The new world order is what the UN epitomizes. Time for the US to defund, and withdraw.

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It is PAST time. Basically our "We the People" Republic has been turned into an image of Stalin's Russia, Gulags, show trials, weaponized bureaucracies, Gestapo-type raids in the night, endless unnecessary wars, and all.

Election 2024 and a win by Donald Trump are probably America's last, best hope.

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If we had first world elections here in the US, we would expect a shift to the conservatives as well (few as they may be in our current environment).

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Unfortunately, Poland just went away from their conservative government in last week's election. A coalition of moderate and left leaning groups came together to defeat the conservative government that had been in power. This is concerning to me as central europe has been about the only sane place recently.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Theodore Roosevelt wrote:

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Economic migrants who come here for "a better life" and start their American journey by breaking our laws have no business being here. For they have violated Roosevelt's central tenet of loyalty to our nation, our people and its laws. They do not make America stronger, they make us weaker. I will not vote for any presidential candidate who refuses to pledge to begin deportation of all of them as his or her first act in office.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a physician I am discouraged and amazed by the unwillingness or inability of many of my bright friends and colleagues to hear and research what I keep saying, "The Covid-19 infection and vaccines may be the most egregious public health failure in the history of western civilization." This willful medical ignorance is now compounded by the international geopolitical train wreck many of us see and sense just ahead of us and around a bend or two. The UN appears to have been hijacked and subverted. Why are we still financing that hot mess that actively works against us? Why do people continue to make bad choices? Is it our fate, coincidence or active management that steers us towards combustion? I increasingly suspect the later but I gotta go now. I'm working on a tinfoil hat to go with my Halloween costume.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

So, is the idea that former colonizers are being colonized primarily by poorly educated men who have no respect for the culture or religion they have come to? (Is this global irony?) Has the UN decided that the ‘NWO' should be headed by China and not the US? Are they ready for a counter Empire? Is this a push against US/Israeli military strength and incursion? (This is supposition, not my hope.) Or is this ALL about who controls the oil and US reserve currency?

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If we want to stop the flow of refugees into Europe and America, a good place to start would be to stop overthrowing democratically elected leaders and to render meaningful support to countries in the developing world--supporting local regenerative farming, building health infrastructure, and economic development at the local level that leads to job creation. The posterchild for our current policies is Libya. True, Ghadaffi was a strong man-dictator, but a lot less bloodthirsty than many others, Whatever one might think of Ghadaffi, under his rule, Libya enjoyed the highest standard of living in Africa. Libyans had free education and healthcare, no interest loans for housing, and many other benefits. Why was he taken down? Because he was floating the idea of developing a pan-African currency that would have been a direct threat to the US dollar. So in the infinite 'wisdom' of Hillary Clinton we, with the help of France, bombed the crap out of them, creating chaos and Ghadaffi's downfall. Now Libya is a failed state, with slave markets, and is a corridor for weapons sales to Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations. Is it any wonder that Libyans are fleeing their country for a better life in Europe? If we want a more stable world, we need a major overhaul of our current, destructive, foreign policy.

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Spain has been dealing with illegal subSaharan immigration for decades. Many transition through Spain to go to other countries, many stay. There is no crackdown on illegal immigration. The police knows most street vendors have no papers but they let it slide -supposedly following orders. There is also a lot of immigration from Northern Africa and those people work mostly in agriculture, they are needed because Spaniards don’t want to do the low paid jobs -this is not getting any better as people make almost the same amount of money by staying home receiving unemployment support. Lately I have seen many grow from agricultural jobs to better jobs, having families and integrating pretty well, going up on the socio-coni of scale while middle-class Spaniards are stagnating, even regressing.

Illegal immigrants are legalized pretty quickly and have pretty good benefits, including free medical care. Spaniards often complain that they have long waiting lists for medical procedures while immigrants get priority (I have not verified that is true). However, I have verified with examples in my own extended family that Spaniards who have relatives get less help than immigrants. If you are in financial trouble, lose your home, whatever, the government expects your family to help you. If you are an immigrant, the government helps you. So there is a lot of frustration there.

