Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

RE: "Free Stuff sponsored by the DNC"

No, it's "Free Stuff" extracted from the American Taxpayer. And their children. And their children's children...

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

LOL "Is this a drinking fountain?"

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The Army/Navy football game is being played at Foxboro Stadium on December 9th. Our off the edge woke governor Maura Healy has forced the hotels and motels to cancel all reservations for service members, service members families and veterans that were traveling to Massachusetts to see the game. This to make room for all of the illegals she has allowed into our Maura Healy declared sanctuary state. Not to mention the people who planned fall trips and weddings here. You gotta love that we are all paying for the 3rd worldization of America. https://youtu.be/YhSKk-cvblc?si=A4hoRyBDqP1vhm9E J.Goodrich

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Just my opinion, whenever the word “immigrants” is used, the definitive modifier “legal” or “illegal” should be used. Their’s a gigantic difference. I paid a lot of dollars in standard US fees and years worth of paper work, documents, etc., to bring wife’s daughter to US legally, and that was only after the required five years before docs allowed to be filed. To say I’m pissed that now this atrocious regime of ours has let over a million “illegal” immigrants into US, with protections, (and over five million have crossed border) free to live here. Should be class action against our gov’t to refund the millions of dollars paid by citizens to our gov’t to follow the law and bring family legally to US. Why haven’t these facts, legal vs illegal, been pointed out by our MSM? I know damned well why, and I’m pissed. On a given subject, one law is for all, or we have no law.


It is the Executive with the Constitutional requirement to enforce our federal laws. Article II, Section 3: “... he [president] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed...” Biden is in violation of his Constitutional requirement to enforce our laws. And, that includes “freedom of speech”. Biden is a federal criminal, literally. He doesn’t get the choice of what he enforces and what he ignores.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc, when will you be starting to “voluntarily” build those little cottages to house some of these imigrunts on your property? The county will surely drop the permitting process to allow it. I know Virgina’s got lots of bugs so you can feed them also.

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Yes. My favorite read of Fridays. Look forward to this each Friday. Thank you!

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I already read three depressing SS this morning. My day has not gotten off to a good start. Thank you for the memes. My favorite was the Ethnic Section and Trump swimming says it all.

The opening on Racket this morning: Hillary Clinton last night on CNN said of Trump supporters, “You know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” This among other things came in the context of a report in Newsweek to the effect that the federal government, and the FBI in particular, has “quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.” https://www.racket.news/p/have-they-gone-mad/

The opening on AND Magazine: “There's an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy — the MAGA movement. We should all remember, democracies don’t have to die at the end of a rifle. They can die when people are silent when they fail to stand up or condemn threats to democracy, when people are willing to give away that which is most precious to them because they feel frustrated, disillusioned, tired, alienated.” Joe Biden in a recent speech in Arizona. https://andmagazine.substack.com/p/will-there-be-an-election-in-2024/

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

The US Government is like the Dad who leaves his 'wife' of 25 years (who put him through grad school) for the hot new receptionist. She doesn't like his kids around too much, she makes him feel young and important... he stops paying the child support, etc. to pay for her boob job, a big diamond ring, a new sports car and a new penthouse address. Meanwhile, the ditched wife is working two jobs, feeding everyone Mac and Cheese, selling anything of value on Facebook marketplace to afford braces and new shoes for the kids. But he keeps the kids pictures in the office and sends birthday cards with a $50 Amazon card inside.

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On overwhelming immigration: "American culture can not assimilate this number of people this fast."

Me (as a snark): "No worries, once the time-delay depop death vax kicks in, it will all even out."

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Some hilarious, wry, and serious stuff here!

The Russell Brand video briefly flashes a list of censorship bills from several countries, including the U.S. RESTRICT Act (S.686 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)) co-sponsored by 25 senators.

ACTION ITEM: Write and Call your legislators and tell them to vote NO on freedom stealing S.686 https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686

Find your legislator: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member

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Now Benedict Biden wants to build more fence. I guess the dems are listening to Mark Levin's podcast. He knows allowing illegal migration is a crime and is an impeachable offence.

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And -- not so funny:

Have They Gone Mad? Hillary Clinton suggests "formal deprogramming" for seventy million


“Lock her up” -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeS-Bh0Iwh4

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Some unanswered questions about the invasion of US and OTHER nations:

(1. WHO is paying for the DAILY need of food, water, toilet paper, etc.,etc., for the HUNDREDS of thousands of so-called "migrants" - NONE of whom look starved or wearing ragged clothing?

(2. WHO pays for continued food, water et al + the bussing and air transport of "migrants" to all 50 states in the USA?

(3. Is the United Nations behind this (global) flood - make that TSUNAMI - of "immigrants" from so-called "poor" countries to so-called "rich" countries in the name of (global) equity?

(4. WHY is it that it appears the vast majority of "migrants" are of so-called "people of color"?

(5. WHY are people fleeing the COMMUNIST country of Venezuela the ONLY ones swiftly DEPORTED back to COMMUNIST Venezuela?

(6. WHY ISN'T Communist China, and Communist North Korea being invaded by hordes of people who only "want a better life"?

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My granddaughter is behind in reading and needs additional help. So she is grouped with students who cannot speak English, not a word. I'm speechless. There is no possible way she will receive additional help. It will go all to the non-English speaking kids.

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Doctor Malone, I liked SO MANY of them, however I am more interested in speaking about my journey of Sounding the Horn on the "Demographic Crisis" that we currently have!!!

I'm so glad that people are finally speaking about it.

For the last 10+ years my husband and I have been lone voices in all of the chatter. We noticed that we had a Taquería in every corner in our home town. Then as we traveled up to the Northeast, we also noticed the abundance of all of the Mexican restaurants throughout our country. We said: that is the groundwork for the CHAIN MIGRATION!

We kept SOUNDING the ALARM, BUT nobody listened!

We kept saying: Mexico lost its territory by immigrant resettlement and we will also lose our country the same way.

Well, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE, History is repeating itself!

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Not to belabor a point (tho probably am) but progressives do not give a tinkers dam about our culture nor care if these invaders ever assimilate but instead have been doing their best to totally destroy it beginning with wilson and continued by f.d.r. et al.

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