Great thoughtful post as usual. I could go on, but took my builders license biannual course today, and watched a video of a group of five people discussing new insulation codes coming to Massachusetts. The lead speaker with a gleam in her eye opened up how absolutely wonderful these new stretch codes were, that 300 communities of the 350 have adopted them and this is what they have been pushing for years. As I watched the video, I felt like I was being indoctrinated into this small group, who probably never built anything with their own two hands, and listening I could only think it’s the end of a large, large section of my business. They just made every good sized addition or large home renovation drastically out priced for 90 percent of my customers. The other 10 percent probably won’t see the value of the new pricing this will force into the market. With these small powerful groups, there always seems to be the unforeseen consequences the public is brought to bear when these non productive educated self appointed dictates are put into these positions. They can’t see the devastating effects of the mandates they place on industry because of their ignorance. It has been so evident through the entire Covid (vaccine) pandemic, that the small group has devastated a large piece of the populations trust of medicine so that the industry is ruined. Ruined by this small group. It also has shown how weak the medical participants are to have gone along with it. I can only predict that these small groups will be the first victims of the large change coming when the wheels fall off the bus. J.Goodrich

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well written, Dr. Malone. Thank you! The last three years the Lord has taken me on a journey of much needed personal repentance, surrender of my own 'throne' to His Kingship, and a deep and personal understanding His Holiness, grace, mercy and GOODNESS. I think this is what the world, one person at a time, needs as well. God bless you and give you His peace.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are all to blame for what has happened to us. We have lost our moral compass. We look for the hero to save us while missing the fact that the hero lies within every living soul.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant. I still think you should go into publishing, so a wider swath of the public can read you, as well as all the great thinkers you introduce us to.

My thinking aligns more with Dr. Wolfe's, that there is an evil that has penetrated society. Only a tiny percent of Jews practice Judaism, and what does He do to his chosen when they abandon their faith? And most Christians do not practice theirs's either. Martin Luther said that G-D created Islam as a punishment to Christians for their sinful ways. The same can be said of socialism. I do know that since Marx postulated socialism and his followers spread it, regardless if it was communist socialism, national socialism, Trotskyism, Maoism, or any of the other -ism's, mass death and destruction has followed. I think that the fact that the last three years has seen amazing convergence and coordination between the people who support the -ism's cannot be explained by mere coincidence, but rather by people who share totalitarian, anti Judeo-Christian and misanthropic beliefs, and work like fire ants in a mound or bees in a colony to achieve them. What seems to unite them is their paganism and/or atheism and their deep seated and held hatred of all Judeo-Christian beliefs, and of those who hold them.

But what do I know. I'm like the blind man who is touching a small part of an elephant and trying to figure out what it is. I just try to keep my faith in G-D, but I do keep my powder dry.

Danny Huckabee

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In regards to the accumulated legislative baggage: In one of Robert Heinlein's novels, one of his characters was proposing possible forms of government. He suggested that each law passed would be required to be paired with the repeal of a law already on the books. I've always liked that idea. If only it were possible.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article, lots to ponder there. On a bright note, someone on Twitter recently posed the question "When will everybody admit the whole Covid-19 'pandemic' response was a scam?" and Elon responded "Its coming", which prompted over 10M views of the tweet - the responses were fascinating and people are FINALLY opening their eyes to the evil pulled over on us.

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Ya gotta' send this to Karmela-- She loves Venn Diagrams so much!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent piece. Our founders were courageous to attempt to form a government that would not go down the path of bureaucratic obesity which I fear is leading us to an infarction that will bring an end to this experiment in ordered liberty. And you rightly ask, "who is behind all this?" The fact that each leader in the western world seemed to march lock step in line COVID mania suggests that it was planned and executed by a super strategist to bring down Western civilization, or change it along the lines of the nightmare fantasy of Yuval Harari. You rightly sense the evil behind all this but fall short to name it. And you also correctly observe that the various claimants to the perverted throne of the WEF/WHO/NWO do not have the intelligence to pull this off. One is left with only one alternative, which is to recognize the claw of the personified evil being who has the intelligence and the long term vision to see the plan through to the end. He is the foe of Christianity/Judaism and has schemed from the beginning of time to destroy that which God loves, His creation. There is no other conclusion that explains all the data. Fortunately, the story doesn't end with him.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, Doc, that is a lot to unpack on a Saturday afternoon.

But I think you captured it all in your observation that the only fair and enduring government is the one envisioned by our Founders and set down in our Constitution. A limited government of limited power, utterly subservient to the people.

