Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have only one comment; let us cease belonging to the "United Nations", and let them relocate to another country!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My logical response to this absurdity is as follows:

I've never owned a slave.

And, you never picked cotton.

I am of Irish decent. If we extent this reparations illogical, I want a ton of money from the ancestors of the Irish and English landlords who murdered 1 million of my ancestors during the Irish Potato Famine of the mid-1800s.

This illogical can be extended to many groups of Human Beings who have suffered at the hands of others.

So, think about this scam, for a scam is all it is.

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Nov 16, 2023ยทedited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife and I lived in Africa for a year 2006-2007 while I worked for an oil company. I've traveled to Nigeria over a dozen times, the last time in 2019.

True justice calls for one to be made whole for an injustice - not make a big bonus on it. Being made whole for people whose ancestors were slaves in this country would mean restoring them to what their lives would be like had their ancestors not been slaves. They have no idea what that would be like. If that was the deal, they'd never in a million years want it. The poverty I saw in Africa was soul-crushing. Imagine being surrounded by a dozen beggars who had been stricken by polio. They get around on a small square of plywood with roller skate wheels, propelling themselves with their hands. Imagine a handful of people from a village on a beach, using muscle-power to drag a fish net along the shore, and after all that effort, being rewarded with a couple of scrawny little fish. They do that b/c if they don't, they don't eat

I've been told that black Americans, when asked what they thought about life in Africa after seeing it, exclaimed, "Thank God for slavery." I personally never heard that. But it's completely plausible.

Reparations are another of many progressive ideas that sound good to the non-thinking. They're actually just a bullshit story for make it sound like fairness and justice to take money from people who earned it and give it to those who didn't. And the proof is the astronomical amounts of money judged by the California reparations commission, which would allow black people to not ever have to work for the next five generations.

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What Africa needs is technologies to bring water and agriculture to its desert lands to support its people. Its people will be empowered with some technology such as desalination plants etc. We should help them become independent. Throwing money at the situation does nothing but require more money.

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Such a ludicrous idea.

What about slavery going on TODAY......in AFRICA?

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The North was losing the Civil War when Lincoln wisely declared that it was a war to free slaves from bondage. Britain and France would have more than likely entered the war if he hadn't.

Three hundred thousand (300,000) white American northern soldiers, an average age of 28 years old, died to free the Southern slaves. No other time in history has one race sacrificed so many to free another.

And now, in America and elsewhere, it is being demanded that the ancestors of those who lost their lives pay reparations.

Where is the logic?

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just another money game, like global warming, electric vehicles, and sucking money out of the economy!

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How about reparations for the surviving soldiers and family members who, over the centuries, have given life and limb so the whining, entitled, and oppressed freeloaders of every race can play the victim card? In every country since the beginning of time up to this very day, the stronger have preyed on and subjugated their weaker neighbors and countries. Ain't nothing new and it didn't start in America. Over 350,000 Union soldiers died to abolish slavery in this country. Only to have the government, mostly democrats, bail on black Americans during reconstruction.

Although proud and hardworking, the Irish should climb on the "poor me-give me" band wagon too. They were the first "slaves" brought to America.

As always, reparations are NOT about fairness, they are about division and dependence on our corrupt government. Which is just more slavery!

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Well said Dr Malone. Dispatching large sums of money to people who were never slaves and paid for by others who were never slaveowners makes no sense and is a true injustice. This will only result in corruption and more unfairness. We can never become better by blaming others ot creating the victimhood society. We have tried that and all we have created is a class of people who fail to take personal accountability.

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Nov 16, 2023ยทedited Nov 16, 2023

Now they're discriminating against slavery of other ethnic groups. Africa may have been the origins of widespread slavery, but I'd like to hear of ONE place that it (slavery) never happened.

The UN is simply a bastion of 'middle-men' who are concocting victimhood for people in 'developing' nations so they can broker 'equity' deals from everywhere else.

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You are obviously a racist to oppose reparations for all people of color whether their ancestors were brought here as slaves or not. The fact that you are using logic and reason to defend your view is proof that you are a white supremacist!

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Nov 16, 2023ยทedited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Which race, nationality, tribe has not been owned or owned others?

Are black slaves more worthy of acknowledgement than any other?

This is another squirrel. Part of the legion of orchestrated squirrels.

Who said black lives don't matter? Useful squirrel tools. Black Lesbian Marxists, Proven frauds!

How many squirrels does it take to start spotting them easily?

How many squirrels does it take before you grow tired and even stop pointing them out?

MFP and it's family. Why are global concerted efforts intensifying like never before? What could it be?

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Nov 16, 2023ยทedited Nov 16, 2023

I am curious, since Arab nations were heavily, and still are, invested in the slave trade what will they pay? While I am no fan of colonization, almost every nation has been a party to it over the centuries. From what I have heard from actual โ€˜Africansโ€™ who legally immigrated from their countries of origin, corruption is absolutely rife in most central and southern African nations. I have seen it in action in one country that I have visited on the continent. Should I blame todayโ€™s Catholics for terrorizing my English ancestors who fled here for religious freedom? No. How MANY times must each generation apologize for the sins of the long since past generations? And if my ancestors were scratching out a living in what came to be called New England how are they responsible? What do my children and grandchildren have to do with this? I find slavery absolutely disgusting, but itโ€™s been a rather long road for the people of this nation trying to make things better and more level for our fellow citizens, only to have our eyes spat in as not good enoughโ€ฆ you must continue to grovel. Retribution is just ugly.

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"Reparation justice" is a type of social justice, but as the black economist Thomas Sowell, points out iin his recently published book, the "rich" have the ability to move their capital elsewhere when when threatened by confiscation of it. thus, the effect is not to make poor people richer but rather is to make them poorer.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Check out the United Nations UNDRIP program. This is what Canada is following with regard to native Canadians. The most recent payment was over a billion dollars and it never, ever ends. Canada is also giving away our Crown land to them- massive amounts- and Crown land is supposed to belong to ALL of us. UNDRIP is going to bankrupt Canada and I believe New Zealand is going down the same road. There is a desperate need for the UN to be dismantled immediately.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reparations - Reviving Racism in order to favor a different group of people by taking money from people who did not exhibit racism to others who were not victims of it.

The ONLY component of Reparations that has any truth to it is that slaves were at a disadvantage financially and therefore weren't able to hand down money to their descendants. The solution isn't to use race to fix this, but to make sure that anyone in poverty gets help and those who are amassing billions have their income limited. It isn't about race, it is about money disparity.

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