Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is another possible element that you may not have considered. Many years ago I was the subject of a political FBI prosecution. At one point a person that we believe was an FBI agent, called my codefendent on the phone pretending to be his attorney, and told him that the government said if we would just do X, the case would be dropped. However, when he talked with his attorney about it the following week, he denied ever making that call. We proceeded to do X, and the government then indicted us. As it turned out their key witness had refused to cooperate unless X. So, they tricked us into satisfying the condition of their star witness so they could indict us.

The point of sharing that episode is that the feds are not beyond calling you and pretending to be someone that you trust, whom you might not know well enough to discern their identity by voice alone. In this case Karen claims she was fed these hysterical claims by the security agent she had recently hired. But when her brother called the same company they denied ever making those claims. It makes her sound insane.

I would give it a 60% probability that she did talk to someone on the phone whom she THOUGHT was her security firm, but was not. It was a federal agent who proceeded to terrify her and also plant the seed for internal dissension in the resistance by claiming that Malone and RFK were federal agents who put a termination order on her. The other 40% probability is that the "security company" that she hired were either feds or an intelligence agency that fed her the crazy claims and then denied ever saying it. Either way, she was fed this misinformation. Most private security companies and private investigators are ex police officers, most of whom still have ties to their former employers.

The reason that I believe she was fed the misinformation rather than making it up in a state of delusional schizophrenia is that the misinformation itself is extremely on point for the agenda of the deep state and Big Pharma. It maligns and casts suspicion on two of the most effective voices against the plandemic agenda, not to mention making Karen look crazy. So it kills three birds with one stone.

The sad thing for her is that if or when she learns the company denied making that call, she will question her own sanity, or think her security company was lying. Either way, the damage of sowing division and strife in the resistance movement has been done. They hit a home run with this one.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone (and Dr/Mrs Malone), you have shown amazing patience and compassion in the case of Karen Kingston. Reaching out to her brother was an act of honor and nobility, and hopefully her family can resolve this unfortunate situation. Like Gulliver vs the Lilliputians, your challenge is to suffer insults of tiny fools while understanding that 2 million worldwide citizens trust you immensely.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Geeez...oh man. What a mess to sort out and a overwhelming physically mentally emotionally and spiritually taxing. My guts turn reading this Substack and quite frankly my heart aches knowing a sliver of what Robert and Jill are going through. I am assuming this is just the tip of the iceberg. Dang it. I agree to keep speaking your truth and combating the lies that seem overwhelming. How to keep up?! Truth Bots? Such a thing? Well done Robert, you have been chosen for a time such as this. I don’t know why you have but I support you. I hope you are sweating through this poison working on the farm and taking time to sit with Creation and listen to the Divine speak. You are a good man and me and my family appreciate your fight for truth and medical freedom. Much love and blessings on you and the family and land which you care for.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If I had known you could call the CIA and request hits, I would have subscribed much sooner.

Joke time over. I really hope the large, complicated and motley group of people that make up the resistance to the official narrative do not tear ourselves apart with infighting.

Any chance for a conference? Before shit gets out of hand?

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is a distressing "sign of our times" that such situations can even exist. And it is a testiment to the coordinated power of the Dark Forces currently attacking humanity, and especially all those who oppose it.

I took little interest in the early accusations against Dr. Malone, specifically from the Breggins, as it seemed like some personal animosity that was being unnecessarily amplified by Dr. Breggin's apparently overemotional mental state. But this attack has taken on a certain malignant quatity that appears to be getting quite out of control, as now I have heard accusations from an entire cadre of detractors.

I have closely observed those persons making derogatory statements and claims and have come to the conclusion that they are irrational and full of, at the least, serious exaggerations. Accordingly, I do not believe anyone should take them seriously.

I am not basing this conclusion on any specific personal knowledge of any of the claims being made by Dr. Malone's detractors but rather on my own personal observations. I have a strong background in NLP and being able to read subtle signals from people in their use of language, voice tonality, facial expressions and body language, eye movement, etc. I have also viewed quite a few videos of Dr. Malone as well as those of his accusers. Dr. Malone has consistently displayed perfect conguency in all modalities which inducates that he says what he means and is not in any way being deceptive. He has also been highly rational and logical, and demonstrates a keen grasp of the subject matter at hand. I find no fault whatsoever with his presentations or his honesty and sincerity.

On the other hand, those making negative statements about him do not appear similarly rational, and tend to be swayed by emotions rather than reason.

