my first thought when I learned about this heinous idea. When you introduce viral vector technology into nature, how are we to control it? How are we to cram this back into Pandora’s box when the inevitably catastrophic consequences become evident?

“Our government needs to stay out of the business of enforcing population measures.”

Absolutely, but unfortunately, governments feel otherwise, as the 1974 Kissinger Report documents (see damning excerpts in Part 1 of my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams).

“Who is to say whether an organization, perhaps even one with the ‘best of intentions’ in mind (or believing the ‘the ends justify the means’), would be willing to go there.”

There is no question of that. These noble-lying philanthropaths are deluded by their Malthusian models and think they are “saving” the planet by decimating humanity. That’s how they sleep at night. Indeed, they think they are heroic for taking on the formidable challenge of reducing the population—just like Hitler and his minions thought they were doing the distasteful work necessary to save their people and nation.

“Their words endorse low birthrate as a pathway to population stabilization, but their actions enable rampant population growth due to immigration.”

You are thinking in terms of nation-states, but they are thinking in terms of a one-world government, so they are focused on reducing the global population while simultaneously destabilizing strong Western nations to the point of collapse.

As you said, “You can know them by their actions, not their words.” I outline a few hundred examples showing their actions advance a three-tiered agenda of power, profits, and democide in the “Retrospective in Whys” section of my Corona Investigative Committee presentation notes:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a), and no one can claim they were with a straight face now that the mortality data reveals 13 million have been massacred to date and counting:


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I ask, would the people be walking across our border if they recieved what my family was given in 1959. NOTHING! We had to go to an American organisation in England to prove we were healthy. My Dad had to have a job. We signed saying we would not take a dime from the American government. When my front tooth was knocked out in an accident my mom went to work in a factory to pay for a replacement. My friend, legal from Mexico, just had her daughters wisdom teeth extracted. $2,000. Paid for by the American Givt. We saw Russian immigrants in the 1990s literally in need of operations the day after they arrived. While people born here suffer, why are we doing this? Japan is 96% pure ethnically. No one criticizes them.

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Kamala says, "jeebah jabba jabber." The blue hair neurological diverse crowd roars in approval and hell comes one step closer to our backdoor.

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately the world is in the shape it is because greedy parasite weasels control every aspect of government. Would you do to any of your neighbors what we have done in country after country?

I worked on a refugee project, (in Honduras in the 80's, three years), and seen the difference between UN/government/NGO's contribution and that of volunteer citizens (usually religious). I'll take the volunteers every time.

While government is good at big projects to move men and material, they are a bull-in-the-china-shop when it comes to the lives of those in need. And the provisions provided by, say, A.I.D. for instance, is grains and dried goods for which the government overpays (contractors and contract writers glean big $$$ for the effort) are mill sweepings or outdated and infested grains.

At night you could hear the weevils in the just-arrived 100lb sacks of dried corn. The beans were so full of small rocks that you had to bite down gingerly, or you'd lose a few teeth. The flour had to be run through a screen to remove the bugs out of the flour. It was baked into bread upon which you slathered copious layers of peanut butter to eliminate the flavor, which still tasted of bug detritus.

We sent bombs and bullets to deal with issues that should have been settled over a bottle of wine coupled with a personal commitment to improve the flow of help and resources.

It is not hard to help people learn to provide for their people from what is in their environment. And we have so much more than we need.

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There is another issue not mentioned. Couples with college degrees having children and not marrying because they recieve so much from the government if single with children.

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They want YOU to have two kids so that your votes are lost in the sea of 20 "new" voters.

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Birth control helps keep families small. Before the pill it was much more difficult. Common sense is needed to decide how many children a couple should have. My grandparents, coal miners, opted for 2. That was what they could afford. Women working, well, at least they have a choice. I believe some women need to work, they are happier, some are meant to stay home, even if it means living with less possessions. Most of which we do not need. At least today women are not forced to stay with abusive husband's. Always an upside and a downside.

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Sheesh…More night time reading material. Much Love to All. 🔥🤣🏴‍☠️, Ed

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

COVID-19 gets into human cells through ACE-2 receptors, which are a overly expressed in ovaries during puberty. mRNA has affected women impacting their menatrual cycles. We still don't know long term effects and what all of it will mean in terms of woman's fertility. Injecting pregnant women and children with mRNA is an experiment with unknown long term consequences. How was that allowed???

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" It is time to end this nonsense"; sure, but how? Quite significant number of like minded people would have to unite and take an action like 'Screw the WHO", maybe...

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

I said this last night on the Friday Funnies comments:

"Dr Malone and this substack have been on the cutting edge in illuminating the WEF and the globalists for several years now, and I thank him for it. Yet daily it seems to be getting worse for republic loving folks. Case in point is the recently completed Summit for New Global Financing. A goal was curbing "planet heating emissions.""

Another essay, I think, on the globalists today. Major population reduction has always been their objective. Listen to Jane Goodall and Klaus wax philosophically... ....Thank you Dr Malone! Although the end on the AAV viruses and cats is gut wrenching.

For those interested, the essay on globalists, climate change and "Finance Shock" has been moved up the pole today at Zero Hedge. It seems there's a reason for much of this debt. The hell with Modern Monetary Theory.


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