Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My thought is that a desire for more subscribing followers is also a motivator.

I am a paid follower because I admire brilliance and integrity. RM, I hope your hobby farm can help you keep some serenity in these turbulent times. I don’t know where our society will end up with the globalists doing a full press attack on our Constitutional freedoms. Covid just might have been a blessing in that we now can better see the evil the globalists are capable of doing. Your wisdoms are wide and deep, for which I am both amazed and greatfull.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After Elon's famous G F Y interview last November, I found an expanded set of excerpts from the same on YouTube's "The DCShorts" channel. This one was meaningful to me as an explicit recognition of an obvious phenomenon by someone with the power to move against it:

"What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. <expletive> them."

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Having watched the Tucker Carlson interview with Brett Weinstein recently, I noted that Brett sees only a couple of ways out of the impending WHO treaty disaster that is about to befall our nation. One way is for the old Soviet bloc countries to rescue us, but the other is that some kind of cohesive entity or force or platform brings together (and keeps together) the independent thinkers with a platform so that these individual "lone wolves" can "save" us. Dr. Malone, I know that you subject yourself to a lot of abuse (it does not go unnoticed), and I thank you for it. I know that you have a cadre of like-minded heroes out there fighting along side you. Please keep on with what you are doing. I can't tell you how many seemingly disparate people I run into these days who are willing to discuss where we are in history. We still have to circle around each other for a short while to make sure we are "friendlies" but the friendly (and questioning) group is growing. People like you (and the wonderful Dr. Campbell's channel) have been a God send. I will keep praying for you and your family.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said. The people I trust the most are those who follow Jesus, and follow science. God created the universe, and trying to understand how it works is a noble pursuit. Read the writings of Isaac Newton, for example. I watched Tucker interview Joseph Lapado MD PhD ( the Florida Surgeon General) last night. As a fellow doctor and follower of Jesus, his opinions and heart resonated deeply with me. We are in an epic battle between good ( God) and evil ( Satan). Dr. Lapado is courageous to speak up for the good, morally and scientifically. Kudos to Dr Malone to refer to Jesus’ teaching, in his commentary on those in the medical freedom movement out to take him down. Money and ego are the gas driving most movements. We need to hang onto the Truth. Who or what is the source of that truth ? That was the question Pontus Pilate asked Jesus right before sending Him to the cross. The rest, as they say, is history.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why do I find most every person that falls into these spirals of virtue phony. The town I grew up in is full of them and they are destroying the town. Seeing it was Martin Luther King day just yesterday I wanted to use a famous quote of his “Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character”. Wouldn’t it be so refreshing to live by that truth. By the standards set in the definition of moral grandstanding I proudly say I live by truths not myths so therefore I must be a bad person. God I miss the days when people were judged by their character. Maybe someday we can get back to the truth. https://www.google.com/search?q=led+zepplin+the+boy+next+door&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7079dbcd,vid:GGsmyqIrZRo,st:0 J.Goodrich

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I encountered such a situation when a group I socialized with turned on me for being a concealed carry permit holder. In my own home at a lunch I was hosting no less! I was made to feel stupid and dangerous to humankind! Of course it was my fault for allowing myself to “feel” that way. But it is amazing how others in the group quickly began to agree with the bullies! We have to be strong in our beliefs. Let’s buoy each other as often as we can.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You probably should have listened to you gut and just left that interview right at the start. My wife was once in a artist group business meeting where the little green monkeys were dissing her ideas (she was much more successful than the others) She said: "I will not participate in my own abuse" and walked out. All the psychological and philosophical terms still come down to this. Being Othered, Canceled, Purity Spirals, Moral Outbidding, and all the Marxist struggle session crap can be answered by: "He who is without sin may cast the 1st stone". And, always remember the sage words from Deteriorata: "A walk through the ocean of most souls will scarcely get you feet wet". When they point a finger at you they are pointing 3 fingers back at themselves. So have a better day and thanks for the dive into these terms and concepts.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good stuff here Dr Malone. To see something, to become aware of something real that one was previously not aware of, is to begin to understand that something, and to automatically disarm its unconscious power over one. It’s like a cheat sheet on psychoanalysis. This really is important.

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There’s a “National Enquirer” component to the purity spiral with foul-mouthed, not-so-pure individuals jockeying for position as the top sage. This “sage cycle” is missing more than a few spokes...

