Bonus hole? That’s just stupid. If your doctor ever uses that term, find another doctor.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone, if there was any way to shoulder some of the burden that you both have born in the early part of this ordeal, I know that we all wish we could have shouldered it. You might mention to St Peter at the pearly gates that you would like a little extra gold on your wing tips. I feel sure he will accommodate. Regarding the WSJ article of exoneration, I feel disgust like I would if a prostitute tried to preach the gospel of Christ to me with her John’s following her like bees to honey. It’s over for me. I will never believe them again. I will listen to first person accounts like I do here with you, Russell Brand, Robert F Kennedy, Donald Trump, etc etc. but as “news“ organizations go, it’s all Bud Lite for me!

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But why did they break the cocaine story? Why not just keep it a secret? Seems like it would have been easy. What was the purpose of having the media headline the story for 3 days and keep the pundits trolling it for.... who knows how long? Everything they do is part of a strategy, a plan. If there’s an accident or a leak, it is severely punished so that it doesn’t happen again. My theory is this is part of the deliberate plan on the Left to take Biden down, and out(for 2024).

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

"to avoid offending trans or non binary people"-- wait a minute, what about offending all the rest of us. That is so awful. No, you can't make it up.

And we have men so self absorbed, so twisted, they are directly feeding infants some unknown fluid from their body. And that is celebrated.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I pity the writers at Babylon Bee. "Bonus Hole" is exactly like something they'd come up with. And we'd all laugh at the stupidity. Right up until...

The current establishment is so anti-female its shocking. They just repeatedly devalue women, and nobody on the "left" says boo. Its just mind boggling.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WSJ video was interesting and informative. But I disagree with a couple of WSJ's points.

They blur what's really happening by saying social media companies were censoring unpopular opinions, and they were censoring conservative opinions. The totalitarians love for what they're doing to be obscured by making it sound like merely a political disagreement. Actually, social media was censoring opinions DISAGREEING WITH THE GOVERNMENT. It's really just that simple.

Let's not fall into the trap of talking about it as if it's anything more or less than that.

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Off Topic, but an important awaking by the movie called Silence of Freedom that explores the sex slave crisis! It topped the Indian Jones movie in revenue! Ask your self why it took 5 years after production to get approval to be shown in theaters! It is being nominated for the best movie of the year! It is also sending a clear message that not enough is being done to stop children from being kidnapped by pedophiles. It is an emotionally draining movie! Our open border between the US and Mexico is compounding the issue! Go see it and get angry!

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great collection this morning! Thank you. And it’s about time, WSJ!!!!!!!

As for yet another insult thrown upon the female anatomy, that one doesn’t even come close to the CDC’s guidance for natal male “chest feeders.” IMO, that one cannot be topped. 🤯 It is ALL beyond madness.

Truth be known - They are not insulting us - they are insulting God.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The best advice I can give on any health issue is to only go to a doctor as a last resort. There are so many ways to treat health problems besides drugs and surgery, and drugs and surgery should be your very last resort. Also I remind people that during the trump presidency there was censorship of health treatment too, and a cover up of the origin of the virus, plus safety studies of the vaccine were a joke, warp speed was a joke all under trump. There were lies and unnecessary deaths from the very beginning, it didn't just start with Biden. Both trump and Biden were terrible with covid, totally out of their depth. People are still dying from covid treatment and vaccine injuries and the public is just oblivious to this tragedy.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Off topic, but feel compelled to highly recommend the film Sound of Freedom. A true story, dark subject matter, but well told. Very important and worthwhile.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So many on the mark today! I acknowledge the disgust the worst generate. So very true - 'This fight isn't over yet...' However, I'm flying with the message of the 4th pig and the (overlords) train that isn't even on the track. The good news is the perverters normalizing is falling apart, good peoples eyes and minds are opening. Reactions and rejections are bubbling up. Better is underway.

Have a great day and week to come folks. We love and appreciate you!

As ever Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Superb collection today, bravo!

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Given some stories about the secret service since clinton on woukd not be surprised if an agent acted as go between for the first brat

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish there were a way to give you five hearts instead of just the one "Like." This post simply nails the current absurd climate in which we're living and give us something to laugh at instead of crying. Thank you!

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please check out Gordon Chang commenting about the amount of Chinese coming through our border and their intent

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I posted this late last night, but feel it deserves more views.

The piece states that Christians are being attacked relentlessly by the left, and that they may be the best group to fight back. That perhaps the reason they don't is a "bargain they made with the devil", the tax exempt status they get via 501C3 status.


back to haying...

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