Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Day 5 of my 17 year old granddaughter (and her family) visiting with us. It's hard not to get frustrated because she is onboard with vaccines (she had 2 covid shots and said she's fine), she wants to go to college to study to be an organic farmer (and help conquer climate change) and it's just generally hard to have a conversation with her. Reading this post was like medicine; it renewed my sanity.

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Jan 1ยทedited Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I find the alarmists theriomorphic cause of the alleged climate warming amusing as I suspect the hot air production at their conclaves far out pace methane production by cows

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article. Thanks once again for stating what should be obvious if data were properly utilized.

I'm truly to the point that I trust NOTHING coming from our government, and definitely nothing coming out of the world governing bodies. These organizations and the people who run them are power mad incompetents with god complexes.

We must resist as best we can. Buy local, grow your own food as much as possible, and control your own consumer habits.

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My career ending move as a scientist was to tell the truth about the non-destructive tests that were periodically conducted on the safety-critical structure components of a nuclear power reactor under a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandate. The truth was that these tests generated no information about the conditional outcomes of the events of the future for these components thus being functionally worthless.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for continuing to speak truth to power, to shine a light on the darkness.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the best ways to ensure adequate food (and self sufficiency) is to prohibit patented grains that fail to produce viable seeds for the next crop ((non sterile seeds). The FDA is endangering national security by enabling and approving this diabolical type of (sterile) food crop. This behavior only serves the Monsantos of the planet.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article, imo. Thanks!

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Jan 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Consensus Climatology (CC, the home of climate alarm) entered the world as a fully fledged pseudo-science in 1988 when Jim Hansen testified to Congress about the imminence of human-caused global warming.

I have been studying the integrity of CC data since 2001, and have published 6 peer-reviewed papers on it. The two most recent are the most definitive.

1) Climate models have no predictive value: "Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections" https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2019.00223

2) The air temperature record is so riddled with measurement uncertainty that neither the rate nor the magnitude of warming since 1900 can be known: "LiG Metrology, Correlated Error, and the Integrity of the Global Surface Air-Temperature Record" https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135976

These papers vacate the entire IPCC narrative. They falsify the EPA's Endangerment Finding regarding our COโ‚‚ emissions. I notified both the IPCC and the EPA. Their response was silence.

As per usual with official narrative falsifiers, I have been derided, insulted and attacked since those papers were published. I have engaged opponents in long debates on PubPeer; opponents hotly making the most incompetent arguments it's been my misfortune to receive (I am a well-published physical methods experimental chemist). My work remains undented.

Tom Nelson recently interviewed me for his climate podcast series. If you wonder about the climate crisisโ„ข and are interested by a refutation of it, you can find the podcast interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Ke9F0m_gw

The whole AGW thing is a crock.

All the agony, the excess deaths, the spoiled landscapes, the ruined live, the chopped birds and the diversion of billions into the pockets of the already rich is *for nothing*.

The whole pseudo-scientific enterprise should be defunded, including every academic center that sponsored it, and every subsidy terminated.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm looking forward to seeing you go deeper and more extensively into the issue of "climate change". I've been researching it for many years. I do believe it's real, but not for the reasons the Deep State tells us. The Sun is in an active cycle at present which has not yet peaked. Earth itself goes through cycles too and we're nearing the end of one. The poles are reversing. As far as man-made activities? Yes. Some. But it has little or nothing to do with the use of fossil fuels. That's the big lie. Climate change is next on the list to further the deep state's agenda. It's an opportunity for fear-porn. Just another control tactic. I agree with everything you say and am looking forward to learning more. It's been in the background for far too long, overshadowed by the cabal's covid scheme. It's time to bring the climate change issue into the light too.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Itโ€™s much easier to sell unnatural, dishonest propaganda to people who are separated from nature. For example, blaming global warming on CO2 was such nonsense to me because I could directly observe water vapor to be what efficiently โ€˜holds inโ€™ the heat of the earth. Watching what happens outside dispels much manufactured BS.

Reading the history of pharmacy tells us what pharma and industrialists did to herbalists in the previous 2 centuries. They seek monopolistic control over the synthetic and natural remedies.

There has been efforts to impede or corrupt discovery and invention forever, though it seems that the problem is recently exacerbated by a concentration of power possible only with a more dependent society.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd say the distortion of science might actually have happened a century earlier around the mid-18th century as I discuss in my book: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-history-of-you-a-book-that-connects

I am hopeful that as we've seen this year, more and more people are aware to the fake science occurring (thanks to voices like yours). There's a lot of information out there to be shifted through (i.e., a lot of the fake science we believe is real: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth), but as more and more wake up to the truth, polices become enacted to fight against these BS scientific studies.

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Years ago, when I first heard of (man made) global cooling, then global warming, then climate change, I couldnโ€™t believe this was being aired as โ€œnewsโ€... I thought it was so ridiculous that I was sure no one would believe it and it would go away... looks like I called it wrong ๐Ÿ˜‘...

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Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Read the book Salt Sugar Fat and find out that those Big Tobacco executives now run the processed food industry.

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Jan 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My prime example of pharma data obfuscation is Relative Risk Reduction, ( RRR ) as opposed to Absolute Risk Reduction, ( ARR ). Anyone unfamiliar with those terms should research them for their own benefit. ARR is truth. RRR is meaningless. Pharma, major media and those complicit in the COVID "vaccine" great hoax cite RRR exclusively. Numbers should be verified, but I recall Pfizer cited 97% efficacy, ( RRR ), while the real efficacy, ( ARR ), was .03%. Is that science distortion or what ?

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Jan 1ยทedited Jan 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, let me say it out loud...

I rarely believe shit about anything anyone spouts out anymore. There are exceptions, but those have to be presented with, or have available some background, observable, researchable data that I can use to confirm whatever is being spouted, otherwise I'm not buying.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"?

CIA director William Casey would be so proud of me.๐Ÿ™‰

I'm so cynical at this point, that any research report by any government agency is greeted with a ๐Ÿค”. Again, I'm not buying anything from any bloated, self governing agency with no real oversight.

I am not alone when I say that everything that I thought about the human condition has literally been flipped on its head. I hear this from others all the time.

The Great Awakening is real, and I am grateful to have found others (here and elsewhere) who are living the same experiences I currently am, with those fellow "travelers" (quoting a woman way smarter thab I). This fact alone is what allows me to believe that there are good times ahead, although they will not be achieved without some pain, suffering, and sacrifice, in the meantime.

It's a bumpy ride, and it will be interesting.

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Jan 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And to think that not long ago a person speaking in behalf of the cabal said "We own the science." This is insanity wrapped in the garb of religion. Praying for us all.

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