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recognized this “purity spiraling” in a few of my circle. It helps explain what it going on. These purity tests are indeed divisive and we need to be very aware of these social factors. In order for our medical freedom movement to continue to be healthy, we must learn to have grace for one another. Each of us is an individual and needs to be understood as having different gifts and life experiences. Let’s pray we can focus on truth and not ego. We need to work together and support one another.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Remember there are millions of people, worldwide, who appreciate what you and Jill are doing for humanity. Also, along the lines of your second action items, I once knew a forensic psychologist who was brilliant at giving me very effective replies for getting out of (usually terminating) discussions like the one you found yourself in during that podcast. Her suggestions were very nonintuitive for me, but they worked incredibly well. I felt empowered, the other party wasn’t diminished but instead realized they were behaving inappropriately (or at least not in the best interest of whatever their goals were) and I was able to move on with grace and without ruminating about the situation. I believe she was a uniquely skilled psychologist. I met her through a colleague when I was dealing with a letter from a stalker. In one short email to the stalker, she guaranteed that he would never contact me again. I don’t know how she knew that, but it worked. Later, I had a bullying encounter with someone in the org that I worked for, and again, I was able to deflect that situation using her reply. I might be able to track her down if you’d like to be in touch with her. Otherwise, I’m mentioning this because perhaps you will know or find someone like that who can give you those solutions. Maybe more of us would benefit from studying forensic psychology as well. It would be nice to find a primer that gives the solutions in succinct form. Sometimes I invest the time in things like that in order to be better prepared for my next life! 🙂

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best to call a host on the use of these purity tests which attempts to force one into one side or another by limiting answers to the binary realm. That is not discussion, that is a trap and is used all the time in the media and also in courtrooms.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For what I”It” is worth, You and Dr. JM are Loved more than You can imagine. I have learned to remove Myself from “Loud and Agressive Persons”, Desiderata, Max Ehrmann, 1927. Ed

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

Nearly a year ago, hero/Senator Ron Johnson introduced S.444 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. Looking at congress(dot)gov, we see that the bill, stalled on the desk of the Committee on Foreign Relations, has 47 co-sponsors. All Republican. Zero Democrats. And since Democrats hold the majority in the Senate, the bill would probably not pass a floor vote.

Here we see a bizarre case showing a Senate which, with its current composition, would refuse to support an oversight authority and responsibility assigned by the US Constitution to.....the Senate.

Article II, Section 2: "He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;..."

One of the advantages of being unanimously unprincipled sellouts is the power of following the party line while being untroubled by principle, and richly sponsored for corruption. Do all Democrats, in their heart of hearts, really believe in ceding national and individual sovereignties to the UN/WHO?

We find ourselves in a dissident dilemma. Do we demand strict adherence to a group dogma in pursuit of a needed majority, and embrace a robotic mindset? Or do we build a community of dissidents generally aligned in purpose, but with disagreements and independent thought allowed, and risk the fragmentation that shatters hopes of voting victories?

In any case, I'm a regular consumer of these Substack articles because I believe Dr. Malone's approach is the soundest of those I've heard. Certainly more so than any self-righteous defrocked UK surgeon Dr. whatshisname.

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Dear Dr Malone,

You are educating (immunizing) yourself against the phenomena known as the emotional plague. It is the, mostly unconscious, tendency of armored (emotionally damaged) humans to attack and destroy the truth and life in other human beings, always well rationalized as being for the good. It has its endemic (emotional plague in everyday life, jealousy, envy, pettiness) and epidemic forms (mass formation, fascism, communism.) forms. It serves the function of protecting the individual infected with the plague (most of us, at some point in our lives since we are all damaged) from the perception of, and pain of, the perception of their own inadequacy (the little man syndrome) by making them feel noble and powerful, when they are, in fact, spreading evil. This conceptualization of human evil in the social realm was proposed by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. and its foremost proponent currently is Dr. Charles Konia, author of "The Emotional Plague": "Clueless" and "Neither Left nor Right." I highly recommend these authors to you, and I will continue to support your efforts to find and spread truth.

Thank you,

Ed Chastka

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Jan 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I applaud your efforts to educate those of us who have been "othered" over the past several years; it does feel lonely, until you find like-minded and open-minded folks like yourself and can call them friends.

Keep up the great work, and as my dad used to advise, don't let the bastards get you down!

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