Oct 8, 2023ยทedited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, i never saw that movie, as back, some 20 years ago i was too busy getting my small, sole prop business started. My wife and I arent big movie fans, either way.

I read the transcript, and thats some either preductive programming, or amazingly accurate observations most arent willing to see. Obviously, the latter.

Scary, that people have known whats been evolving for so long, such as Carlin, for example, while others, such as myself eventually woke to the world around us, albeit a bit late

Thanks Doc. R. for being the voice of reason, and one of the sane who's willing to speak up.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Should the leaky boat one be labeled our ship of state?

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great cartoons today, a gaggle of them! Das Boot, a take off on the great German submarine movie, is very accurate to what's happened to most people, generation after generation, in government schools, not just here but all over the Western world. I'd forgotten about "Andre" but thanks for the reminder: it didn't have as much impact on me as you and your better half but I did agree with the basis of it. Of course, Obama, the Stalinist, is running everything and Biden just a pawn. And the one about the reactions of people in the small boat with a hole is so accurate.

Thanks for sending these out. Fridays/Sundays. They add some levity to our lives, even if it's gallow's humor.

Danny Huckabee

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - you never cease to impress. I am not sure how you do it, with all of the constraints on your time, but you continually put out such insightful & thought-provoking material. Even the cartoons are spot-on. Thank-you for always putting your all into everything you do. It matters.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the early days of commenting when most newspapers allowed anyone to do it, I made socialist's heads explode with this one simple observation:

"Socialism is ALWAYS doomed for failure. The Human spirit, with its innate need to excel will always override the collective slide into mediocrity."

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Today the Biden face off with Obama behind President f-up hits the spot (Obamaโ€™s words not mine!!๐Ÿ˜). One wrong decision after another, the latest asinine being giving Iran 6 billion dollars. Does anyone with a half of brain really believe the current Obama administration would follow through on supporting Israel? Or for that matter that President Obamaโ€™s decision to open our southern border wide would build an inch of new wall. The boat we are all in has a thousand holes and president Obama continues to drill new ones telling us they will let the water out. J.Goodrich https://youtu.be/0i_WzKvB2HU?si=uAE7d7Qq7GEkX21.

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Ha! Almost missed the one smart guy with the flotation device!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was 28 when it came out and remember it well. We all discussed it. We were all sure we weren't headed to the city to be both guard and resident. But we aged. And the living was relentless. We went along to get along. I wonder where Shawn stands on the shot? He has had a good career and stayed centered on the liberal literary longitude of NYC. His father was an editor of the New Yorker, so he has street cred with the most elite formulations of advanced co-optation/accommodation. He knows you can publish a magazine of such reach and importance without being owned and funded by deep corporate concerns.

Did Wally Shawn succumb to old age and fear and a winding down of critical thinking and embrace a safety first, protect me at all costs, I don't want to be killed by a kid w covid? Did he make any "public service" announcements?

The world grinds one down. We go along to get along. And now we have abandoned the institutions that can provide some insulation from the most egregious draconian forces. We have so little margin for error what with wealth and income inequality at levels only seen 110 years ago. In 1915 the outbreak of WWI ushered in an unprecedented 30 year global inferno of war, Depression, rise and fall of fascism, totalitarianism, communism, nazism, you name it. We then resurrected and had our halcyon period of low income and wealth inequality from 1945 to 1975. The Reagan Revolution reversed all that. The Boomer generation grew up in the golden years of equality, the type of equality that matters - economic equality shared by broad swaths of society.

My Dinner with Andre came out the year Reagan was inaugurated. We were about to reject the post WWII convenents, and with good reason. Ossification of the administrative state was clearly present. The corporate takeover of governmental apparatus was well under way and the "common" folk could see it.

In 1981 educated liberals could relate to the movie cause they had read the literature and history of Koestler, Orwell, Vonnegut, Huxley, etc. All that shit happened over there. In Europe. We wouldn't fall for that. And then the whole generation grew fat and tired and couldn't track modern media and ended up watching that smart Smith dropout, Rachel Maddow, and thinking maybe we better just get with the program and accept all the changes, kinda like "accept all changes" on a document when you haven't, in fact, read all the changes.

And now, perhaps like Biden's wall reversal, "the walls will come trumbling down". Of course, Biden's wall reversal is that he is putting the wall up, but it's a reversal for him.

What will the folks my age who watched My Dinner and related and said they would never comply now do? Will they let their walls come tumbling down or in?

Ten years after My Dinner With Andre my generation went from critical assessment to tolerating, if not supporting, the first Iraq War. We "embedded". We became "boots on the ground". That was cool!

