Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In an attempt to do something positive, I sent the note below to the Target Chat; the chat person said he would send it to higher ups. I think we need to stop allowing a fringe group to define us. If anyone likes this, please feel free to use it yourself.

I am participating in the boycott. I am a liberal person who supports people who are trans. I do not support them dictating to me what a woman is and that I am hateful if I do not allow them to define me. Dylan Mulvaney’s offensive representation of the female gender is a caricature we women worked for decades to overcome in the job market. Forcing cis-gender female athletes to compete with inherently physically stronger trans women is predatory. The many trans folk who are not narcissistic bullies need to take back their movement and present a definition of trans that stands on its own. Target stepped into this context. I hope you can extricate yourselves gracefully.

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Why is Pride Month in June and not later in the year?

Because "Pride goes before the Fall."

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Another laugh out loud collection! Thank you, Dr Malone. However, the one with my Congressman, Jamie Comer, outside the FBI wall with Biden wagging his fingers and shouting “nanny nanny boo boo” infuriates! I want the next President of the United States to defund and disassemble them! And I’m voting for the person with the best chance of doing that!!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Arsenic and Old Lace is up there too, Drs Malone. Happy Sunday!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hard to choose ! My favorite is the first one. But when I got to " I'm sorry I have to let you all go..." I thought you were reading my mind. Yesterday I had to walk thru Pride event to get to my mountain destination. What I saw reminded me of a 'circus '. I have nothing against LGBQ as it was a couple of years back but you can keep all this new 'in your face' nonsense.

Jordans banned video https://twitter.com/JBPpod/status/1667673536905838592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1667691545686884352%7Ctwgr%5Ecb700ff838f1561b85da2563da372643e8de4027%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailywire.com%2Fnews%2Fexperience-the-evil-truth-yourself-jordan-peterson-tweets-full-video-banned-by-youtube-for-hate-speech%3F3Futm_source%3Dtwitterutm_medium%3Dsocialutm_campaign%3Ddwnewstwitter

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

1938 was such an ominous year, but then movies were the respite from reality of the depression years.

I keep mulling over "regulatory capture", for FDA, CDC, NIH etc. But capture implies they were above board originally......

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was in a neighborhood restaurant two evenings ago. It was early and every adult who arrived and those already there were fat. Every single one. I saw the man at the table next to me finish a big steak dinner then order a second one. Many of the women's faces were heavily painted and had elaborate hairdos and long fake nails. What if they spent all that time lavishly decorating their bodies on exercising instead? They would genuinely be beautiful. I attended a seminar and most of those who showed up were over 65 and in very bad physical shape. The enormous woman who sat in front of me took 5 minutes to get up out of her seat to hand me a signup sheet being passed around. When I got up to get it from her instead, she said, "No, the doctor told me I need to move." Our country is sick, mentally and physically, and TV, smartphones and computer screens are the source. A national movement to get up off the couch, to physically and mentally exercise away from illuminated devices (get hard copy books, not digital and free at the library) programming us all to self-destruct. Add to that, encouraging the taking of drugs to numb ourselves physically, emotionally and intellectually to avoid taking responsibility for our destructive behavior. The other thing that I notice is how angry and distrustful in general people are. A parent was really rude to me recently in response to my talking to his child. With this current psychological inputting of gender confusion and the insane surgical and hormonal transgendering of children (without parents consent), ghoulish drag queens showing up at their schools and this offensive LGBTQ pride month push by large corporations, I can't say that I blame him. We have to pull ourselves together, and it takes work (it can be enjoyable actually) and no enslaving brain implants, pills, injections and surgeries can do it for us.

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That clip was hysterical!!! I forgot just what a great movie that was. Thanks!

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Meanwhile, in California


Also, I have been informed that 99% isopropyl alcohol will no longer be available here.

Just add this to the list. They let criminals out but you are not allowed to defend yourself from them. The AGs are all corrupted. The state legislature is bonkers. The people seem to cheer this on, its a thoughtless cult like response to radical ideas.

I would be giving up a lot if we left. It is hard to start over voluntarily at this age.

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Thanks for the laughs as always Doc.

Off topic and on a slightly more serious note... As a devoted horse owner I was wondering if you were aware of instances of horses dying at Chapel Hill N.C. and possible links to 'STRIDEsafe' technology? How legit is this?


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I'll bet Jill's hand was in today's Strip (no pun intended). The canine social blunder was a hoot!

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening" and "What Is a Woman" are two excellent documentaries that explain what's been happening worldwide for decades and, yes, centuries! Also, The Highwire has covered the strategy of Marxist / Socialist / Communist / Maoist ideology and propaganda -- which all of this is -- for quite some time, but recent episodes lay it all out in living color.

Here are some links to share:

* Plandemic 3: https://plandemicseries.com/watch-the-great-awakening-movie/

* What is a Woman: https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1664424891372941312

* The Highwire: https://thehighwire.com/. Episode 323: CRISIS OF TRUST and Episode 322: ACT OF REBELLION provide excellent coverage. Scroll down the main page to see more episodes in reverse chronological order.

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

These are great, thank you! I was talking with a father of three last night at a birthday party, they fled the Northwest recently due to the oppressive Covid lockdowns and deterioration of civil society. They were ‘progressives’, but also Christian. They fled the place of their birth and the beautiful landscape they knew so well because they are frightened to raise their young children in a society that will fight against everything they believe in and seek to indoctrinate their sons and daughter into believing lies about who they are both genetically/physically and spiritually. They're are living in one bedroom with kind friends while they try and discern what God would have them do. He always had a 'live and let live' attitude, he is a creative… but he sees the political and spiritual darkness that has found a home there and in many people’s minds. They know they must homeschool and nuture the minds and spirit of their children in order to give them the best foundation to exist, even thrive, in ‘Babylon’ Trying to strike that balance as a father and mother where God commands for us to pray for those who are perishing (and try to reach them with the love of Christ), to pray who persecute you, while raising up your children in the admonition and fear (awe) of the Lord is going to take true devotion to the LORD. Lord, give us Your strength, love and discernment.

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I’m with Barbara Lee. I think they should have put Hillary, James Comey, Chris Ray, Nancy P, Schumer, McConnell, etc.. For years we have watched our justice system be unraveled. The self resurrected elite that dissembled their hatred for our laws and constitution, now flaunt their distain for our rule of law. They thumb their nose at we the people so to make no mistake that the law does not apply to them. Our faith, which they also attack, is one of our strengths that may be what the tyrant fears the most. Faith in god and our system of justice bonds our majority. Will the lord God not see his ways to lift the American majority above the rabble of lawless? Lawlessness not only of written law but the laws of nature itself. We all hear and know that we are on the cusp of evil over taking good. We all hear and know people that are aware of good and evil, but make the conscious decision to rest at a time when action is needed.History shows if the majority, at this critical time, is lulled by printed phoniness, they too will fail with the majority into a state of servitude and slavery. I must make mention of my concern, and hope that we all stay vigilant and do not lift a false profit up on our weakness. J.Goodrich

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some of the best Sunday funnies! Thanks docs!

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We're watching old movies like "To Catch a Thief" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc5O6xNF2ok) and "Roman Holiday" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEjrl8lDGK8) to cheer ourselves up a bit. We'll have to add "Bringing up Baby" to our list.

Thank you for all these funnies, some fun, some not so, all delivered with compassion and love.

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