Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People wearing masks in 2024 is a reminder of the mental health crisis.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sometimes things seem overwhelming. At some point we should realize this administration will pass. We all should take a page out of the Texas play book. They stood up to Goliath and Goliath is now on his heels. States and people are flocking to help Texas. The government seems to have forgotten the very people they seem to hate pay for their fake teeth, their fake hair plugs, their children’s birth and their health care, we pay for their food, their mansions, their cars and their transportation. We at some point must also realize that we are the power that sustains this country. I can’t believe God is going to give up on the worlds brightest hope. I have to tell myself have faith, and I say it to you as well. I believe in a short amount of time the proper things will align, as they have throughout history, and we the people will take our country back. J.Goodrich

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

On war as Biden's economic vision:

"War is a moral imperative for the morally impaired." - Ned B.

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have gotten that signal from barbed wire crawling thru it a few times

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved all if these. However, describing mask wearers as embarrassed to show their faces is my personal favorite!

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! The mask people make me sad. Especially the elder. The younger maskers are deranged imo. Laughed so hard at the Biden cutting barbwire with a stapler makes total sense to me. Always a pleasure to wake up to ya’ll. God Bless you and everyone 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everything in the Hunter Biden song is true, and all can be fact checked!

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant message from Texas 😂

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You two have outdone yourselves finding these gems. The sun is finally out and I am in a very good mood, well until I noticed that almost an entire month in the new year has passed. How did that happen without my permission?

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks! I needed this strip!

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was sitting in the food court of my local Costco waiting for my tires to be installed, just people watching. I was encouraged that 99% of the people seemed like normal folks going about their day. The other 1% or so just looked broken, to varying degrees. First were the maskers. Still too many, in my opinion, considering that it was unheard of to walk around in public in a mask only a few long years ago.

After that were varying degrees of weirdness, from the tutu clad chihuahua with the tutu clad gender confused owner, to the homeless lady wandering the parking lot looking for money or a confrontation.

I'm pretty sure that the plandemic either triggered some of these folks, or gave them permission to come out to society.

Either way, I'm sort of encouraged by the wide majority plain old middle class Americans still trying to live their lives. Hmm. Makes me think that maybe the fringe element is being grossly overplayed by people and organizations who stand to gain from the division that the sow.

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for posting the the GiveSendGo link to support the Taking the Border Back Convoy! Donation completed!

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"like your life depends on it," because the lives of many people, and maybe our own, do count on it.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Talk about a grand slam collection! So many - so outstanding! Of course have to start with the cat! Just haven't been able to identify a Golda Mier or Margaret Thacher amongst our many beauties for VP.

The Texas barb wire is choice! Love the Train and the truck. The sprinter is heartening. One more beauty down (grant you, an exception, most of the R beauties are likable). The Convoy effort sounds real. Power to it!

Inimitable collection and messages. Just what our Doctors would offer! Thank you!

Have a great day and a smashingly successful week! 🐈

Bestest Always ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Jan 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Rudyard Kipling--

I can not help but see the parallels between the days of "Take Up the White Man's Burden" and the liberal progressives of today. In both times, it is/was appealing to the sense of righteousness and "goodness", along with control, to the proponents. It is our Duty, caps emphasized. Yet then as now, none can see the disruption to culture as by far the biggest evil. The economic migrants today think it is the land of milk and honey, yet fail to see the horrors of many in this land, the strife in so many of the US poor, and what they leave behind in culture, in their families and their roots. Hopefully, they can return.

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Today's strip reminds me again that cartoons were originally NOT for kids. The pic with Musk and describing how well X works with 80% less staff seems like a good start for The Swamp. But, my school years makes me push for that normally unattainable 98% ( I liked getting A's, it just didn't happen very often )

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