And now we are all under the boot.

And Robert titled this Substack Das Boot, after the movie that also came out in 1981. Das Boot is just as relevent to our current pickle. A German submarine in the insanity and chaos of WWII. Seen from a German perspective. That was a big movie in part because Germans were finally tolerated and permited to tell their story.

When will we be able to tell our story about the pandemic in a tolerated mainstream movie? Not yet, but it's coming!

Keep up the much better than good work, my man, Robert!! I sooo appreciate your life work!

Will they take a look at RFKJr?

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You really got some great ones for this week! I can't even pick a favorite, although the bit from "My Dinner With Andre" was extremely powerful.

Thank you!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the movie references, who knows what I was doing in 1981 except surviving with a young child, working my ass off and learning about Spirituality at an even deeper level. You and Jill woke up earlier than some and now it feels a little more even. The choices of memes you and Jill picked today were superb!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was at event today where the person next to me confidently said that they had just received their SIXTH covid jab. I looked across the table to a friend and we just locked eyes for a moment, knowing there was absolutely NOTHING that could be said.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isnโ€™t it amazing that the movies of the past always show the future ๐Ÿค”. Great job Dr Malone!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great round up Doc.! And well letโ€™s face it, that dinner with Andre clip is like a daily occurrence at my NY dinner table!!

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Thank you for this great collection to set our minds in motion!

The Strongest weapon - Right on

The Ship of State - Needs a Brain

Face behind the face! Right!

The 3 - best not to listen

Gaetz - Haven't been closely following. These ?s should be enhancing and passing 12 (is it?) bills. Reminds me of 'Lucille' ( song)

Clinton - Very jubilant with their restart of their Foundation and her plans for us. Is it psyops or Do we need to know why she she's so up?

Gadsden (sp) snake - YES!

True Knowledge - All sources. Got it!

Favorite - Patriotic American

Big day tomorrow! Best to all! Hoping it will be able to significantly contribute to better tomorrow's! Glad to see the CPAC opportunity!

Have a great day and good week! On ward! You folks are the BEST!

Bestest Ever! โ™กโ™กโ™ก

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Thanks for sharing the My Dinner with Andre script. I saw that movie in 1981 and loved it. It was so un-Hollywood even then but oh how it resonates today.

I had forgotten point about the 60s being perhaps the last surge of the human spirit. I may not have agreed with that in 1981 but now it feels like it might be right. It does seem to me that our world since then has been ruined by money. And itโ€™s not the same as guns. We say guns donโ€™t kill people, people kill people. And that is true. But money I believe does kill people, just more slowly and differently. It does so by killing society, in various ways, and society is our immune system. Itโ€™s health protects us. So if money kills society it becomes like autoimmune disease, and we as individuals start dying off, knowing not what really caused it. And I also believe there is a spiritual pathogen underneath it all - the underlying cause of death, so to speak.

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Where "we" in the U.S.S.A. (are) now, today circa 2023 - can be traced directly back to the 1960s generation of "students" who were mentally spoon-fed ( by radicalized "professors") the wet-dream of a glorious utopia of a socialist/communist (world) in which everyone would be absolutely equal; money would be abolished - as would the police; and everything would be "free" in their dream world that would transcend the absolute evils of capitalism and the "inequality" of life in America - forever.

"They" - those 60s "radicalized" students - now hold the levers of power throughout America, with

a prime example being - Hillary Rodham Clinton - who was "radicalized" when she attended the all-girls Wellesley College, where she read "Rules for Radicals" by the American Communist "activist" - Saul Alinsky - which had such an impact on Hillary that her thesis at Wellesley was a paean to Saul Alinsky - whom she had corresponded with, met with - and became friends with.

As a young, "radicalized" lawyer, Hillary Rodham - pro-bono- defended members of the Black Panthers on charges of murder. Further, when Hillary Rodham was a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was FIRED by her supervisor - a lifelong Democrat - Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman

said in an interview "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality". Some things NEVER change!

in todays "Sunday Funnies", (TWO) very funny 'toons' of Hillary Clinton both expose her inveterate totalitarian mindset in that she wants anyone associated with Making America Great Again - "DEPROGRAMED"! Shades of Mao Zedong ! And she is NOT kidding.

And to top it all off, Hillary Rodham Clinton is listed as an "Notable" member of the perfidious, pernicious and anti-American (globalist) "NGO"- the "Council on Foreign Relations"- which absolutely explains WHY Hilary Rodham Clinton is NEVER "held accountable" for any of her transgressions - both in and out of federal office - against the United States and the American people.

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