Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Malone, as a "Hispanic" ,a class assigned to me by the DemoncRATS😈, I've seen this invasion in a much different way.

I belong to the group whose parents became Americans when the border for Texas was assigned to the Río Bravo (The Río Grande).

We've seen 👀 how people lose their country when a group of immigrants conquers a PEOPLE!

I'm determined 💪 that my generation will fight so that we will NOT LOSE OUR COUNTRY on our watch!

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I also look forward to January 20, 2025! I have a nagging suspicion that we are in for a rough ride. After everything we have been through for the last 4 years, I’m shocked when I find out friends will still vote for Biden due to their hate, & fear of Trump. How anyone can justify what’s happened the last 3+ years, is something I will ponder the rest of my days. Most of those friends voting for Biden are vaxed and boosted. They got sucked into the insane narrative over the years. They love seeing how Trumpis being stripped of his wealth, and prosecuted for pretty much nothing. It makes me literally sick to my stomach.

I would love to experience CPAC some day. Have a wonderful time Dr Malone and thank you for everything you’re doing to make this world a safer place for my grandkids… for all of us!

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From your lips to Gods ears Dr.Malone. Trump is the only person/candidate that has the “cojones” to straighten this crooked government out. On Laura Ingrams show the other day he said “my revenge will be success”. I think if the democrats are able to steal this election like they DID in 2020, America will be no more. J.Goodrich

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been meaning to say how great it is to see a huge billboard of Epoch News and one of the newscasters (can't remember his name, not Jan) off the freeway to our house. Near the airport and Air Force military base. Good on you for getting the recognition you deserve and have earned for the countless hours of blood, sweat and tears.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes and leading the Trump Latino charge are a couple of guys from Puerto Rico who perform music under the name Trump Latinos. Check them out!

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This is not unique or novel.

Look at the UK, for example, where Indian imigrants from the former empire, once they are in, initially aligned with the left/liberal wing that advocated for them, but then switched to the conservative wing.

I think because most of all, these people want security and safety. They also tend to be religious. So, once they settle in, they allign with their desires for a peaceful, secure, safe life and religious ideals.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perhaps the simplest answer is that "hispanics" don't like to be lied to any more than anyone else -- and just like with every other racially targeted class, people are not as stupid as the Left likes to think.

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Very astute observations concerning Hispanic voters. How I hope they will remember all Biden has done to harm them and the country in general as election time nears. The Dems will try anything to make it seem like they are really trying to help them and blame all “bad” issues on Republicans. Common sense should prevail. Glad you are at CPAC. And of course so many people know you, Dr Malone! You have a huge following because you speak the truth. Thank you!

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Another slap in the face for those that come in the correct, legal way...is having to re-register for their resident alien status/card (green card). to the tune of about $600 bucks now. Not to mention the whole bureaucratic nightmare of applying for and tracking the 'updated' status and card. I know. My wife and son immigrated from England in 1986 (I am a US citizen).

So, not only do legal immigrants have to jump through hoops to stay, they also have to continue to pay to stay...while instead, the illegals are paid to stay. What a screwed up state of affairs.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone you never cease to amaze me. I have been to Central and South America on church building projects. These folks did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday. They are not so dumb as the arrogant elites think. Even many of those who come here illegally understand that what is being done in this country will not bode well for them in the long run. Many can be reached. You make CPAC sound like a very encouraging gathering. Hope I can attend someday. Thank you for the report.

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Progressives would like people to believe that only white supremacists want border control, they don't want to talk about how immigrants who came here legally feel, especially those from South of the border. My up and coming Mayan friend from the Yucatan, (where I lived for a year and a half) said " There are too many people coming to the United States". Simple common sense that progressives eschew because their world view crumbles when it (common sense) is applied.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Either Trump is elected or we lose our Republic, it’s as simple as that.

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Most excellent report!

With likely censorship, data manipulation, propaganda and even an act of Congress, President Trump might not be the next president. We cannot rely on JB’s bad polling numbers to get us through. We must actively engage as poll workers, poll watchers, and educators of voters to avoid 2020 two-point-oh.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good news! But let's remain diligent.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So glad to hear you're at CPAC and experiencing the way (beyond us here) folks see who the real Dr Robert Malone is! Looking forward to your threesome Saturday! Don't know if all caught it, the Rumble fellow is reporting on their coming expansion, soon to be announced.

Looking forward to you and your fellow UCS5 associates tomorrow. Most particularly your and Dr Jill's messages. It will be good to hear from all of you.

Good to get the news that additional citizens are joining us to elect a Predident determined to get us back on track, so we can pass along a world we a proud of to our children.

Enjoy these positive days, further winning friends and influencing people. Building toward tomorrow.

So glad to get to share all this along with you. Power and Success!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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Feb 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My daughter is volunteering at CPAC this year....I told her today if she's Dr. Malone, tell him "thank you" from me. She said, "Oh I saw him!"

So thank you from me, Dr. Malone!

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