The real objective is to ban all travel, any use of fossil fuels, this is just to get us used to staying at home in our 15 minute city where we will not own a car, but can use a rental car 100 days a year, like is already in effect in England. I saw Bill Gates yacht - he had two submarines and a helicopter, his life style needs plenty of fossil fuels, is he trying to save the gas for himself?

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Charles Darwin wrote an entire book (The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals) about how the human reliance on facial expressions sets us apart from animals. Human communication is “much aided by the expressive movements of the face and body,” and the face is “the chief seat of expression.”


Wearing masks around kids and forcing them to mask as well has had real consequences. The harm done could have, and should have, been avoided. Early in the pandemic, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, citing studies from Sweden and the World Health Organization, warned in the Wall Street Journal about the very real hazard of stunting kids’ developmental progress. The damage in emotional processing is especially worrisome for babies who’ve had their first years of life defined by humans with the lower two-thirds of their faces covered up.

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How insane is it that we even have need of a "Freedom to Breathe Act?"

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I will not be complying with any of this crap. If I get confronted by a mask wearer asking why I do not care about others, I will answer as I did the last time. If you are afraid of someone not wearing a mask then stay home, and by all means do not speak to me and expect I will not talk back giving you my germs.

I sat on the Maricopa County AZ Grand jury for 4 months, two days a week in early 2021. All of us had to wear masks. I always wore one that had a ladies face with full on red lipstick. Once Judge told me after a case that my mask was freaking him out. I asked him if it was freaking him out enough to let me stop wearing it. He chuckled and said he did not have the power. Fear is a powerful force.

The assistant county attorney was pushing the vaccine at each session. I finally took him aside and asked if that was his job? He was creating peer pressure for everyone to get vaxxed, even noting where you could get it. He then stopped the push.

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On compliance:

It would seem that mankind is doomed to repeat the same mistakes of inaction over and over. Always hoping against hope that we can comply our out of tyranny, even when the wolf is at our neighbor's door.

The predators encroach, and we do nothing. The predators advance, and we do little. The predators take off their sheep masks, drop all pretense, bare their teeth, and halt the charade that they are not out to consume us - and we go on pretending that they are still sheep and not the ravenous wolves they’ve exposed themselves to be.

And all during this dance between predator & prey - between their revelation of what they are and our rejection of it - our liberties and securities are corroded, eroded, dissolved, and disintegrated.

And thus all of the above - that dance that has been danced time and time again down the corridors of history where mankind refuses to acknowledge the pack of snarling wolves encircling him for what they truly are (perhaps because the trauma of such a reality is too overbearing to confront) - raises an important question. Is mankind just a herd of sheep that can be led to the slaughter at the whims of the tiny parasite class at the top - lacking any agency, awareness, or willpower to revolt and seek greener pastures?

Are we men or are we mice?

The self-evident answer, of course, is no. We were made in the image of God—We are anything but sheep. And because we are God’s children we have been imbued with ample power to control our destinies and forge our own futures. But in order to do that, we must first emerge from the apathetic fire that consumes our lives, seize the helm of this ship we call the world, and steer her back to bluer waters.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

On Masking:

Putting over a person's mouth and nose is like fitting a mask on a car's exhaust system. We remove toxins through our breathing - when masked these get caught in the fabric and we end up breathing them in and out all day. Not to mention the industrial chemicals in the masks themselves, our own C02, bacteria, and the bacteria and pollution in the environment all around us.

There are also disturbing parallels between masking and losing your identity, your voice, and your sense of community. The building blocks of civilization - the comradery between men - is severely compromised with masking. You can see these effects all around you - the stitching the binds our society together is unraveling.

Not that masks work at all and are incredibly dangerous to your mind and body - but even if they did they are worse than nothing: When they are not - when people constantly touch and adjust them all day long - they tend to be worse than nothing. Consider a COVID-19 infected shopper at Wal-Mart that straightens his/her mask before picking an item up off the shelf - considers it - and then returns it. That returned item is now covered with the virus - and that item will now likely infect anyone and everyone who comes in contact with it: other shoppers and Wal-Mart staff - they themselves who are also likely employing improper mask wearing.

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By putting masks on people you turn them into mindless drones subject to control. I remember Biden and Crew wearing their Black masks like obedient Darth Vaders and they looked as evil as they could, and emotionless puppets on strings being told what to do. Remember that we are souls first, Divine eternal souls, and there is nothing to comply with except your good common sense from within.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This just makes me want to scream! After everything these children have been through, from shots to masks to restricted everything, This is a big step towards the implementation of more mandates and a repeat of what was forced and more. You know there will be more restrictions, to hell with the reports on safety of anything. Truly, we are at war and so many don't know the extent of it. Thank you for the advise to call and advocate this bill. I will call!

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I'm convinced that a big piece of the "trans" push is to train people to not believe their own senses. This allows the powers to literally do anything they want, like more jabs and more masks. Because once people are trained, they no longer believe their own eyes that masks don't work and jabs don't work either. This is what being trained to not be able to define what a woman is accomplishes.

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Extended Syllogism:

It has been well established that masks did not significantly reduce spread of china flu

We have leaders who insist we wear masks to reduce spread of chins flu

It is almost axiomatic that repeating an action expecting different result a definition of insanity

Ergo, those leaders must be insane

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I appears that "follow the science" is rejected when it does not instill the proper dose of fear into the "subjects"

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I’d also want to take this time to ensure that we don’t comply with ANY of their demands.

Yea, we know about vaccines and masks, and we don’t comply with those... but are there other areas, (ie: voting) that we are COMPLYING with what they want and we just don’t know it?


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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sent emails to both Dem Senators...will probably get their usual gratuitous, BS reply...but at least it's on the record.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderfully written as always. Thank you for your continued work Dr Malone

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everyone needs to understand that Masks were the first Totalitarian Control item introduced 3 1/2 years ago. The Inverted Totalitarian U.S. State is once again gauging how much Masking Control the populace will accept as this is a key weapon that they will use over and over and over again if allowed. As Dr. Malone stated: all citizens at the Federal, State, and Local level still have the final say to stop this insane and horribly toxic inhuman control mechanism.

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This is only performative--Biden will not sign. We all bear personal responsibility for this. Do not comply.

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I shudder to think of my grandchildren wearing N95's again, as they did in the first go-round. I heavily resisted because I easily became hypoxic, even wearing cloth or paper masks. Later on, in 2022 for a colonoscopy (yes, really) I was forced to wear a mask and came close to a panic attack - the nurse said quietly, remove it until you're in the scope room. Even strong resistors have flashbacks to the few times we had to comply - even wearing what I consider a costume mask. Mentally it's controlling and infuriating. Grrr.

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