I wish everyone would quit mucking around with nature and let the earth do its OWN thing. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Stop this insanity!

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not to mention that geo-engineering sometimes uses aluminum nano-particles, which might have ... I'm just guessing here ... an unfortunate impact on human health. Especially since we're not evolved to get rid of aluminum nanoparticles, since they don't exist in nature.

Do they end up in the brain, as with the aluminum from vaccines?

Geo-engineering. Safe & Effective. So effective we all negotiated a treaty back in 1978 to outlaw weather weapons: ENMOD. Not so sure about the "safe" part though.


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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

We need to get these idiots out of power. Bill Gates for example gave his stupid dumb talk on Ted Talk before showing his equation

CO2 = P x S x E x C as CO2 is the Total Global Production

People assume he is smart so they are not critically thinking during his talk sometimes and if they did they would realize that he left something out in his equation:

The amount of CO2 that is used by plant population for photosynthesis!

Why is he buying up so much farmland? Probably to get rid of plant life.

This is why these people need to be out of power so that we can do what actually works which is have more farms like White Oaks Pastures that actually run carbon negative and eat up all the excess CO2

Plus they can feed a lot of people which good quality food. This type of thinking would make people healthier as well as be good for the planet.

So people like Bill Gates and WHO don't care about the planet or human beings. They are narcissists that only care about themselves. We can't let evil win which is who they are. We can't trust them as they have no compassion or integrity. We need to get them out of power and actually put people in power who actually care about human beings and the planet. Doing this will create a better future

The tyranny always is the worst in the areas that have the least freedom. Psychologically people always do best when their individual liberties are protected.

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The American Indian respected Mother Earth and learned how to live on the land and thanked Mother Earth for being the giver of life. Modern man believes he has the right to improve on Mother Nature with technology and not only distort the Earth, but to manipulate the blue print of life with RNA injections. It will not end well if we keep going down this road.

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Did you think 3 years ago you would become an expert scientist in so many fields? I didn't

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Rewilding is actually not a bad thing on a smaller scale to include an unmanaged area in over-manicured lawns and parks or sub prime land. If you let even a small 10 or 20 foot area go wild you will be surprised with the wildlife that it attracts. I loosely managed a poor soil rocky 100 acres by letting some areas go and combined it WITH Controlled Burns every 4 years and sold it to a hunter for a large gain. It easily had double the deer and turkey over surrounding areas. Alas, burning is frowned upon by everyone from greenies to your average Joe driving by programmed by Smokey Bear to be alarmed by smoke. Smokey Bear and his anti fire message have done more harm than most people understand.

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Follow the money. I certainly will not be the first person to point out that there is way too much redundancy in the USG. Take the climate fraud. I bet grants are handed out by nasa, epa, noaa and maybe even fda. Shut this spigot by culling redundant granting and watch how fast the planet will suddenly heal itself.

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There are a lot of proposed solutions to global warming/climate disruption. Geoengineering is by far the one that could have serious unintended consequences. But there are already ways that we can work with Nature's processes to achieve the same thing. Carbon farming is one. Consider the utility of industrial hemp. It grows on poor soil, is fast growing, and absorbs 5X the CO2 that trees and other plants do. And hemp has untapped potential for producing a wide range of products--paper, fiber for clothing, fuel and many, many other applications. And, a word on rewilding. The premise isn't about sacrificing productive farmland. It's about restoring habitat for wildlife--in urban parks, on College campuses, and in ecosystems that have experienced substantial alteration due to a decline in certain animal species--for example the beaver. Beavers play a crucial role in managing the hydrology of an area, creating habitat for other species by damming rivers and streams. The field of agroecology also incorporates some of these principles, designing farms that incorporate micro-ecosystems of plants that attract bees and other beneficial insects; agroforestry is another method of farming using existing forests as productive ecosystems for grazing livestock and growing forest-appropriate crops for human use. The point of my saying all of this is that there are many useful strategies for dealing with the complexities of integrating human activity with existing ecosystems and fostering both human and ecosystem health. Further, that these concepts and strategies might be advocated by parties that have other, nefarious intentions, for top down control is unfortunate, but we must not let the value and validity of these strategies be coopted and perverted.

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Cloud seeding = science's answer to a rain dance.

Have we reached peak climate alarmism insanity yet? I'm growing tired of waiting.

Meanwhile, the bad kitty has an interesting exposé on yet another underhanded way the lies are being perpetuated: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-cold-facts-about-heat-deaths

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Historically warmer temperature have been good for earth and its inhabitants, not implying that the increased CO2 concentration had much to do with the modest temperature increase. Watch the Richard Lindzen, Steven Koonin and Judith Curry interviews with Jordan Peterson. These are the experts that got cancelled for not playing ball by the New Science Rules.

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Here is the reality, the water contains huge amounts of CO2, as it heats up it releases the CO2. One follows the other. As it cools it will follow that CO2 starts to lower. CO2 increasing doesn't lead to warming. CO2 decreasing doesn't lead to cooling. The insanity of humans controlling either is bad science. Plant more trees, if you want to grab more carbon. Solar and wind inputs are as destructive to the environment because you keep cutting down the trees.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why yes Dorothy, love it.

Great to have you back on Warroom this morning, Bannon misses alot when he doesn't keep up with you.

I've linked this greening in past substacks, and it should be re-emphasized one of the big reasons, esp for arid greening, is that plants will tighten the openings in their stomata with higher CO2 levels, cuts evapotransportation. Hence, they don't require the water they used previously.

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The way elites and their enablers are going about this has dire potential consequences for all of us, and your final comment sums it up perfectly:

Our “intelligence community” and their corporate partners have a very long history of completely overlooking the possibility of unintended consequences (“blowback”) in their chronic rush to implement shiny new technologic solutions to complex problems.

As Johnathan Haidt discusses in his book The Righteous Mind, the Left Wing brain is missing two and often three of the 6 core Moralities which makes it physically impossible for them to perceive first, second or third order consequences. They simply can't see any potential problems.

They are also unable to understand proportionality, Sanctity or Authority, which is why they treat illegal immigrants better than legal immigrants and treat criminals better than victims. It's also why they allow confused kids who are often same-sex attracted, autistic, abused or otherwise in need of genuine help to be given dangerous drugs and often butchered by profit hungry doctors in the name of "gender affirming care".

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Gosh, who could have guessed that if you give the perfect food to the life form that "eats" it, the life form will thrive?

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Glad to read this! I've written a couple articles about climate change and how its actually "Anti-Human!"

This is a much needed post! Once we start to question the "science" behind all these initiatives, we start to see the real reason behind them. I've written about "scientism" as well and we all saw what it did for the past three years.

Here are few posts I've written on "seeing behind the initiative." I recommend the one on Elon Musk and SpaceX first because he's behind a lot of these initiatives, even though they're not going to succeed:




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Let the natural processes of our planet and its ecosystems unfold without unnecessary human interference. Climate variation remains a complex phenomenon that, to date, exceeds complete human understanding. There is a valid concern that governmental interventions, which now encompass scientific decisions, may not always lead to the desired outcomes and could potentially cause unintended harm. Throughout history, life on Earth has shown its remarkable ability to adapt to changing conditions, as observed in the field of Biology of Populations, presenting both challenges and opportunities for various life forms. Natural selection will continue to play a significant role in shaping the course of life on Earth.

It is crucial to be cautious about introducing artificial interventions to manipulate the planet and its climate, as these actions carry inherent risks due to human involvement. Human beings are flawed, and it is evident that some leaders may prioritize financial gain and power over the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. Engaging in actions beyond their understanding could lead to serious consequences.

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