Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The issue runs deeper than vaccines, masks and mandates. It's about leftist globalism. We are to do as we are told without asking questions.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree Dr. Malone, It is crucial that children be able to read facial expressions.

Masks are changing their psyches.

Lately, I've heard of children drawing pictures without noses or mouths.

This is abuse. I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor of almost 20 years. I wish everyone would watch this video on Youtube called Still Face Experiment.

It's famous and has millions of views. https://youtu.be/apzXGEbZht0

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mattias Desmet has done some great work on Mass Formation Psychosis. Another psychologist, Rene Girard, has also done some great work on the practice of scapegoating which many politicians and beaurocrats are relying on heavily now to try to control the distorted narrative. This is at the very root of Mass Formation we are experiencing today. Be sure to read Scapegoating, Chapter 12 of his book "I See Satan Fall Like Lightning" or check out his April 2021 interview "Kaplan Interview, Part I: Girard, Scapegoating, and the Antidote to Annihilation" at https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/fellows/kaplan-interview-part-i-girard-scapegoating-and-the-antidote-to-annihilation/

If you want a crystal clear example of scapegoating, you need only look to "woke" Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who publicly labeled the unvaxxed as "racists" and "misogynists" and has charged them with being anti-science - this from a former drama teacher with no other political credentials than being the son of a former Canadian PM! Yet, his vaccine policies and lockdowns are among the most tyrannical and economically destructive in the world, along with nations like Australia, New Zealand and Austria.

Like all despots before him and there are many, Trudeau epitomizes the coward and a weakling who will do anything to stay in power, as evidenced by his calling an election in the depths of the covid crisis (and after spending many millions of taxpayer dollars only to lose even more seats of his fragile minority government.)

I am heartened by the growing resistance around the world especially the outpouring of support for the Canadian Truckers Convoy of Freedom, a group of many thousands that Trudeau has labeled as an isolated "fringe." I have some news for your Justine, this fringe will see you out of office and it will happen sooner than later. In the meantime, the real science evidence is growing to demonstrate just how corrupt the political pro vax narrative that is still being pushed no matter what the cost in lives lost due to these toxic treatments, especially to our children!

There is a special place in hell for all scapegoating politicians and their corporate and bureaucratic enablers who will be remembered for the many crimes that have committed!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Abuse of our children must stop. The gateway behavior for child abuse is abuse of innocent animals. "Dr." Fauci is well versed in both. His latest cruel "experiment".:


Just got back from the supermarket and even though masking is optional here, it is about 90% mask-holes now, sporting their new N95 models, with their masked kids in tow.

Yes, Dr. M, mass formation madness is now the gateway for child abuse. Your story about the poor monkeys brought me to tears. My God, what have we done to each other and when will it end?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank God I am in Florida. I support the truckers in Canada yearning to be free. For real news coverage go to Rebel News.

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It's We the People, not We the Sheeple. So infuriating. What happened to Critical Thinking? Thank you Dr. Malone for all that you do!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! I feel as though I’m screaming into the wind at the ocean when I write nearly daily letters to my “elected officials.”

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The very same thing is true in Canada, I'm sure. I'm a life long left leaning voter who never ever thought I would vote Conservative, but today is a new day. I'm not alone. Many of my left of centre educated white female friends feel the same way. We have been through hell and back, and will not be voting liberal or NDP for a very long time. For a real time example of how to commit political suicide, check out Justin Trudeau.

The damage that has been caused to public health, to medicine, and to trust in government more generally is staggering. We are not the same people as when this all started. I've no idea how this will play out yet, but curious to watch it unfold.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the courage you have to draw the line. No more madness, we must not be silent anymore. I’m a NP in nursing homes and am ashamed of those in the medical field that are turning a blind eye to the raw data and reality that Big Pharma, Big Tech, MSM and Big Academia have become the totalitarian system we all thought America was free from. I received the first round (2 doses) of Pfizer Dec 2020, but now realize there are major risks associated with these vaccines.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen! I agree, it won’t stop until we try and convict them.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The democrats are creating an army of new republicans and independent families"

I'm really glad you added independent because I think that's been the most important part all along. A new awareness in the public that was very much needed, as hard as this all is. We've seen the effects all this has on adults, so I really hope the damage isn't too bad for the kids. Our education system needs serious help and the people pushing all this shit need to be held accountable.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was excellent. I’ve passed it on. In spite of the swing, it’s amazing how many people are hanging on for dear life to the mandates and the shots. Not to mention the masks for chikdren. Seeing a child in a mask makes me ill. It’s just wrong.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a clarion voice you are for all of us who are fighting tyranny. Thank you.

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Exactly! And along with this damage, unintended consequences will happen.


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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This might be the issue that changes the vax, vax, vas ideology. On the path to a million deaths which was not enough to overcome Big Pharma, Inc. The ability to protect your child from potential permanent damage is a principled stand. This "pandemic" permanently harmed the agencies so there will be much more resistance to universal childhood vaccines in the future.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, I can’t help but wonder if that abuse may have started with putting these animals in a cage. The mother sure was in a position that was out of her control. Can only speculate how these creatures feel about captivity and how they may act out. I know I haven’t been my cheerful self since being put in this position with covid… our lives are much like that poor restricted mom.

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