Excellent article Dr. Malone.

Pardon the vulgarity but most journalists have devolved into hollow, shameless, news-media miscreants that have shredded their credibility into 10,000 pieces. Investigative journalism and truth are dead in the mainstream media, and yet their incessant wall-to-wall lies and blatant propaganda get broadcasted ruthlessly, suffocating the world like an evil curse. A nun caught doing squats in a cucumber field is more credible in her stated motivations than any of these loathsome, degenerate, false witness "journalists".

Here is the truth about the term 'conspiracy theory' and those sheep triggered by it:

Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.

The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.

Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.

It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

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Totalitarianism cannot take place when free speech and investigative journalism exist. That is the basis of why we are so screwed.

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If we are ever able to get America back on the rails of liberty, freedom, and prosperity a giant obstacle we have to move past is the liberal media. Certainly the motive for them to walk lockstep with the tyrants allows them to operate unfettered while sharing a piece of the power in harmony with government. It’s the intentional deception and in your face lies from the leftist media that devastated so many good honest people. The leftist media is a cult like road block that shuts down dissent, and if anyone raise questions of their deceptive motives they will be cancelled, crushed, destroyed, jailed and cast back to non existent status. These government agencies have the dirt on every single person that chose to participate with them. As the article says they’re a hammer and everyone is a nail. You can clearly see the harder they try to destroy or even jail a person, the closer their targeted person has got to the truth. J.Goodrich

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This is an interesting outcome for physicians who may be fighting their Board for certification. Dr. Littell is a wonderful man. I met him in May while accompanying a friend for COVID treatment in his office. He spent some time talking to us about COVID, vaccines and his fight against his Board.


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Administrative terrorism? I don't believe it. 87,000 new, armed IRS agents is only a coincidence.

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Great article and yes PTSD does not inhibit intelligence but from my experience heightens awareness. In a way it causes the development of a sixth or even seventh sense.

The resulting loneliness can cause pain in navigating life but this is an intelligent reaction to seeing the world differently from what’s presented and agreed upon.

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Under Biden and his cronies, the liars are rewarded and the truth-tellers ar punished. The task before us is to reverse this situation!

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An excellent article but as a former newspaper publisher I would have one caveat. I think you should add the qualifier “supermarket” to the word tabloid. Not all tabloids are worthless and in fact, the New York Post, before being taken over by its current ownership did some very good investigative journalism!

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And…Look no further than soros, the wef (and, those involved) and the who (not capitalized on purpose). Ed

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I might be paraphrasing slightly; however. “We must be smarter than they are”. Dr. Robert Malone…Ed

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Grusch and his UFO lunacy are spreading pure BS

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What a gnarly web! Keep up the great journalistic endeavors. The comprehension and ability to follow The Trail of Tears (Native ethnic cleansing) is brave indeed. Thank you.

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Interesting Article Robert! Here's a link to some new reseach on Lipid Nano Particle role in blood clots.


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Both Robert and Jill have had the "Gauntlet" hurled at them more times than we may know.

An immeasurable amount of global working people that were threatened under Vax mandates lost A job/security/a home/ an identity/lost faith in the world when they too had the "gauntlets" hurled upon them. I was lucky to be unaffected for the 3 yrs and ignored the hypnosis. That is the solid reasoning I support this Malone Substack. Both objectively and in ways of taught spiritually.

This essay reveals a dire explanation of decades planed tactics we must do all best not to ignore.

As always, My best to the followers and the supporters here and maybe even all of the Substacks.

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Good Morning Dr. M. - I am in the middle of this :) https://rumble.com/v3ebx0a-pirola-variant-dr.-robert-malone-tpc-1337.html. Have you seen this ? I thought it might be of interest to you.

Del Bigtree


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Democracy has always been very fragile. I've read a lot of history and what I see is the constant struggle for wealth and power. Our 250 years is barely an eye blink, and we need to keep working for our Bill of Rights, especially #1, freedom of speech.

People are getting more and more fed up, not just with the Covid scare tactics but with the climate change despots trying to get rid of gas stoves and gasoline cars. Change is coming.

But when people get frustrated they can fall prey to a different despot--Hitler was elected into office before he became a dictator. (I am **not** comparing Trump to Hitler!) Biden was supposed to be a calm change from Trump and he has turned into--or rather his puppet masters have turned him into--an extremely dangerous despot.

Thank you Dr. Malone for your insightful articles and your work to support the First Amendment.

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