Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Neil Oliver nails it. He says exactly what I feel. I have recently said that in my teens, 20,s, 30’s, etc I was too busy to care and to see what was happening around me. I voted cluelessly, not really understanding who and what I voted for. Raising my kids, working, making sure we had enough money, and socializing is what my life consisted of. Now as a grandparent, my eyes are wide open. I wonder why my adult children have health issues, why so many have diabetes, what is being taught in public schools. I fear for my children and grandchildren. The future looks bleak and I wish they would OPEN THEIR EYES, to what I see. Sadly they are in the same cycle as I was. Working, raising kids, vacationing, partying. I pray daily that their eyes will be opened much sooner than mine were. Where we are headed in this country and all over the world is disheartening. I do see a glimmer of hope that people are awakening to what is truly going on.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am just amazed on how absurd this UF policy is. I am a Med tech and you have to have those ranges - yes, it is biology. men and women have different reference ranges. What is wrong with these people? How many people will be harmed or killed because of this insanity?

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm glad you shared the important clinical study on the increased damage to female testicles. We must address this immediately, after all, this is about SCIENCE and we can't deny its validity.

Have a great weekend!

Danny Huckabee

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

this may not be all bad. Maybe people will wake up and quit going to drug and surgery only doctors and start getting treatments from doctors using natural means, there actually is a natural treatment for every chronic illness. Most are very inexpensive and no side effects, including cancer, diabetes, heart problems, allergies, covid, and etc.

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It is clear, as Neil Oliver so clearly calls out, that all the crap that was so common and popular on TV is now horrifying to watch.

Even favorite movies like "Contact" or "Phenomenon", are impossible to watch or even like. The assumptions heaped in every line ring so hollow...I'm embarrassed to think I once revered the 'smart dialogue' and 'world view' of these movies. It was all/always poison for the intellect. And the tripe that is coming out of movie studios these days is completely unwatchable.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nearly 40% of main long-COVID-19 symptoms overlap with mask related complaints and symptoms described by Kisielinski et al. as MIES like fatigue, dyspnea, confusion, anxiety, depression, tachycardia, dizziness, and headache, which we also detected in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of face mask effects in our systematic review. It is possible that some symptoms attributed to long-COVID-19 are predominantly mask-related. https://brownstone.org/articles/long-covid-could-be-mask-induced-exhaustion-syndrome (N95 masks are even worse)

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I loved all the memes! I was hoping for one about income taxes... I now have to copy all the pages I printed out last night and mail. I wonder how much the IRS will charge me for substantially under paying during the year. Beautiful sunny day here except for the hundreds of straight-line chem trails above. They sure keep busy dumping aluminum and plastic particle.

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I will be disappointed if the state of Florida doesn't do something about this.

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I look forward to your Friday Funnies so much, Dr. Malone! Humor helps manage the ridiculous clown world in which we live! Thank you!!! Have a great weekend!

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UF policy is insane! Are they going to tell the patients what they are doing? The world is getting more crazy by the minute. What is even crazier is that people are believing it! Where is common sense!!

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Isn't it wonderful how advertising agencies jump on sociel trends to keep corporations profits flowing?

They did a great job of convincing Bud how to embrace the woke movement. Too bad Bud didn't know their customer base was anti-woke. Coors..here I come!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When mental illness and delusion dominates the world people will die, simple fact.

When it controls the medical system, RUN!!

Delusions aren't real, but they mange to kill people anyway.

; ))

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It is so clear to me now why the club of those who are marching the world into “The Great Reset,” needed Joe Biden in the White House. They knew he would aid in its implementation or passively allow it to happen. I honestly don’t know if a strong president and congress could protect the US from being drowned in the reset wave, put I pray they could.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Honest to god, when I saw the circles I thought, this is the way we are blinded to the truth. Tricky, but true. I enjoyed the sad humor and truth on these memes. Oliver was me too!

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Unfrickin believable about the medical test no differentiation.

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Just one more way to kill us.

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