I would add one more observation. The essence of the American character has always been a rebellious streak. The ability to question and to tell petty tyrants and busybodies to go F themselves. (sorry for the vulgarity but it's just easier). It has always set us apart and the more unassimilated people we let in the more diluted our national character becomes.

So now we have devolved into a bunch of servile cowards - people so foolish and stupid that they wear face diapers outdoors on a sunny June day or driving alone in their cars. That they do these things as a badge of honor and fealty to the state or party is even more cowardly and craven. Hopefully we can recapture - or enough of us can summon the courage - shown on an early spring morning in 1775. If not, we are truly lost.

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From the beginning of time we have had righteousness and evilness. The evil always wants to control the righteous. Is it guilt ? Is it envy? What makes a man or woman become evil?

The Constitution of the USA I believe , is a gift from God. A document that provides freedom of choice and accountability for wrong. Where the powers are split between 3 branches, so that no one person has absolute power. This keeps us save from tyranny.

So we as citizens need to fight to preserve our Constitution. If our Constitution is over thrown the whole world will implode. Keep strong. Keep the faith. Remember God is in charge. Thank you Drs Malone for all that you do.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate this very much. Thank you, Drs. Malone.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My summary of your written thoughts which were very potent. There has not been one decade in written history empty of warnings – which are only used centuries later to say we should have known. One does not learn from someone else’s mistakes. The highs and lows of a generation that spawn sayings like ‘Never again’ and ‘Shinning City on a Hill’ do not inspire subsequent generations. Man’s daily presence cares only about rectifying his past and securing his future. "What experience and history teach us is this—that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."[Hegel]

[Glubb Pasha]

1. The age of outburst (or pioneers).

2. The age of conquests.

3. The age of commerce.

4. The age of affluence.

5. The age of intellect.

6. The age of decadence.

7. The age of decline and collapse.

Are we in stage 7? Perhaps.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Logical analysis. Paralegal researches of Katherine Watt are impressive, & if accurate, very damning. Concur w. Malone: Banality of Evil, & driven by Lust for Power over the lives of others & unrestrained Greed - . Can Americans resurrect the Constitutional Republic so wisely framed by our (like all humans) flawed Founders???

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Lies my Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming”

Best book I've read in a while.

Thanks to the both of you for always arming me with the cognitive ammunition needed to navigate the battlefield that is day to day life.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your thesis is spot-on, Dr. Malone.

...From your basic premise vis-'a-vis the "deeply flawed" character of mankind, to the malignant growth of the "administrative state" - thanks to the self-styled "Colonel" Edward Mandel House - author of: Phillip Dru "Administrator"- the blue print for the 'modern' administrative state. House was "Presidential assistant" to Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, who initiated the beginning of the ever-expanding un-elected and un-accountable bureaucratic Leviathan which de facto rules uber allus

in the (now) U.S.S.A., circa 2023 AD.

With FEW exceptions in their histories, the "Two-Political Parties" - who trade power back and forth - are in reality - no matter WHAT their "platform's" exclaim, are de facto headed in the EXACT SAME direction: When in power the so-called "Democrats" SPRINT towards the abyss of absolute STATE SOCIALISM; and the so-called "Republicans" merely JOG - but in the EXACT same direction of absolute STATE SOCIALISM.

Both parties use the rubric of "equality" as the touchstone of their bona fides; however, of late, the so-called "Democrats" have upped the "equality" ante (formerly meaning equality of OPPORTUNITY) now morphed into "EQUITY", meaning absolute equality of OUTCOME in ALL aspects of 'living' on planet earth, which UNDERSCORES Hanna Arendt's prescient comment on EVIL as being related to inveterate thoughtlessness.

Being that this (former) Republic has morphed into a Democracy (Mobocracy); and that ALL democracies in history imploded at about the two century mark, it well may be, as Dr. Malone laments, that America has reached its apogee; and the 'tipping point' cannot be halted - let alone reversed.

One thing is for certain, ONE-WORLD-TRANSNATIONAL Government is NOT a panacea; and if implemented will only make things worse via UNIVERSAL tyranny - in the name of equality.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well thank youi My understanding of all this has been based on the insight that in an heirarchical organization, a bureaucracy, each little decision gets magnified and distorted until the whole mess must collapse. We are left with the task of governing the "commoms" to avoid the tragedy of collapse and to this end I am looking at the work of Elinor Ostrom and the decision processes championed by Sociocracy For All


We have a lot to un learn and more to learn because most of us will survive and need a way to prosper.

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