Tonight while some EU countries are coming to the conclusion that 'old normal' is far more desirable to 'new normal' and are taking action by getting rid of masking and passes, here in Canada our Truckers for Freedom and all their supporters are standing up for the liberty of all Canadians and their right to make their own medical decisions free from threats! These are not fringe or extremists - these are the working class finally standing up against the tyranny!

Meanwhile our cowardly PM is hiding out and has apparently had the police block the truckers from using two of the main bridges to get to the Parliament Buildings (where the protest is supposed to be held tomorrow). Pathetic leadership - on display for all the world to see.

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Viral invasions are not new. We are now naming them and keeping the fear factor alive. Our immune system is our defense but their is no recognition of how to optimize it. In stead our medicine men who believe they can improve on God’s design keep selling the concept of injections as being the only answer.

Not about good health but profit! I wish I was a moose and didn’t give a damn!

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I learn something from you in each article—moose (meese? ;-) swim?!

Regarding masks, I built an unassailable case against them in my “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority), demonstrating that they:

• do not prevent the spread of COVID

• may cause physical health problems

• may inflict psychological harm

• pose a special threat to children and teens

I know your time is limited, but you may find it worth a look when your mad schedule permits. Mike Yeadon introduced it (https://t.me/robinmg/14694) as follows:

“Margaret Ann[a] Alice’s remarkable “Letters to...” series publishes this stunning work,

“If you read in full, save & share just one article today, please consider making it this one.”

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At what point are the covid variants going to get so contagious that you'll get the variant before it even manifests in the time/space continuum?

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Jan 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think the moose was feeding off plants growing on the bottom.

I want to say this. Any doctor who says an EXPERIMENTAL therapy is safe and effective is not to be trusted. I asked my doctor if the vaccines are safe and effective and she said yes. I then asked her how she treats her Covid patients and she said with Remdesivir. I told her I would not be coming to the hospital if I get sick but I held back that I have both HCQ and ivermectin, neither of which she will prescribe. Also, she’s never heard of Dr. Robert Malone. I have totally lost faith in her!

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The amount of flack one gets is directly proportional to the product of one's positions and size of audience. I pray Malone truly sees the flack as the most accurate and available measure of his success. Not to mention the highest form of compliment these enemies are able to render.

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Jan 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Illinois governor and my congresswoman, Jan Schakowsy , are constantly exhorting people to wear masks. I can;t go to Jan's office to say what I'd like, because the office remains closed. Why? COVID of course. BTW, the joke I made in a January 2nd video, that Fauci would cite a dangerous subvariant of Omicron, has come true. Much to my surprise. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VUPz8mZRjFfJ/

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Mathew Crawford on his Substack calls BA1 and BA2 "BadAss1" and "BadAss2." He has some hypotheses about Omicron, some are hopeful and some worrying. The small amount of disagreement that came up in the Senator Ron Johnson hearing seemed to be on this issue, as this is all just playing out. Dr. Shankara Chetty expressed cautious optimism on Omicron but warned about a possible sting at the end of the tail: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-omicron-hypothesis-part-4?r=c8vqx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Jan 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Moose are cool as they forage for plants growing on the bottom of shallow lakes. I am inspired by all animals as they go about their business of survival in the natural world, uncontaminated and impaired like humans by the constant bombardment of lies and fear, and the subversion, rewiring and indoctrination of our minds and our consciousness, by the mass media and so-called entertainment industry or what has become background noise. As a result, animals behave rationally whereas humans can be programmed to behave irrationally and against their true nature and self-interests. The depth of the relationship between humans and animals provides a lot of insight into people.

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Very cool! That moose dove faster than National Review's subscriptions after Prissy Deep State RINO Rich Lowry & Co betrayed the USA. Difference is, NR will never surface again.

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Jan 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That moose IS cool, and a good role model. Put our heads down and keep moving against the flow.

I think that Joe and you will only be “cancelled” by those purveyors of lies and vitriol who are themselves lovers of lies and vitriol. Truth is worth fighting for.

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Jan 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What's Her Face really sums up what is happening about Dr. Malone and Rogan very well. Her days are probably numbered on not-your tube, she better check out other platforms.

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Jan 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You, Sir, are as cool as a moose! Thank you for all that you and Doctora Malone do!

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Pure joy as we start off with whatsherface using the term Dorfwad and end off with some quality moose footage.

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Jan 29, 2022·edited Jan 29, 2022

For those that seek normality via censorship. Surprise! There is no such thing as normal. It’s all in your mind. Nothing good comes of fear, so start living in love and for freedom instead.

Our personal choice.

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Moose are cool but also very tasty. The best steak I ever had in my life was a moose steak.

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