Apr 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Random thought, Dr. Malone; instead of writing "Lies My Gov't Told Me", you could write "Truths My Gov't Told Me"... that would be a lot shorter! Most likely a blank notebook?

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Fascinating peek into a harbinger of the Stalinist censorship to come.

The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Jill’s book first got stuck in review the day before. Who was pulling strings at Amazon even before the pandemic was officially declared? 🤔

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Quite a journey. And it must have been horrifying to realize what was happening. For me, it was the morning they announced lockdowns for “2 weeks to flatten the curve.” I told my husband that morning that if we let this happen those lockdowns would never stop because I knew it was the wrong thing to do. And when followed by mask mandates, I knew this country was gone. We have never recovered and I truly worry about these lections this year. I know without any doubt that if we don’t reverse things with this election, then 2024 will never happen. This election will be tough. Dems are moving to the Republican camp - not because they are newly “awakened.” But because they believe they can be re-elected that way, becoming a RINO. We need to be very careful and avoid straight ticket voting if possible. That will not save us. Bless you both for what you did and are trying to do. People need to know.

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The book in fact didn't meet community standards. Unfortunately they didn't tell you that the "community" they were referring to was the cabal of criminals conducting the pseudopandemic, of which Amazon was one. "Their" community we now know is not "our" community -- i.e. the one we live in physically, not the one that owns us.

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There was a book written by Svetlana Lokhova published in August of 2020. Its title was THE SPIDER: STEFAN A. HALPER AND THE DARK WEB OF A COUP. Having read George Papadopoulos' book (DEEP STATE TARGET), I was aware of Halper's unscrupulous and unsavory reputation and I pre-ordered the book from Amazon early in July. By the time Lokhova's book was published, it had disappeared from Amazon, my pre-order was canceled and the Amazon representative I spoke with on the phone had no idea what had happened.

Here is an excerpt from the completely biased and compromised Wikipedia article about Halper:

"Halper acted as an FBI informant for Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, and was a subject of the Spygate conspiracy theory initiated by President Donald Trump in May 2018. His FBI handler, initially identified only as "Case Agent 1", was later identified as Stephen M. Somma, a counterintelligence investigator.[17] Trump's theory falsely alleges that the Obama administration implanted a paid spy in the 2016 Trump campaign "for political purposes" to gather information in support of Hillary Clinton's candidacy."

You will note that Wikipedia still states as a fact that "Trump's theory falsely alleges that the Obama administration implanted a paid spy in the Trump campaign." To date (4/30/2022) Goodreads.com reports zero ratings and zero reviews of Likhova's book. It is still not listed for sale at Amazon.com. Barnes & Noble and Walmart do not sell it and it is unavailable from any library.

It appears that the Biden Truth Ministry has been operational since the day he stole the election.

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"We apologize but Amazon has noticed some unusual reviewing activity on this account. As a result, all reviews submitted by this account have been removed and this account will no longer be able to contribute reviews and other content on Amazon. If you would like to learn more, please see our community guidelines. To contact us about this decision, please email community-help@amazon.com." The preceding quote is my copy of amazon.smile.com's automated response to me when I tried, just now, to write a review on a product I've bought 6 times through Amazon. Amazon has denied me my previous ability to write reviews of my verified purchases for many months, not because of anything I ever wrote about any product, but for some other reason that Amazon refuses to tell me about. I know this as fact because I very carefully followed all of their community guidelines on each of my posted reviews. Amazon also removed all of my previously posted reviews so I now have no evidence to prove that my reviews always met their community guidelines. Too late, but now I know that I should have saved all my reviews. Of course, Amazon would then claim that I must have omitted the reviews that were in violation. Oh well. I suspect that the real reason they won't let me write reviews and ask other buyers or sellers questions is because Amazon is afraid of what I might write. I suspect their AI algorithms detected my choice of charities, and my choices were not their approved favorites. My favorite charity choice, soon before Amazon's denial of my reviews and questions, was the National Vaccine Information Center. After Amazon denied and deleted my reviews, I appealed via phone calls and emails, and Amazon restored my review and question privileges. It didn't last long, and privileges are again revoked. I changed my Amazon charity to Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, but that made no difference. Then a new awareness dawned. While speaking on my landline phone in conversation with an organic farmer, I mentioned weather radios. Very soon thereafter, I received an email from Amazon advertising a long list of weather radios. My desktop hardwired computer, no WiFi, no Bluetooth, no Siri or any other usual eavesdropping App activated, was on. I adjusted my computer microphone setting to zero volume, and thereafter Amazon sent me no new emails about what I said on my landline. That might relate to the reasons that Amazon denied me permission to write anything on their site. They also track me if they can so I delete all cookies 3 times and log out of browser after visiting their site, normally. Maybe Amazon doesn't approve of the sites I visit. It's actually better to buy directly from the manufacturer because then I'm getting a better selection of accessories or whatever, plus probably an honored warranty on file, as well as a human to discuss any of my questions. No counterfeits is good. I'm buying less from Amazon!