In the final analysis, only God knows the full truth of any situation, but regarding this quite absurd infighting, I'm betting that it is Dr. Malone who has the truth on his side, and that because of his background in mRNA technology and his opposition to the way is has been weaponized against humanity, plus his obvious intelligence and commincation skills, the evil Powers That Be see him as a major threat that needs to be silenced. Those who attack Dr. Malone are just playing into their hands.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's even worse to extract a rotting tooth that is abscessed. I can only hope some of the people that I have come in contact with recently will allow themselves to look at your responses. I never knew, (nor did you, I bet) that so many people had a major investment in finding a way to destroy you. The rational lies (rationalize) work to encourage the remark of "See? I told you so!" On another note, it did give me a bit of perverse pleasure to read about Fauci reading your SS. I hope he's shaking in his boots.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wait - did you say that Fauci subscribes to and reads this Substack? Does he read the comments? If so my message is - You killed my brother you demonic psychopath. The blood of many is on your hands you narcissistic SOB.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone,

I have had serious doubts and questions about most of these people long before I learned of their attacks on you personally. I like most of us have been hungry and searching for accurate and reliable sources to educate myself and others about the truth regarding Covid-19 and treatment protocols to treat this generally mild illnesses. I also had serious doubts about the so called vaccines. I have ceased to give any credence to most of these people and refuse to listen to them. The only real surprise was Dr Breggin, I am extremely disappointed with him now. I'm not sure what he is trying to accomplish by trying to throw you under the bus. The only thing I can say sir, is that in my opinion you have remained above reproach! I know you work very hard to state only verifiable facts with citations to substantiate them. For this I have an enormous amount of respect for you! Keep up the good fight Robert! It is becoming clearer that we are making headway and bringing this evil into the light. Jesus said " all things done in darkness will be brought into the light" thank you sir for being a bright light of truth in these very dark and troubling times. You sir are one who has released the lion of truth! Thank you!

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It sounds like she's become paranoid, which I believe is a known side effect of Lariam. My heart weeps for your mistreatment, after all that you have sacrificed for the cause. No good deed goes unpunished. Possibly, the better the deed, the worse the punishment. Please find a way to forgive these people. We have all suffered greatly, and some take it out on their fellow freedom fighters because the true enemy is so obscure, so untouchable. Winning this war means winning with the integrity and values that got us into it in the first place. Robert, you have many many supporters who recognize the injustices you have suffered. We're all praying for you.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a movie on Youtube called Mirage Men, about government agency involvement with alien conspiracies. One of their victims had multiple agencies messing with his head, including an NSA van outside his house sending him threatening messages supposedly from aliens. That victim was eventually institutionalized.

Some people in this are true adversaries, and some are just weaponized victims.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; succeed anyone.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it will never be enough; give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.

attributed to Mother Teresa

God bless you and Jill for who you are and for all you do. After we have given our best it then must be left in the hands of the Creator. There is no other way.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why are the mentally ill being humored and given a platform? Greta Thunberg, Kamala Harris, Feinstein, Pelosi, Biden, AOC, many in the legacy media, and so many more are clearly mentally deficient or completely nuts and yet they are treated as if they have something valid to say and they don't.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow. Really sorry you have to deal with this. Great job addressing it.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Consider this Hypothetical:

Targets: (1) Karen Kingston (2) and Dr. Malone

Objectives: cast doubt, sew division, plant seeds for search algorithms

Goal for targets:

(1) Delegitimize Karen by creating suspicion of mental instability

(2) Associate Dr. Malone with 3 letter (handy for SEO pollution)

> If Karen is unstable all of her work can now be ridiculed.

> If Dr. Malone is suspect 3 letter, he can't be trusted either.

We have seen the underhanded methods of the "deep state" on full display. Should we not apply what we have learned to this particular situation?

Assassinating Karen would be counter productive. It would immediately legitimize everything she has said for the last few years. Making her seem crazy is 1,000 times more effective, if in the process they can link Dr. Malone to 3 letter, well, even better.

Operation Status:


Just hypothetical of course.

There is no way our Clown frenz would EVER try something as complicated as drugging someone to make them seem crazy.


Powerful neutralizing counter attack could be a video of the two targets together explaining they now understand they were both victims and these attacks will not work, and their resolve has been strengthened.

Expose the attack for what it is.


> We [s]ee you deep state


Disclaimer: Hypothetical

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Being paranoid to either real or imagined threats suggests insecurities that may, or may not, be treatable. The nature of the paranoia and varying degrees of anxiety accompanying the imagined threat(s), again real or imagined, need to looked at by a reputable mental health professional. This can be a serious, life-altering disorder that can ruin a person's life.

And, if the threat is obvious, and law enforcement can investigate it, you can only hope the perpetrator is discovered.

But, to imagine Dr. Malone is out to kill you, I strongly believe, is delusional. Delusional thoughts usually indicate an underlying mental illness. This needs to be looked at by a mental health professional.

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw that headline this week, thought about it for a few seconds, decided it didn't make sense and moved onto something else.

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