Thanks for calling out another serpent

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He's blocked me on two Twitter accounts. His account never stopped pushing the vaccines, even as we called him out for being on the Pfizer board, and presented compelling evidence of harms from the shots. He's a psychopath.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another overreaching power grab by this administration. It’s like the patriot act of our healthcare system, what could possibly go wrong. The fox has entered the chicken coup and with the CIA involved the gate is shut tight and impenetrable so that no one can see what’s going on inside. It figures Adam Schiff, while chairman of the house intelligence committee, had his corrupt lying hands all over this. It’s unimaginable the centralized power they have seized in open view by way of their own government produced SARS-Covid 2 Virus. J.Goodrich

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Re the CIA, I heard RFK Jr say that the CIA killed JFK, and he referred to the book JFK and the Unspeakable. On the cover, the author of Flags of Our Fathers is quoted: "A remarkable story that changed the way I view the world." Yes. This is well-documented. It gets so convoluted: at one point, Russian intelligence knew that the CIA was set to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas and use Lee Harvey Oswald as patsy. So Khrushchev ordered an American who was a double agent for the Russians to kill Lee Harvey Oswald to screw up the plot. But the agent instead went into a bank and shot two bullets into the wall, figuring that being in federal prison was the safest place for his arse. The book, which describes how a potential nuclear confrontation with Russia was avoided, is extremely relevant now as Biden runs a proxy war with Russia via Ukraine. I highly recommend this book by James W. Douglass.

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“We need to start looking at public health through the lens of national security and involving our tools of national security in this mission." Reminds me of a similar slant: “We need to start looking at elections through the lens of national security and involving our tools of national security in this mission." Hence, 51 "experts from the intelligence community" signed off on Hunter Biden's laptop being a function of Russian disinformation during the debates. Same people. Same problem.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article as usual Mr. Malone. You have been really drilling down into the infected root cause of how this pandemic was stage managed since your important article in the New American.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is some very scary stuff! I hope to God Donald Trump is listening. Otherwise, he'll be blindsided from an infinity of angles by self-serving lowlifes like Gottlieb.

When Trump is POTUS again, and, hopefully the House and Senate are controlled by patriotic Republicans (as opposed to RINOs), I pray they undertake the monumental tasks of demolishing countless federal government agencies. And, then, start over again.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a POS Scumbag this guy is!

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Here in Canada, we have similar traitors.

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Thanks for the read Doc!!! These demon infested creatures are everywhere!!!

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion-ess! Another Deep State fascist ushering in the Biosecurity State that Dr. Meryl Nass is covering as man of you probably already know. wouldn't it be great if the entire US citizenry would go on strike and refuse to pay any taxes next year? One can always dream....

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Heard the name Dr. Gottlieb often, but never paid attention. Now know more. I assume he is sincere and intelligent. Therefore, he has an agenda dangerous to our citizen health. Why? Ignorance? Don’t think so. Dishonest? Yes. Clue: He denigrated our natural immune system in favor of an experimental chemical concoction based on unproven technology right off the bat. So, we know he’s dishonest. It’s one or the other. He’s intelligent and knows what he is doing, or he is ignorant and has no idea what he’s doing. He knows. He pushes for our major clandestine intelligence agency to play a major role in our health systems. It’s true that our current federal health system is working counter to our health best interests. But, that’s not his point, but rather the opposite. He is more likely to want to see our clandestine intelligence further the current trend of depopulation, otherwise he wouldn’t be pushing our experimental concoctions which actually as Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO) as they modify genetics.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately these MD’s that believe they have superior knowledge to save humanity are in reality are promoting the crisis that is man made! Scott personifies this mental derangement!

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are they grooming him like they did Obama , to run for President ? CIA in charge of our health. Oh that just makes perfect sense(sarcasm).

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Seems like there might be some conflicts of interest here, and some unconstitutional overreach. But what do I know? I'm just a lawyer, not a world-controlling doctor. This guy has a special isolation cell in Hell, where Satan will personally visit him to show his eternal gratitude. Me, I have natural immunity.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

... appointed by trump...

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