Processed foods are the COVID injectable of the dietary world, and the USDA’s food pyramid is the equivalent of the COVID narrative in the food industry (e.g., Pfizer = Kellogg’s).

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I am so happy you are covering this doc!

If you really want to see how bad the institutions and people who govern over our lives and health have lied to us I challenge you to do a strict carnivore diet for 6 weeks and report back on how you feel at the 6 week mark.

I started carnivore diet a little less than 2 years ago after my friend - who had MS - got off his meds and went from being bed ridden to living his best life. Recently - after 2 years on carnivore - he had NEGATIVE BRAIN SCANS.

Most of these chronic diseases from MS to Psoriasis to Anxiety to Depression to Diabetes didn’t exist 120 years ago. Certainly not in any countable numbers. There was a point in time where cancer and heart disease COMBINED for less than 1% human mortality. What changed the most since then? Our diets.

I started the carnivore diet because I started having horrible autoimmune symptoms myself. Within weeks I started feeling better.

Since then I have lost over 35lbs, had autoimmune disorder symptoms totally go away, stopped my chronic anxiety and panic disorder, stopped taking all medications and supplements (except vitamin D), stopped snoring, increased my metrics in weight training, had all my chronic joint pain and inflammation from 20+ years of jiu jitsu go away, watched my skin clear up, have increased daily energy, reduced brain fog, stopped needing caffeine, stopped bloating and feeling gassy after meals, stopped having chronic heartburn (actually I haven’t had heartburn at all in over a year now), started having amazingly fast recovery times from work outs, reduced my blood pressure, reduced my standing heart rate, increased my motivation and all around mood, increased libido, started sleeping better, stopped with daily sinus problems, eliminated typical body odor, and feel about 20 years younger overall.

Treating food as fuel and not entertainment has changed my life and many others. If you are suffering, maybe it is something to consider.

Here are a few articles I have written about my experience with the diet over the past year and a half on my Substack (The Rationalist is totally free for everyone):

Does Carnivore Diet really work for most chronic illnesses? https://joshketry.substack.com/p/does-carnivore-diet-really-work-for

My experience as a jiu jitsu athlete and carnivore:


What my first year on Carnivore Diet was like and how you could safely start it:


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I love the term you used of “ultra-processed foods.” There are so many who have been brainwashed to believe that milk can come from oats, soybean, or almonds. Those milk substitutes are ultra-processed foods. Imagine what has to be done to get any of those items to look and taste like milk. We learned over decades that margarine (fake butter) isn’t better for you than real butter. And, yet, many have recently been brainwashed to believe that vegetables can substitute for meat. Vegetables that have been reformed and laced with chemicals to have the taste and texture of meat are ultra-processed foods. When will industry and advertisers be held accountable and have to be truthful regarding healthiness of all foods? And when will consumers learn that ultra-processed food isn’t real food and isn’t healthy?

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I literally spit out my ultraprocessed coffee creamer flavored coffee watching that Babylon bee skit 😂

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion! A patient cured is a customer lost!

Big Ag that poisons us with GMOs and pesticides, Big Junk Food monopolies won't like us eating healthy any more than Big Pharma and the Medical industrial complex like us being healthy. It's bad for their bottom line.

I wish Vandana Shiva was running the green reset because the practices she promotes are good for people, animals and the environment. Gates's AG1 energy intensive, monopolistic, pollution spewing, cruel "one world agriculture" creates hell on earth.

I tell my kids everyday their physical health is one their biggest assets that needs to be preserved as long as possible.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate this Doc, I just cut out energy drinks from my weekly diet and traded them in for green tea.

I feel like the association to trading-in ultra-processed foods for organic fruits and veggies is similar to trading in cocain for water.

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I've been living eating healthy organic foods for 30+ years. Over the years the more I read the more I realize the wholer the food, the better. IE Full fat milk, grass fed beef.

The less we mess with our food the better it is for us. Like go figure eh?

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I think you were reading my mind this morning Doc.


