Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If the government is finally investigating UAP/UFOs it can only mean that it has some plan in mind to use the so-called disclosure information for its own purpose. And it likely won't turn out well for us. "Trust no one."

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Dr.Malone. This is obviously a huge psyop campaign to divert the public’s attention from the truth about the horrendously evil covid lockdown and vaccine scam as well as the immense corruption occurring under the Biden regime.

Not to mention the news of the impending trial against the billionaire Epstein associate who was abusing a 16 year old down syndrome sex slave trafficked by the Epstein associates.

With the daily reports being released of bidens absolute corruption and looking to be and have been on the payroll of our enemies for years if not decades, this UFO psyop is perfectly crafted to divert attention from the truth.

talk of UFO’s especially capture the attention in the younger demographics (GEn X, Y, Z) many of which enjoy vaping THC and talking about Aliens. Meanwhile Rome burns.

Just my take.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Logic would dictate the near impossibility of “confronting” any interstellar-capable species. Such highly evolved, successful, technologically superior beings would certainly be able to do with us whatever they desired. But to have survived to reach such technological heights without destroying their own civilization, odds are, they will not be “evil”

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bill Clinton, years ago, said that the best way to get the public to accept global government is if we needed to protect ourselves from aliens.. That, alone, makes it plausible to me that this is a psyop. Regardless, even if there are super-human intelligences doing what they claim, WHY would I be more afraid of them than the globalist governments of the world?! Who's doing the obvious destruction of humanity and human flourishing?

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Supposing this testimony is accurate, what does it indicate? I'm doubtful, on general principles, that traditional UFOs are space aliens -- you know, life-forms, independently evolved, visiting us from far-away solar systems. It's pure science fiction. If they wanted to make contact, they would make contact. If they didn't want to make contact, they would stay hidden. They wouldn't just goof around and occasionally crash-land. However, the fallen-angel idea has much to recommend itself. You could create quite a stir, and much confusion, pretending to be space aliens. Confusion first, defilement following hard upon.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beginning to believe Roswell was for real, and there was a military cover-up. Some believe fiber optics, and other advanced technology was extracted from the spacecraft that did crash. When a retired Air Force pilot confides in me that he was scrambled out of Dulles back in the 1990 period to check on a UFO and was flying next to it at 550 knots and it accelerated and disappeared within a minute, speaks volumes about UFOs being real! His comment to me was: “ it was not from this earth”. When you consider that 99.99% of all the planets are rocks and the earth is an anomaly, could it be that there is another planet like the earth that is just 1000 years more developed than the earth. Is that where we are headed with the technology not only in electronics and energy but also in medicine? It would be interesting to be around in 100 years and see what the earth looks like. Our problem is we are going full steam ahead without caution, which can be the beginning of the sixth extinction of the earth.

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Ehh ...I think UFOs as we're being told (i.e., Aliens from other planets) are a huge distraction and psy-op. What are we going to do? More dollars to the government to form a space army?

We've given loads of money to Elon and he hasn't shown anything with his space adventures (read more here):


I do think we need to examine the concept of UFOs more, not from what's being told to us, but for two reasons. One, We need to come to terms with the fact that there is classified technology that exists that is told to us that it's from UFOs. This technology is the technology that Tesla worked with that being "hidden" soon after his death:


Two, we need to really understand our solar model. This heliocentric model, falls under the same guise as virology, "scientism," and dinosaurs. Heliocentricity is "Sun-worship," also known as Baal-worship in the Bible. When we return to geocentricity, we can see reality for what it is and not fall for these distractions or illusions that take away our time and attention:


Interested in any insight/feedback/or comments from anyone :)

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Amazingly, this all breaks when Biden is about to get impeached and Hunter about to finally go to jail.

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I believe these witnesses. I do not believe these are aliens from another world.

Our government is so vast, and has so many compartmented, moving parts. I'm conditioned to believe they lie to us even when the truth would serve better. I suspect some kind of government trickery.

I've written in these forums before, if you want to think I wear a tin hat, I'm OK with that.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

intelligence community individuals that the US government is operating with secrecy above congressional [00:48:00] oversights with regards to UAPs...

I may be mistaken, but it appears that EVERYTHING from the Ruling Intelligence state is secrecy above Congressional oversight...

...of course they redact their political graft as well

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm going to have to take my time to read this but I was hoping that Dr. Malone would address this topic soon so thank you very much Dr. Malone. I tried watching the hearings but my truth radar was on a higher than usual skepticism mode. You may know this, but many Christians are not adverse to the belief in alien beings, read Ezekiel chapter 1. Many also believe that the beings/objects described in Ezekiel's visions are beings/objects of God and He Himself - the Lord - is described as well

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Dr. Steven Greer maintains that ET’s are not a threat, that many UAP’s belong to the Deep State, that we are more of a threat to the ET’s and to ourselves than they are to us. His work is worth looking into. Let’s not be fooled into fearing yet another “threat”.

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This is bullshit. Nothing more than a psyop distraction.

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All I can say with 100% accuracy, is that once you see one - you'll never unsee it and I don't give a rat's butt what the naysayers say because what I saw was @ 64 years ago and I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Few years ago, an author was asking for folks to share what they experienced and after I described what I saw he said, "Thousands have reported the exact same thing." And to think that we're the ONLY living creatures in the entire universe, is just plain arrogant IMO.

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Most interesting to me is the TIMING of these revelations..........why is the "government" interested in bringing this out now?

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For another take on this topic, see REBOOTING ☙ Thursday, July 27, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 by Jeff Childers: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/rebooting-thursday-july-27-2023-c

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