
Isn’t this a coup? It reminds me of Rosa Koire speaking of the Delphi Technique in her critique of Agenda 21. The outcome is predetermined and the meetings are just theater.

So, if this is a coup, hasn’t treason been committed? Why does no one lodge this charge against those who would override our constitution? What am I missing?

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Kim I had a similar comment earlier. Ultimately what this tells us is that there really is no checks and balance and that they are going to do whatever ultimately they want. This is the reality of the situation but this is not to fear. Once we know the reality of this situation, we can actually form strategies that actually have a chance of success, especially when we know who the real "bad guys" are:



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"They" are going to try. The states can block them if they want. State AGs can parse out all the unconstitutional elements and sue the fed one at a time keeping this mess in courts until Trump is elected and again, hopefully permanently, takes us out of this clown show.

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Lee County FL GOP Assembly resolution declares the UN, WHO, and WEF, terrorist organizations and declared cooperation with the three an act of treason against the United States, and the State of Florida. Unfortunately, the Executive Board of the Lee County Republican Party refused to allow the resolution to come up for a vote to the full Executive Committee, which would have likely passed the resolution as well. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/un-who-wef-have-just-been-declared-terrorist

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Lee county needs to mount a rino hunt

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Unfortunately, if Lee County RINOs resemble those in Idaho, the RINOs have more money — much, more, often backed by leftist interests — and it’s the RINOs who are doing the hunting. 🦏 🤑 🔪 🐘

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That brings up a subject dear to my heart....outlaw out of state money from state politics. My experience is that rinos depend heavily on it. Have exactly same problem here in Texas. Have g. soros pouring $1m into elections here. Needs to stop.

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Very sorry to hear that, Shelley. I just passed a revised-for-Idaho version of the FL resolution along to the Resolutions Committee leadership for the Idaho GOP Summer Meeting coming up shortly. I hope it has a better chance of 1) being heard and 2) passing.

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Wishing the best of luck with that.

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Rambler, I wouldn't be waiting on the RepubliCANT AG's to do anything!

What have they done to stop the rogue rat 🐀 AG's?!?!

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They are the best hope we have seems to me so...hope.

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DOJ is conspirator of the Treason and therefore won’t charge themselves, let alone anyone else, unless J6 or Trump and then use to silence and punish any and all opposition‼️

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I was introduced to Rosa, founder of Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21, in 2009 by viewing a video she did about the Bay area in CA and what she found out and what she did about it. I only knew of the video because of AAM and also found out about Tom Deweese who was doing his own workshops to alert the nation to Agenda 21. I attended a workshop in 2012 that was once a week for four months. I still follow Tom and have been donating to American Policy Center for years.

The UN has numerous ways in which it takes over all levels of a nation's government. It is deeply rooted in the US now. There are orgs that fight it but without support it is a losing battle.



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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

That 2nd link is very difficult to stomach.

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Rosa was Amazing. Loved listening to her peel back the onion, and adored her spirit for freedom.

They probably (secretly) killed her off too.

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It's being done. We can't see it, but it is being done. The military is involved.

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Lodge the charge where and with whom?

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Centralized power will always be corrupted.

We need to decentralize all systems by using human swarm collective intelligence. Starting with science and medicine.


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FTHEFED is a good start.

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Jun 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just read these words and I’m concerned. Clearly Covid was just a trial run. These people will not be satisfied until we are all on our knees. Then we can be silenced, rounded up, locked down, slaughtered and robbed. These novel viruses and toxic vaccines are the new weapons of mass destruction that have replaced thermal nuclear bombs; it’s easier to clean up the mess after viral warfare. Just cremate the bodies and occupy our vacant homes. How in God’s name can they be stopped if our own elected representatives are in on the scheme?

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Jun 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Any time you see the word equity take a stick and kill it. That is precisely what was wrong with Title IX, it offered equity rather than equality. And that word can be used for a host of evil doings.

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Jun 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a little unrelated to this particular article but is still related to the injustice done by our government. I started to watch the Senate hearing with fraud Fauci this a.m. It absolutely disgusted me to hear all these sick, stupid, blood sucking democrats praise him for his service and his outstanding achievements. What planet are they from? This little sick, egotistic little Napoleon pulled off making himself wealthy while murdering innocent people. This goes back to the 80's when he was pushing AZT for aids patients, before he inflicted COVID on the world to finish destroying more people to make money with the pharmaceutical companies. I pray to GOD that there is justice for all of us that lost people to this horrific, avoidable planned pandemic. May Fauci, Bill Gates and all the other despicable people who played and continue to play a part in this be adequately punished.

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So if I'm understanding correctly, this means the WHO Pandemic Treaty that was defeated last week, ultimately still ended up passing?

If I'm wrong, someone please correct me. But if my understanding is correct, this goes to show why and how, ultimately the powers that be, can do and will anything that is in line with their strategy. Instead of trying to fight fire with fire - i.e., fight their at their own rigged game, let's beat them in other ways, e..g, let's not play the game to being with at all: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-seven-pillars-of-life

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No - the treaty didn't pass and was not re-voted on. That would have given the WHO money automatically and even more power in terms of pandemic coordination, and all sorts of stuff. To get into the details of that failed treaty - would require another essay or three.

There have always been two ways (two pathways) that the WHO has been pushing for more power and change.

They expected and wanted both the treaty and the amended IHRs to pass -

The more draconian measures were in the Pandemic treaty. That treaty did not pass. Basically, our gorilla campaign -with very few warriors and with very little funding convinced enough nations not to sign, that it was defeated.

