If only they weren't all true.

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Regarding unraveling institutions, y’all might like my argument this morning at the federalist warning everyone to start vetting their kids’ doctors, if you haven’t already, before it’s too late…


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Love the fox ship sinking. I wanted to comment on the firing of Tucker Carlson. The main goal of Tuckers show was to expose the truth on current all important issues. At the least it allowed a look at issues from an alternative viewpoint. These are the foundational principles of the first amendment and the freedom of the press. Are we to accept every authoritative government dictate with no question or opposing view? The first amendment was directly first to protect what some may call offensive speech. Well the lefts ultra tolerance has become intolerance towards me. Can I be the person to decide what is intolerant speech? Is the Biden administration trying to create a safe space for a specific group, protections from others freedom of thought or speech? Or is he trying to create a safe space for total government authoritative control? If we are to allow this administration with all its flawed policies to decide what is acceptable speech our country truly will be lost? No, we should strongly and proudly speak our truths with no intimidations. J.Goodrich

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The meme is mightier than the sword! Thanks for the reminder!

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Through a series of events I just read more of Mathew Crawford and conclude that we are all f...ed! These cartoons and memes are all too true and it takes a super-human ability to keep up with the various ways of deception. To be able to not be duped by the story line requires a third sense so astute as to be nearly impossible. It's no wonder people think you (Dr. Malone) are questionable in your approach, they are fed constant divisive doubt. I need to go outside and scream and cry.

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Remember, a Budweiser Clydesdale must be a gelding, their symbol for American strength.

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The "how to identify a fish" meme was used to train AI (artificial intelligence) pattern recognition how to recognize a fish. The algorithm determined that any image with the letters "Fish" underneath was a fish.

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The Gen Z memes are on-point and helped me, thank you. Conversations with a son feel like navigating a minefield, no matter the topic he gets accusatory with "facisism, racist, gender something etc". It's exhausting but the meme showed me how it must be more exhausting to be constantly "triggered" and in a state of perpetual anger and offense, it's automatic so there's zero critical thinking- brainwashed and part of the collective mass psychosis. So I pray for deliverance and keep on loving and forgiving and strive to be unoffendable

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Better be careful about your kids’ dentist too!

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Another great selection. Thanks for the additional meme ammo.

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What a Great day for free speech (and the appropriate portion of ALL of our Constitutions) I am an Australian, but have always had a deep and genuine love of USA and its people.

Today’s Funnies are fantastic, and motivated me to leave (and read) all the comments. Firstly, I thank Dr Malone for his courage and his Wisdom, I also thank many of the people leaving their thoughts here. (BUT here comes the bad part), it also reminded me of comments made by retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn during an interview with Alex Jones. (as close as I remember) he said “people have got to be aware of the dangers we all face”. “We either bow down to Communism OR we fight to repel it”. “People have to realise that it is perfectly OK to be frightened, THAT’S a reflex! Not a lot we can do about it, but People need to realise that whilst it is OK to be scarred, a “HERO” may well be scarred too, but He/She decides to demonstrate COURAGE”. “THAT’S WHAT MAKES A HERO”. We all face never before dangers, and we all must hear what Gen Flynn teaches us. Being scarred is a reflex, COURAGE is a decision. A Decision we ALL must make if WE are to save this world as we knew it.

God bless America and its people. God bless Australia and its people.

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Good ones today. Thank you for the humor.

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All hit the mark! Of course the Bud horses are my winners. Am worrying about them. If Buds trend continues they could end up among the jettisoned. The worst of that is who would be willing to afford them? It is so frustrating when handsome creatures are let down by mindless nits.

Have a terrific day! A great weekend! Productive and satisfying times at the next stop in your World Travels. Safe passage. Much appreciation! Bestest

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Bring back the Clysdale's! Bring back the American Constitution! Bring back Tucker! Tucker and RFK Jr. were coming together as the chief truth tellers and they were getting traction! This can't be tolerated by Big Pharma who has gamed medicine for profit over good health! Time all the truth tellers close ranks and march towards the truth with Tucker and RJK Jr. RFK Jr. talked from the heart when he expressed the reasons he decided to jump into the political snake pit! American public needs to be educated and not gas lite! It is reported that Tucker's Wednesday video on twitter has had 60 million viewings! The truth must prevail or we as a nation are lost! Read this to understand why Big Pharma is a major player in this Covid disaster! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/medical-science-is-exponential

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One of your better collections--and they all are good

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