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Hard to believe censorship has grown so aggressively & now so ridiculous Biden's crack-head quality, Mary Poppins wanna-be is America's truth czar. Equal parts criminal & crazy.

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Not at all surprised that you and Jill were at the forefront of treatment and prevention of the novel virus. You are a true pioneer of free speech in today's dire attempt to silence those contradicting their narrative.

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Wow. Just, wow. Wish we had stumbled upon that Amazon book and could have spread it far and wide, and perhaps saved the lives of some dear friends

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So sorry you have been ‘canceled’ by the mob. Back when Amazon first became a popular bookseller, I noticed a report of a Kindle e-book, bought and paid for by customers, being electronically withdrawn (for whatever reason I do not remember). This alarmed me. I have never purchased an e-book for that very reason: I want to keep the books I purchase. Books provide physical public record which cannot later be denied. Will they be removing books from the Library of Congress, too? Banning books smacks of revisionist history as practiced throughout the world by tyrannical regimes via their lackeys.

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Two unsung Heros! A true life dynamic duo! It has become a gracious honor to read the ongoing story unfolding from "Minds of the Malones". My sincere thanks and heartfelt applause. There is so much confusion/hurt and anger being thrust on humanity. Part two has calmed my soul and renewed hope. Too often these days when the phone rings...Bad news never has good timing.

Bless you both!

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Amazon is not objective.! They don't want to offend the government/political establishment.

When Adam Schiff said drop carrying documentaries critical to the vaccine manufactuers they complied. When Big Pharma told FDA to get NAC off the OTC market..they complied and discontinued selling this essential nutrient. I'm sure they will not carry 2000 Mules movie.

I'm sure they don't want to loose their favorable mail order bussiness status and start paying their fair share.

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My first clue something was very wrong was 30 years ago when I put my first child in public school. I spent the next 25 years bouncing between public, private and home schooling. Everyone insisted I was crazy. And, I was…insanely worried about their education and beyond. We all survived. Everyone is doing very well but here we are at beyond. Thank you both for everything. Sharing your knowledge educates and gives us peace and strength to go forward. Your journey allows us to find new pathways to keep going. May God bless you and your family and keep you all safe. Preordered my book a couple months ago. Can’t wait. Again, thank you both.

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What a gut wrenching experience for both of you. Jill's book may be the first thing censored about COVID-19. As ridiculous as the Biden Administrations response to COVID-19 has been - this censorship happened on Trumps watch. I will not be a republican or democrat ever again. I would like to see somebody start the Free Speech Party. Think about how many American soldiers died so we could have free speech, how many of our soldiers died for our freedom. If we don't have free speech, we don't really have anything.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022

In Canada there is a government website called bio digital convergence. It was launched February 2020, a month before the lockdowns. On this site it literally says "changing the way people think and behave". Look around. People still wearing masks (at least here) families destroyed, friendships gone and many wanting boosters and daily covid data even though most municipal governments stopped printing it. Most of Canadian society is just fine with 3.5 million Canadians not being allowed to get on a plane, train or bus while pretending to care about the lives of Aboriginal Children and the rights of Black people. The agenda is to gain control of human minds, and its working. If we keep allowing corruption, decisions without facts and giving up our own decision making skills, we will be homogenous blobs with no reason to wake up. Then what is next, SARCO?

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Wow that is quite the adventure. This is the United States of America. We have freedom of speech here. It is in our Constitution to protect that right. Dr Jill’s helpful book to fight Covid 19 should have been embraced.

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