Sep 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fauci must be prosecuted

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We're paying for that weasel's security detail and RFKjr can't get a SS detail? Nuff said.

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At the risk of repeating a line from today's article:

Is there anything that little shitweasel didn't lie about? (Or anybody he didn’t whore himself out to?)

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Lord Fauci should be indicted. And yes, his security detail needs to cease and be reimbursed because his further crimes are being unfolded like a scroll. Finally!!!!!

Thanks, doc - and Matt, Alex and Michael.

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Anthony Fauci has publicly claimed he has saved millions with his decision making. If this was true, then I would believe that NIH and all its branches would be publishing all the medical data on what has transpired over the last 3 years, since there is no reason to hide the data. Instead, they are stone walling all the truth seekers looking for the truth. We instead have a LOCKED block chain of bad actors all involved in continuing to push the RNA injections. It's reported that Pfizer tested their latest RNA injection on 10 mice and found the injections to be SAFE! IMO, if the truth was known, the majority of deaths from the Covid crisis can be contributed to the WRONG financial incentivized medical protocols, lack of early treatment with known medical protocols that work, and the direct fatal reactions from the injections. They have stopped adding to the VAERS system that has reported the tip of the fatal RNA iceberg at around 32,000. Instead, the Biden administration is 100% behind pushing the need for more RNA injections! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/my-blood-boils

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Zero Hedge implies COVID was a CIA operation. Was this for increasing their impact on goverment and population control? The coincidences are adding up to this being planned from the start with many hands gaining from this episode,

"A CIA Front Organization": Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell



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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hang in Dr. Malone -- we desperately NEED YOU ... and your wife also.

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Congress, especially the 'leadership' is 100% complicit.

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The only thing that appears missing is Chapel Hill, North Carolina. These people are Evil. I wouldn’t mind if they found fauci in a ditch...camping, of course. Ed

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Yes, sounds lovely, but how can we trust an “independent” prosecutor during this current occupation?

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I can only hope that the crack that allows the light in (Leonard Cohen) is big enough to start the ball rolling. These agencies are sharp-shooters when it comes to covering up their tracks. But even serial killers usually leave some little piece uncovered, it's just that it takes perseverance, money and strategy.

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I keep wishing for another asteroid, but apparently I've been wishing so much that the asteroid providers are confused about where I want them to land. So many targets, so few asteroids.

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Carry on Doc, you're doing just fine. Not to worry, we have ex-friends and colleagues too, as well as alienated family. You'll get used to not being able to reach them. The good news is that they respect you and even fear you. Their doom is on their own dull heads. As for Fauci et al, I pity them because obviously they are now living in fear, they've been discovered, and now depend on men with guns to protect them from what is coming. The bad news for them is that the tax payer funded (armed) men protecting them have been vaccinated too...oh, darn. Oh yes, did I mention that the unvaccinated generally are well acquainted with fighting for and supporting the 2nd? Is it true the vaccine injured are joining with the NR.A. in droves? 80-250,000,000 deplorables. Should be an interesting contest.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep writing any time you see or hear of anything about this little orc and his sociopathic mechanizations. I can image what he's said about you behind close doors, all lies and slanders, so share whatever you have, no matter how small.

Danny Huckabee

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"Hang'em High"

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What passes for scientific thought today puts a wholly different and unwanted interpretation to the initials b.s. many of us have attached to our name. I for one do not like it at all because I never engaged in b.s.ing in my working career.

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