Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭

…… and the other 300+ verses in the Bible that tell us not to fear.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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The comments about Senator Paul are absolutely untrue. I saw him speak last night and he was laser focused on the covid response. He mentioned masks and cited the comprehensive study that proved that masks do not work. Senator Paul is pushing hard against the totalitarian urge.

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I am reminded of cattle being driven to auction and slaughter. Because they fear the shouts and prods, they deliver themselves to their own demise.

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Not complying with anymore pandemic nonsense. Many of us are in the, “Make me”, mindset and are fed up.

If Congress was serious they would…

Take no more big tech / pharma / defense , etc money.

Vote NO against anything supporting or funding all of the above.

Cut all funding to gov’t except essential services.

Get ONE bad actor criminally charged.

If they can charge one, the rest will follow.

Instead Pres. Trump will get indicted again and Brandon will eat ice cream.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

A few Things I'm aware of at this moment

At my age, I do not fear death, in whatever way, shape, or form it presents itself.

I will not follow along, wear a mask, social distance, get any death jabs, or subject myself to any of the other bullshit thrown our way, defying peacefully, until forced otherwise.

Covid is a scam, climate change is a scam. The real issue is evil, malignant people in financial and / or political power, humans (useful idiots) easily swayed to betray their own country with dangling carrots of wealth and power, and the onslaught of the federal governments across the globe, geoengineering destroying our once beautiful world, chemically poisoning everything forever.

My government is being ruled by other's (a shadow government) not primarily who reside here, but from abroad, complicit by the 545 (maybe minus a handful) whose agenda is to internally destroy the greatest country which ever existed, for their own profit, power, and probable reptilian enjoyment.

The USA government is a main propagator of war, famine, death, destruction, and disturbance of the natural progression that other sovereign nations have evolved in their personal and political history, under the guise of "Democracy", all for the pillaging and profiteering of those in our government (and the shadow government), in their eternal quest for financial gain, and to control everything, and everyone.

Wildfires are man-made, arsonist set, and are being used to control, relocate, and destroy the environments which allow peaceful people to co-exist with both each other and nature. If you want proof of this, simply read the PDF in this article which shows "Forest Fire As A Military Weapon" was commissioned by the US Govt in the early 1970's and since has been declassified for viewing.


Some people will never wake up to what is being used against them. Many thanks to Desmond and Dr. R. for clarifying this in their efforts to get the word out regarding the Mass Psychosis Hypnosis, again, being perpetrated against all of society, opening eyes of many. These other sheep-eople, IMO, are already a lost cause, and their only wake up call will be when it directly affects them as an individual. All out war, chaos, destruction, and violence within their own countries boundaries, on their streets, in their faces, will finally open their eyes, but by then it will be too late.

I love this country, and I despise the repugnant entities who reside here who are pushing this agenda.

The only way out of this is to create unity of all citizens (of all races, creeds and colors) against this agenda, but unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon, unless the awakening that I've personally experienced around me, spreads much quicker than one would hope to expect

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Instilling fear, division and want to our children is child abuse and those perpetrators will bear the milestone of their actions...

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It seems we sit back and allow time to pass with no real response to the authoritarians that stepped into the Covid arena to destroy our bill of rights. Promises made of bringing these destroyers of our constitution to justice have certainly not been promises kept. Now like a festering boil it begins to show its puss ridden head again. We are going on 8 months with no indictments, hearings, basically no response to Americans lose of freedoms. This absolute lack of response is my fear. Every minute that goes by is another lost opportunity to set our republic right. Listening to Fauci spew his continued authoritarian policies unimpeded disgust me. J.Goodrich

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I agree with Marc. Senator Paul is probably picking the targets he thinks he has the best chance with. Decapitate the head of the dragon and you may be able to kill off all its siblings or at least frighten them into submission. He (Paul) has endured the most vicious criticism, been ignored by all his colleagues, often speaks memorable speeches for history to an empty Senate chamber, has done all he can valiantly to reign in government spending and regularly points out the graft and corruption and waste. He has also been threatened and personally attacked at least twice that I know of not of course including the Jan 6 silliness. Until there is a strong conservative house and senate, and a President who will do something about the rogue deep state, many of these really good warriors are whistling into the wind.

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When I read Michael Crichton's book "State of Fear" in the mid to late 2000s and shortly thereafter Tim Weiner's book "Legacy of Ashes" about the chronic institutional failures of the CIA, they forever changed my viewpoint of government, current events, etc. Two days ago, I visited a very nice elderly Russian Jewish lady in a nursing home- she was requesting me to make her a new upper denture. She is very much a full deck and a lovely person as well. She is from Lviv, Ukraine. I told her my late wife's grandma was from Bila Tserkva outside of Kiev- not far from Babi Yar, both sites of massacres of Jews by the Nazi einsatzgruppen early in the war. I asked her what it was like to be a Jew in the former Galicia, home to the most vicious antisemites on the face of the earth with the intellect of nematode worms. She said it was very hard. My point? we ended the conversation with her and her husband stating "this is not the same United States we came to 25 years ago." Even the immigrants to the USA see what is happening to this country. All that I can say is keep the faith and fight the mass formation when you see it and tell your friends that masks are BS. Thanks for the post Dr. Malone. As they say in yiddish "Sei Immer a mensch."

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I was in a car wreck 4 years ago. I was T-boned. Because of that I have had a long journey trying to get back to “normal”. Every time we would drive through a larger city I would go into panic mode and hyperventilate. It was bad. My councilor told me that just before we were going to go to the bigger city or anytime I might feel total panic. I was to pray that I would be yoked equally to Jesus. That he would protect me and keep me safe while traveling through big cities. So I took his advise. I can now say that because of my faith in God and his son I can mostly stay calm. No major panic attacks. It is a good feeling.

We need to remember that God is in charge. Yes we have to remember bad things happen but we can get through anything if we rely on God.

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Not to worry, most of the general public, even many in other countries get it now. We know.

The big worry will be the violence used to smash this attempt to pieces. This oligarchy must

Be crushed and the sooner the better. It must be. It will be.

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The Jesuits have lost their way as well as Papa Francesco. Why else would they beautify fatal Fauci! As long as the medical narrative can instill fear we are lost!

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What is the road out of this mess?


And most importantly SWARMING.

We need to make new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.

If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always, enlightening and educational comments from you, Doctor. Bravo.

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Nope. I will not be a party to their terrorist mind games. I will rest, have my peace, in Jesus.

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