Wouldn't it be entirely appropriate to provide medically assisted termination to the leader of the Liberal Party in Canada who has done so much to assist in the national suicide of our neighbor to the north?

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read what might be the worst story of the modern medical era, relating to MAID. A Canadian woman presented to the hospital having a mental health crisis, suicidal and wanting to live. She was told there were no psychiatric beds or outpatient appointments available, and was then approached by the MAID operative in the ED. She was actually appalled, and pointed out she was there because she DIDN'T want to commit suicide, and yet they were selling it to her. What an awful, awful consequence of the Canadian death cult, where it is the prescribed treatment for everything from terminal cancer to poverty, and even being advocated for children. When did our neighbors to the North go mad?

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone who bothers to do some serious research about this issue sees that its roots were in the UK firstly with Francis Galton, the father of eugenics ( yes, the regression guy), and later with Margaret Sanger in the US. Hitler enthusiastically embraced this. In Europe, particularly Belgium and the Netherlands euthanasia has been legal since the 2000's, ongoing, and has escalated dramatically and expanded to kill children. They didn't learn much from their WW2 experience did they? Their methods were exported to Oregon, which provided the template for expansion in the US and to Canada. The US fortunately hasn't the same legal structure as Canada so it is not possible to enact a national euthanasia law here because of federalism, yet. But, the same people who brought you abortion on demand are never satisfied and are trying to extend killing to all ages under the same pretense, compassion. I am grateful to Dr. Malone for reminding the world of this evil.

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These policies remind me of Hitler killing the developmentally delayed children and other “undesirables” to cleanse the Aryan bloodline. Let’s call it what it is. Evil.

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This is coming to the US. Your medical professionals are being groomed for it. I work as an RN Case Manager in a small hospital. Recently I had an ICU RN ask if we could provide suicide medications for a depressed elderly patient who was expressing the desire to die. I had to explain to her how unethical her request is and it was obvious she did not agree. We are a society taught to devalue others and jettison anyone that is inconvenient. It started with legalized abortion and is now coming full circle.

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This story brings to mind a book I won’t ever forget - The Nazi Doctors, by Jay Lifton. It chronicles how Nazis in Germany used physicians to murder the young and disabled, and then move on to killing other undesired groups, until they were standing wearing white coats greeting the Jews as they got off the trains in death camps. Some of the doctors were willing to do this enthusiastically, as they hated the Jews. Most did so out of fear of being sent to the battle front and risk their own death. In any event, the people trained to be healers became part of the machine of killing. If you think modern day doctors aren’t susceptible to government mandated horrible ideas, the Canadian MAID program is glaring proof that evil can infect the medical profession. The willingness of most doctors to do what they were told by the government and “ experts” regarding the mass vaccination of the population with the mRNA covid vaccines is more proof that doctors can be sheep, instead of shepherds.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the link to an activity book for Canadian children to normalize the idea of assisted suicide. The child is taught how a person is killed during euthanasia.


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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I live in Canada and find all this appalling .............but we citizens have no say whatsoever to stop our decline. No one will listen and the courts dismiss most cases that are against the government. I am astounded that this is happening in my country, the place I was born and have lived all my live. Canada is no longer a place for free people.

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It is scary 😨 to think that governments might 🤔 be considering this as an option to balancing their over spending and their exploding budgets.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am a Canadian living in British Columbia. There was a small hospice care facility here that refused to offer MAID to its patients. It was completely privately funded and as such should have been allowed to operate without government interference, but they leased their property from the provincial government. So because they refused to offer MAID they were evicted and the BC health authority took over the facility (which had been built solely by private donations). There were plenty of publicly funded and operated hospice facilities that offer MAID, but they couldn't allow even one in the province that didn't offer MAID.

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I'm sure when the Govt health system denies pain meds, they get more takers.

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All a part of the depopulation agenda 😩

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Does voluntarily injecting yourself with an unsafe biological cocktail fall under the heading of medically assisted suicide?

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Reminds me of Soylent green. Substitute granny for your beloved soy and there you are.

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That's truly scary! No problem with family and doctors consulting together to help ease a patient's suffering but getting government involved isn't really necessary, is it? As far as drug addicted assisted suicide goes, it could be said Mexico and China are helping them along with inserting Fentanyl into drug of choice!

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gov run health care features death as treatment. Geez. If you want help dying in the US you can go to Oregon. They too have assisted death.

Today: As I’m flying out of Laredo to DFW I noticed almost every person in the airport is an illegal migrant. An American Air representative told me more illegal migrants fly out of this airport on a daily basis than Americans.

I asked a Border Patrol Agent who is checking documents if any of them are screened for Tuberculosis or COVID and he replied “Not that I’m aware of— At least not here anyways.”

As I pulled up to the airport a migrant who is now on my flight was throwing up outside.

Is this not a huge safety risk? Why are these people not being screened before being flown into major American cities and why are major airlines helping facilitate this? How is this not a national emergency?

Tayler Hansen, Investigative Reporter

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