The treaty is being re-written and will be represented to the member nations. This is why it is critical that Trump win. He has said he will tear it up and will not sign such a monstrousity.

The WHO had been working simultaneously on the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) - last amended in 2005 - that is what was approved. But IHRs are also watered down as to what they initially hoped would be approved by a vote. So, even this - was less draconian than it had been.

It is the IHRs that were approved by "consensus, not by a full vote of the committee members and not by the procedures that the WHO requires in their rules.

I hope this clarifies.

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What this clarifies to me is that, since Tedros can define words and interpret the meaning of rules, he effectively crowns himself king of the world.

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Appears to me, you are correct. Like Biden student loan “forgiveness” being illegal according to SCOTUS, but he does it anyway; these sociopaths are 100% lawless at this point for their lust of power & greed‼️

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I'm hoping next Administration will defund the WHO and remove the US from organization. Don't really see any benefit from it.

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This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!! This corrupt cabal MUST BE STOPPED!!!!! 😈😈😈🤬🤬🤬

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With the clouded corrupt recent history of the WHO it’s really beginning to make total sense that they would break their own rules to get a better more tyrannical grip on the world. Let me get this straight,




Control measures

Free kill shots and


Well that pretty much wraps up their whole WHO meeting into one big tyrannical bag of shit for all of the world.

This non doctor Director-General Tedros should receive a new title, Captain Tyrant Tedros. I’m sure most all in the American medical establishment would concur with these new amendment’s for they implemented most all of these Chinese modeled “amendments” on all of us.

It’s really unmistakably with what our government is doing with effort to eliminate Trump, inject these tyrannical amendments to the WHO, trying to pass digital currency in the house, irs agents, fbi shoot to kill orders, eliminating secret service protection for Trump, and I could go on. We are living in a third world police state. They should move the Republican national convention to a week before Trump is put in prison, the 4th of July, so to force corrupt communist judge Marchen to jail the Republican presidential nominee. Are we all going to do nothing? Pay me now or pay me later or suffer with your lethargy. J.Goodrich

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So glad James that I am not part of the American Medical Establishment! Gave my life’s work to the health of others getting well!

What a resume Tedros has! Help us all! Time to work “local, local, local”.

Agreed move the Republican National Convention! Time for the Supreme Court to rule on presidential immunity for our good “we the people”!

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James, agree with every word! It was spine tingling to read through this and see all the tyrannical mandates! And watching the Fauci hearings today was sickening! We are in such dangerous territory here and each week seems to place our country closer to peril. But fight we must. No matter how defeated we feel. There can be a shift in the “force” and we need to take advantage of each moment.

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Jun 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Because the WHO violated their own bylaws, wouldn’t that make the passing of this charter null and void? How can they enforce it? What can we be done to stop this madness? Thank you for fighting for truth and freedom.

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The fake dr Tedros is a danger to Freedom and Justice and the entire UN needs to be dynamited into the East River. The UN has no right to seek sovereign control over any nation let lone the power to control/mandate any health provision under any circumstance. It is a blight on the planet, a cancerous growth that needs to be destroyed.

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Am wondering if a national referendum for bugging out of the u.n. could ever happen. It was a

retake on wilson's wet dream fora league of nations and no better an idea then than when the Senate wisely voted against the league.

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Give the building superintendent 48 hours to evacuate the premises. That’s about as long as it will take to set enough explosives to raze the place. Then we can build a memorial park to honor national sovereignty.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Dear WHO: (Or should I address you as "The all powerful Oz?). You can pass all the rules you want. But you will need bayonets to enforce them. The entire world knows you are frauds.

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and there are lots of guns and ammo still out there yet to be confiscated.

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We have plenty of pistols, rifles and shotguns to go along with our bayonets. Ammunition. Did I forget ammunition? Most importantly we have plenty of ammunition.

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Robots don't care.

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Fuck Tedros, Biden, the WHO, and all these other clowns who think they can do whatever they want. They may kill me, my human form, my body, but they'll never enslave my spirit, nor my desire to stand up and say "go fuck yourself".

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red guy right behind Tonga.

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Will all the outrage do anything without some strong arm approach? The international guidelines are being abolished right before our very eyes. This action is worse than serious, this can lead to war.

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

Is this how we get world-wide totalitarianism and how dissent is controlled?

How about, ‘Hell, NO.’ ?

"Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to persons may include the following advice:

no specific health measures are advised;

review travel history in affected areas;

review proof of medical examination and any laboratory analysis;

require medical examinations;

review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis;

require vaccination or other prophylaxis;

place suspect persons under public health observation;

implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons;

implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons;

implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons;

refuse entry of suspect and affected persons;

refuse entry of unaffected persons to affected areas;

implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas."

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AND. I don’t like my Country, which is a Nation unto itself, being referred to as a ‘State Party’. See how they denigrate a sovereign nation? Basically saying Nations now are ‘States’ that take their marching papers from the WHO? Teadros. Gates owns the WHO so him too. Same playbook as the subjugation of the European nations becoming States within the EU. How’s that working out?

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The devil is definitely in the details. Other than violating documented protocol, those that voted gave huge conflicts of interest not only through personal financial gains, but through unqualified expertise yet able to make life death decisions outside any executive, judicial, nor congressional action. As suggested, it is up to the state and local governments to save humanity.

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