Big Food and Big Pharma working together created a nation of fat and sick people


The Aging Viking

4 hr ago

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Over sixty years ago I was the typical American housewife...totally ignorant about nutrition; until I had a wake-up call in 1961. A friend handed me some books and told me I was listening to the wrong people...and I was taken back by this remark. However, on opening the first book I saw information related to hyperactivity and tranquilizers. My son had just been diagnosed with hyperactivity...and put on tranquilizers. The first thing I read: SUGAR created HYPERACTIVITY The second thing my eyes fell on: TRANQUILIZERS STUNT the developing ORGANS of children. It totally shook my faith in my son's pediatrician, because sugar was in every food he recommended. At this point...I started reading and took charge of our dietary program; eliminated every food that had white sugar or white flour; and if I saw an additive or preservative on the label I rejected it. Over the next 61 years I eliminated ALL PROCESSED FOODS and entire categories of food. it took years to learn, but I don't have any physical ailments today and don't need drugs. I follow the advice of other healthy elders: keep out of doctor's offices. The end result: I am healthy at 88!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the education and review. I still have a hard time with those damn Lays sour cream and onion chips. 😫. In all seriousness, we are what we eat. 🙂

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The pregnant man video from the Babylon Bee is funny!

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We had a milk cow and raw milk growing up. Dad would milk the cow and bring it in for mom to strain the hair and stuff out of the milk with cheese cloth. I loved the warm milk from the cow. I don’t think I would like the warm milk anymore. In the morning mom would scrape the cream off of the top. I wish we could still get raw milk.

Mom taught me how to make everything from scratch. So I don’t buy a lot of processed food. Now I do have a love of potato chips. I don’t buy them unless we have a barbecue. They are too tempting.

My children have friends who eat alit of pizza pockets, and other processed foods. They seem to always be sick. My kids are rarely sick.

I’m afraid the younger generation won’t know how to bake bread , make cookies and cakes from scratch. Can home grown food.

We just made and canned raspberry jam last night. The beans are almost ready to can. The tomatoes from the garden will be made into spaghetti sauce and salsa.

The kids friends all like my Mac n cheese from scratch.

Thank you for all your research on good health . Have a great week at home.

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I think it also really depends on how things are processed, crisps don't need to be more processed then fried potatoes, cooked or mashed. We make them ourselves, from our own garden (also from vegetables). We cut them thin, dry them in the food-dehydrator or fry them, sometimes first ferment them a couple of weeks.

Fermenting, canning, drying etc is also processing. Here we don't eat what is in the house, when someone brings us packed cookies, we put them in a cupboard and usually forget about them until we see them and think: how many years? O, 4 years past date, they actually look very much new, can't be good stuff. We throw them away, a waste, we know. We only eat them when someone bakes them for us, I don't like sweet stuff like chocolates. Only 2 or 3 times a year dark chocolate (at least 80%).

Our rule is: if you can't make it yourself, don't eat it. Of course some exceptions but they are seldom.

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Five years ago, at 58 yrs I gave up processed grains,Dairy, sugars . Started eating grass fed natural meats only and organic vegetables and fruits. After withdrawals I shed 60 pounds, Lowered my bad cholesterol and raised my HDL ( without cholesterol medicine ) eating meat every day including my favorite unprocessed bacon. Every cell in your body requires cholesterol. Keep a clean liver and it will regulate your cholesterol naturally. I only drink Berkey filtered water or reverse osmosis. Unvaccinated never tested positive for Covid but have antibodies.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

Where do bugs fit in?...and chocolate...

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Just for fun, take a look at aluminum cookware and the effects on dementia. A friend's hunting dog lost its mind when we were out hunting and we couldn't get it into the vehicle. The owner used aluminum bowls. My vet told me aluminum causes dementia in animals. Highly processed foods are often cooked in......aluminum cooking pans. I tossed all our aluminum cooking pans 40 years ago, and quit processed foods about 6 years ago. Dementia would be horrible.

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