Oct 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is almost like our Founders anticipated this and took measures to prevent the USA from being drug into such an international morass by leaving the bulk of the power of our governance in the hands of the individual states. If state AGs rear up on their hind legs this nonsense should be halted simply by keeping the USG permanently tied up in its own courts to prevent it.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Canadian citizens will hopefully get to hear from MICHAEL SABIA...he is the government employee who froze the bank accounts of over 100 citizens who were protesting peacefully and were never charged with anything. Obviously, Chrystia Freeland/Jagmeet Singh/Turd et al are so glad to have such useful idiots in Ottawa...but WEXIT is coming to Canada. WE don't need the WEF, UN or the East.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've noticed you using data from WHO or Oxford University (Our World in Data) to disprove the Covid narrative. I think it is a great idea because they cannot deny their own data, which proves they are lying. This is why they use poorly-designed studies with small sample sizes and manipulated statistics.

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Pfizer Cargo Trucks (LNPs)

As we now see what the LNPs can do to deliver the mRNA throughout the body, even transporting the spike RNA across the Blood Brain Barrier, we have to wonder whether Pfizer is continuing to plunge forward with such dangerous technology. Rest assured, they don’t have a care in the world.

I just came across their website page where they brag about the LNP mechanism as “Cargo Trucks” that make deliveries of “precious cargo”. They even use the term “factory” along with cartoon drawings of smokestack factories described as “When these instructions are encoding a specific protein, such as the spike on the SARS-CoV-2 virus, they can turn our cells into protein-making factories.”

“Custom delivery trucks - In just two years, Pfizer has gained critical expertise in manufacturing messenger RNA and its delivery trucks, LNPs.”

There is even a quote by Pfizer’s director of R&D saying, “It’s like a delivery truck protecting cargo as it drives down the highway. The lipid nanoparticle shields the mRNA from everything that may destroy it.”

All I can say is WOW. You have to think that a page like this will vanish one day soon. Surely the legal team will realize that this is no more than a full description laid out in cartoon fashion, so as to lure the average citizen or investor. It will also make for great courtroom exhibits in the near future.


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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is it possible to feel pride and joy at knowing you and Jill will be so influential, like a parent would feel to see their kid show a hard earned skill? Well, that is how I felt reading your abstracts for your talks. Weird, being I am only a few years older, and yet I feel so hopeful that these meetings bring alliance and a way to move forward. Thank you is never enough, but thank you.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Jill, thank you for your prescient summary of our current sad state of affairs. I never felt any affinity in years past to all of the global protesters regarding the IMF and World Bank, writing them off as leftist wackos. Now, a different story. Cross-cuting cleavages appear to be the order of the day, whereby former antagonists have become compatriots in a common cause to promote freedom and even survival in the face of a global hegemony characterized by tyranny. The U.S. Constitution is our best weapon against the forces of darkness, and the electoral college (presupposing fair elections) is the tip of the spear.

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The organizers are wise to request the upbeat, positive inspiration to counteract years of paralyzing fear porn to which we have been subjected. I will promulgate and pay close attention to this important conference, and will persevere in my own little mission.

Big or little, we all can try to do what the Creator wants, to the real benefit of humanity.

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Dr. Malone, do you think that the statements made regarding the gathering of genetic data to either protect or attack people based on their ethnic genetic markers is propaganda for the purposes of creating fear and divide populations? Or is this a new form of germ warfare? I declined to participate in these ‘find out who your ancestors were’, but my adoptive father (who is an Eastern European Messianic Jew) did as did one our sons.

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Thank you for sharing and safe travels.

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Dr. Jill Malone, you said what needed to be said in short, fast prose and I hope we can find ways to send your message around the globe. You are magnificent!

And Dr. Robert Malone, if I were still teaching I would use your statement as much as I could, especially that last paragraph about self-determination. Sometimes short, fast prose can be strikingly effective.

You are both international heroes and I salute you!

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Great News! So pleased to hear the plans have worked out, with this opportunity for sharing!

“ICS 4 - Will be focusing on our experiences sharing data and research from around the World to address and bring effective control to overcoming the Covid Crisis! Today we will be again joining together to build upon our successes to address our paths forward in addressing Covid, indeed the continuing threats of diseases, and the many crisis our World is facing today.”

I well remember your reports of your meeting in Brussels and that Romanian government members expressed their enthusiasm to hold such a gathering in Romania. Surely the future, as it now appears, represents major challenges to our World in general as well as for the World’s Medical and professional communities.

Dr Jill’s presentation well sets the stage setting out the challenges.

Were I to enhance the message for forging ways forward, I might expand on the merits of Community. In the case of this audience, as relates to an ongoing commitment to International - Medical/Professional - Summits to share experiences, concerns and strategies for addressing pressing issues of the day. Your joining together provides perspectives and paths to consider in addressing the many challenges professional communities will be facing.

Clearly today’s “Elites” would use Power, Coercion, Censorship, Disease and Depravation to reap wealth and compliant servitude. Professionals will be among those first in line to suffer the cramdowns they would impose. To be ahead of their strategies with strategies to be employed has merit!

So proud of your roles in establishing and continuing this initiative. Wishing MUCH success to all involved in this ongoing undertaking!

Have a great day readying for your upcoming meetings and successes!

Very Bestest and with much admiration! ♡♡♡

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AMEN to this, Dr. Malone:

"You have the power of self-determination. You can choose to be a victim, or dyou can choose to be a warrior, a caregiver, a teacher, a mentor, or one of the many other roles that empower you as an individual.  But the path forward to a better future requires that each of us recognize that we have both a choice and an opportunity to personally commit to insisting on calling out lies and acting with integrity, respecting human dignity, and building community."

THANK YOU and Jill for showing us the way forward by your examples!

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Oct 16, 2023·edited Oct 16, 2023

"The BIS specifically refers to 'the disruption caused by Covid-19' as a driver to create CBDCs."

Isn't that rich! Since it is those Globalists THEMSELVES who CAUSED all of the disruptions! Problem—Reaction—Solution!

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Can Subscribers contribute to cover travel expenses to the COVID Summit 4 ?

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Very important to keep this going! The malfeasance around the Covid-19 pandemic has been unfathomable.

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So glad to have the date confirmed. I have quoted the ICS3 wherever I can and now can add this. Thank you again for all your work and research to keep us in hope that this can and will never happen again.

The court case for Freedom of Speech by Mark Steyn against the OFCOM ruling against him interviewing Vaccine Injured on GBNEWS in 2022 comes up in the High court in London in November sometime. These stands for Freedom of Speech we can only hope will bring out into the open the atrocious behaviours of our so called Governments round the world. I personally can never thank you and your fellow scientists enough for your perseverance and help to keep us from drowning in despair at what has gone on seemingly without recourse to judgement.

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