Feb 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our son went to a conservative Christian college but Covid hit and that comic with all the hetero-privilege parroting absolutely sounds exactly like him now, which tells me his MSM consumption has effectively brainwashed him, like out of the Dr Who episode where everyone wearing AirPods laughs at exactly the same time and repeats mantras from the cyberman’s daily digital download .

I’m finding my searches on DuckDuckGo and Brave are not much different from Google, at least regarding supplements and health topics. It’s getting harder to find information on Vitamin D levels, and other health related questions.

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Wow, that section about Peter Marks is crazy! I've often thought about the stupidity of people who said they would never take "Trump's vaccine," but then turned around and not only took it, but mandated it, once the senile one was installed in the White House. Maybe if Marks would resign, all the celebrities who have pledged to leave the country would also follow through with their promises.

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It’s quite amazing the origins of words, where they come from, and what they mean. Liberal derives from liber which means free. Communist derives from commun which means shared or common. The amazing thing to me is how liberals have been transformed into communists. I can almost understand the leaders of this new communist party here in America wanting total control over all once free people for they will gain the riches of the productive system capitalism has built over 250 years. It’s the people that follow I can’t understand. If we allow these communists to take over America there will be no one left to fix the devastation these totalitarian communist governments have left behind in their wake. We all must have determination greater than theirs. We have to persevere and succeed. As long as God has given me a breathe I will never stop my effort to leave future generations free, we shouldn’t except anything less. A continuation to your toast Dr. Malone to you and all the people that fight for our freedoms. J.Goodrich

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The “turtle” reminds that we voters have a big job ahead rooting out and replacing uniparty pols like mitch. They have to go or at least be neutralized

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I love the picture of Tucker Carlson. I think he is great.

The surgeon funny is hilarious. Kamala measuring for curtains. Heaven help us. She will pick Newsom as VP and Newsom will run for President .

I have no words for a man buying tampons for himself.

Then there is the “person” trying to pick pronouns for his 4 year old students. What????

My granddaughter just had a beautiful baby boy on Valentines Day. What a great present. He Ob dr told her she needed to decide what she was going to do about vaccines for the baby before she goes into the hospital.

She is opting out of vaccines. She didn’t find a pediatrician before she went in the hospital. So talking to the lactating nurse , she told my daughter not to go to pediatric clinics but go to a family practice dr who incorporates natural options. She found one and he came in to talk to them. They really like him.

Babies are the best. Have a great weekend.

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Robert and Jill, here's hoping we all survive the idiocy of people who are hell bent on destruction of us and our country, by any means ... today's cartoons are fun/funny but .... God help us. Please. My deep gratitude and good wishes to you and all the brave who stand against the lunatics.

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Ah yes! Starting my weekend with the Fabulous Friday Funnies! It is so sad that most of them make me want to cry today. But dry those tears and fight on! We have to believe in the good fight. Thank you Dr Malone and Jill for continuing to keep us motivated. Happy weekend, everyone!

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There was NOTHING funny about these funnies. Peter Marks is still at the FDA and none of the news is good. I just hope at some point we land our Constitutional government on an Elon like drone ship named Of course, I still Love You Drs Malone.

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Yay Friday Funnies!!! Love the surgeon cut! 😂

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Happy Friday Drs Malone!

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Did Marks resign? Safe and effective has been redefined to allow the warp speed push to bring a myriad of RNA injections to market to reprogram cellular function for fun and profit and not good health!

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Every one of these is an absolute gem. I could not pick my favorite. But my favorite quote is here:


(Reuters) - A top U.S. health regulator (Dr. Peter Marks) who will help decide the fate of a coronavirus vaccine has vowed to resign if the Trump administration approves a vaccine before it is shown to be safe and effective, Reuters has learned (8/20/2020): https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25H03F/


Oddly, Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D. REMAINS as director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). I guess his best Cool-Aid drinking days are still ahead.

P.S. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for the link to the privacy protecting Startpage.com search engine. I'm using it with the privacy protecting Brave browser. This combo works best on a PC, not so well on my iPad.

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife Ms. Choa- works for the CCP in China......

In China, the Chaos are no ordinary family. They run an American shipping company with deep ties to the economic and political elite in China, where most of the company’s business is centered.

Chao and McConnell’s father-in-law, James Chao, also sit on the board of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation which is the largest defense contractor in China.

Report: McConnell’s sister-in-law named to Bank of China board 10 days after Trump election. “Now, the Bank of China is government-run, government-controlled, and is sort of the backbone of the Chinese government’s economic diplomacy around the world. Ten days after Donald Trump is elected, they put Elaine Chao’s sister – Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law – on the board of directors of the fourth largest bank in the world, which is run by the Chinese communist government. It’s a shocking development, and, again, unprecedented in American history that you would have senior political leaders have immediate family members that are sitting on the board of foreign government-owned


Update : Angela Chao, Business Executive and Sister-in-Law of Mitch McConnell, Dead in Mysterious Car Accident at Age 50 - Feb 14 2023.

The Foremost Group and the Chao family have yet to release details regarding the accident, but Kyle Bass, the CIO of Hayman Capital Management, reported, “Chao entered her Tesla and backed into a pond on the ranch and passed away.”

The Tesla may have been taken over by remote control hacking- a CIA murder device “QNX” able to carry out “nearly undetectable assassinations - - . DARPA, the Defense Department research arm, for years had been working on accessing the kill switch or speed dial acceleration by remote control over the now fully computerized motor vehicle industry with hacking technology.

Some speculate that Heche was assassinated via a car hack, in a manner similar to how many suspect that journalist Michael Hastings was murdered in 2013. The implication being that she was murdered due to the general public awareness she might bring to the topic of child sex trafficking – or perhaps that she might publicize her own privileged information during the promotion of the film… As I watched the firemen shove her into the ambulance, I couldn’t help wondering if Anne Heche, like Cathy O'Brien, was born into a high-level Midwestern child sex trafficking ring and that she’d been stalked by these goons her whole life...

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We all do....we should all strive to be more than just curious about living and giving our best to the meaning of the well lived life.

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All good. Especially like Sky Australia and the beeves and solar panels mem.

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