Through all of our working lives, and all of our professions, we all have witnessed people that are truly gifted in what they do. Many if not all will not be remembered for how wealthy they became or that they “made it”. People remember the gifted for how they treated their peers. They are remembered for how they helped others not themselves. In the near future, history will not look kindly on this administration and the medical establishment that pushed the mRNA agenda. They will be seen for their greed and cruelty to others. Hoping for a better year!! J.Goodrich

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900. The chances of being killed by a dog, horse, bees, or lightning are vastly greater."

True story: A few weeks ago I was out on my daily walk, when to my left I saw 3 pitties or pitty mixes breaking out from their yard with owner trying in vain to call them back. When the three dogs saw me they all turned and ran up on me, barking fiercely until they were all at my feet. I braced for the worst, but didn't panic. There happened to be a man sitting in his open garage in the house to my right, and he came running out with an activated leaf blower, distracting, confusing, and chasing the dogs away.

I was remarkably unaffected by this incident. Perhaps the reason is that after 3+ years of effort by unelected government bureaucrats to "save" us, few threats seem scary by comparison.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello from a PA Farm boy in Germany. AH, yes the masks. I still a few folks wearing them, and not just "Older folks," but a few young ones as well. I wish them "Gute besserung," (Get well soon.) Some folks wear them "to protect others from their sniffles," the others are certainly suffering from hysteria or some other mental disorder.

I grew up on a farm, and on construction sites. I even worked as a painter of autos and trucks with two and three component paints. It turned out that even the activated carbon masks did not provide complete protection against the isocyanates in the paint. Sanding drywall, doing demolition? Even wearing a mask, I could make spackle with what came out of my nose. So I was the most vocal when it came to the idiocy of wearing a mask to "protect yourself or others," in real life as well as online. Crikey, I have over EIGHT screens of warnings or "Fact Check" warnings on Facebook for calling out the idiocy of masks and quoting sources, (you included) about the potential (now proven real) danger of the clot-shot. Oh, and there are a few about me posting about the scam of "climate change."

I guess that bear almost learned the hard way to keep away from the pig-pen. My father has a joke, "I ain't had so much fun since the pigs ate my little brother." I grew up on the Kriebel Farms. Starting in the spring with the pulling of the tusks from the piglets, castration and feeding. Once a rabbit was caught in the pig pen. Jeepers. At five, I was able to help with the slaughtering in October. Washing out the intestines was one of my first jobs. There was even a smoke house, for bacon as well as smoking the hams after they were "gepökelt." (Aged in a brine that Sadie Kriebel probably took to her grave.)

Here in Germany, we have wild pigs, and everyone knows to respect their space and stay out of their way.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year. For better, or for worse, it is what it is. Let's try to make the best of it.

Here in Germany, we make Fondue for Sylvester. Then we send up the Rockets to scare the bad spirits away. I hope it works better this year.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another excellent Sunday Strip. I finally subscribed this morning...I am a semi retired political theory professor here in Texas. I want you to know that while seeking information, questioning the sham I was witnessing, I found you on smaller podcasts and then Brett Weinstein. THANK YOU for your efforts, rational thinking, and most of all attempting to reach those in the public that have turned into blind robots. I wish I could have attended the summits and conferences, but having two maltese glued to me, it's not feasible. For 2024, with the incredible amount of data, studies, excess deaths and those that have died suddenly, I can only hope that those in authority will have no choice but to confront the misdeeds. Bridgen has tried and the president in Tanzania tried and a year later, was dead.....I doubt from long term heart problems. How can this situation be turned around? It is beyond belief to me.

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The Duke is spot on! “Your just a fella without a Johnson”.

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In addition to masks being ineffective, there’s also the ritualistic component side to them that not a lot of people know about:


When you look around our society, there’s a lot of ritualistic things that we do, yet have no idea the ritual behind them. Another example is voting


2024 is here! Wishing everyone the best year to date!

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Great ones to enter the new year. Thank you and DR Jill :)) And I think you have uncovered a new form of border security !! Pigs mean business when it comes to protecting what is rightfully theirs !!

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Favorites (with not-so-witty commentary in parentheses):

Democrat Party. Quick! Cover it up.

If you won't vote democrat, I'll flood the country with people who will.

There was an Old Man who lived in a shoe. His border policy proved he didn't have a Clue... (well, he did have a clue; he knew EXACTLY what would accrue.)

Of course, I want more funding for the border...These signs are expensive. (But cheap when sent through social media.)

Boiling frog (Absolutely perfect analogy! I've used this many times over the past couple of years).

Mask Myths (for your friends and acquaintences who wear them -- again -- really?): https://eolson47.substack.com/i/136555279/mask-myths

If you have to remove someone from the ballot to win, then you are what they say you are.

Black bear video (Illegal border crosser. At least the pigs repelled him.)

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Black Bears are Omnivores and quite adaptable to most farm areas or wooded landscapes.

Aside from having a nose for scents better than a bloodhound they are opportunist and a bit of a scavenger. Love to sleep and play readily while teaching their young. The bear and the pigs have met several times before the ring footage. Notice how quickly the pigs just flat out relaxed to return to non panic. The Black Bear was out of his league when he entered into a cage match! Haha

My advice to hunters that wish to have one for the meat or the hide for a rug is this, Do not.

Please just admire them and let them pass by. Do not play games with them and they won't play games with you. PS They do not taste like beef/ pork/ chicken. I'll testify to it. The rugs attract dust.

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Regarding 'Snow White' I'll defer to my favorite film critic, author, Will Jordon aka The Critical Drinker. Stay tuned till the end for his now famous sign off.........

Snow White - How To Destroy Your Own Movie


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Another great collection but greatly liked the one from Branco. Time for a national rino hunt using 50 caliber ballots

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Hold on to your seat belts or in Spanglish; Hold on to your Chones!!! It's going to be a bumpy ride!

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On the return of mask mandates: Mask me once, shame on you. Mask me twice, Shame on me.


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What do we do Dr. Malone? Our entire world is going through a delusional and corrupt system.

I am feeling really sad lately for what is happening.

May our Creator come back and fixed this evils humans if they are still humans.

Many blessings in this 2024!!

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

I am the parent for my children to live up to my dreams for a better future. And where does the word "johnson" come from? I'll look it up... There were many I could relate to, esp. the one "you have the right to remain silent" as it applies to you so much! I am reading Mathias D and Charles E as another perspective, you all make the puzzle more complete! (those were bears I saw in your picture!)

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Oh yes! A great collection of Sunday Funnies to send us out of 2023 and into a new year! The frog meme is the most important for the human race today! This has been going on for so long that I’m afraid the frog is getting close to being completely “cooked”. But Dr Malone, thanks to folks like you and Jill, perhaps more people are feeling the warmth creeping up!

Happy New Year and please keep on! We need you.

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