I think the immigration policies are the same worldwide: to let people in, dilute the culture but not completely integrate so that there is conflict between the groups. Divide and conquer.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I will add, interestingly enough the BRICS11+ are focussed on having at the centre of BRICS11+ strict application and adherence to international law, the principals of the U.N, WTO and other conventional World bodies sans the politicisation of such, I pray they succeed, the inveterate “Rules (Theirs) based Order” certainly has been shown up to definitely not be the path forward, boy oh boy, haven’t we all awoken and learned that lesson given recent events… bring on multipolarity I say, a new paradigm, a new world that is peace, shared prosperity, adherence to international law, convention, institutions and most of all respect for sovereignty, centric, when all is said and done, you certainly cannot get better than that given what we’ve had forced upon and taken from us of late.

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There is nothing wrong with immigration. Legal immigration that is controlled. Liberalism has gotten all of these countries including ours, the USA, into this disaster. As that wise scholar said (Michael Savage), liberalism is a mental disorder. Isn’t that the truth. I’ve said before nothing good comes from things that are rushed. Don’t we see this with the “vaccine”? Success comes from hard work and tough decisions. There’s no way open borders would turn out to be anything different than what we are witnessing. And this is just the beginning, we haven’t seen the end result of this complete disregard for our immigration laws. J.Goodrich

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr’s Malone,

Totally agree with your lament this a.m, as with most major administrative bodies the World over, notably as you opine, the U.N, City, Regional, State and National Governments, many when you look under the hood have truly abdicated their core constituency and obligations, their “raison de etre”.

So many spend frivolously, pouring prescious resources into non core services, if you take the U.N as a case in point, you correctly point out the wasteful spending that denies the provisioning of said core services and functions, instead the minuscule budget relied upon gets spread ever more thinly each year the appropriations are confirmed, the U.N administrators agonising over which, or what level of the many non essential services they need consider reducing, instead of being likely able to fully fund the core services as defined their charter, indeed, wonder of wonders, a surplus, heaven forbid might even result, but alas as we know with public agencies such as this, you can never have enough nor dare never spend all you’ve been given, such would convey the wrong message, instead much better in U.N group think to both under perform and deliver, it’s safer for those whose snouts are in that International trough.

Cities, regions, states and national governments are much the same, part of the same subset of people, captured the same ideologies and group think, spend, spend, spend, even that which they don’t have, when short, just tap their constituents for more or worse, add it to the tab.

There exists many programs and activities that can and ought be cut from these entities expenditures, areas of involvement that these entities have no business being involved in or with and when challenged, as with those who covet War in lieu of peace, the same old trope of fear is rolled out, if we cut who will look after those most in need, missing the point entirely that those who most need support would get more than they presently receive if the spend on non essential was replaced with spending on those areas deemed required.

National governments require to provide governance per a nations Bill of Rights, Constitution or both via the activity and administered of government, they then are required to enforce and uphold a nations laws (Justice), protect its citizens (Law Enforcement Police, Intelligence etc..) Defend the nation and its people (Defence), House those in need, provide an income to those unfortunate to be sick or disabled and to assist those who find themselves unemployed lending support for a finite period, administer access to the nation, administer the nations resources environmental and otherwise e.g Oil, fisheries, what can and cannot be done on lands within a nation etc…administer the nations currency with oversight its financial institutions, developing and protecting heritage and culture, their business is not in owning any non core assets, maintaining Galleries, museums, theatres etc by the dozens, Airlines, or any other such like activity best left to the private sector.

We are living in a debt fuelled society, a ponzi, debt upon debt, more required each fiscal year in order to maintain the charade that all is well, life is good and given the present are close to financial Armageddon which when it arrives will underscore just how far they have all overreached, many City, States, Regional indeed national Governments actually insolvent as I write this.

Bottom line, prepare for what is to come, we in the West are going over a fiscal Cliff, 2008 many better qualified than I surmise will be a picnic in contrast to what is coming… yet our leaders aided their cheerleading Media continue to champion all is well, like I said look under the hood, do your due diligence, learn, discern and thus prepare, best to you from New Zealand, Kia Kaha…

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On UN, as Malone reminds us, it was set up to avoid future wars. Period. Not all kinds of other stuff. I was in San Francisco 1945 and saw the long black limousines with small flags on fenders every morning taking national representatives into the San Francisco Opera House. Our US representatives, led by Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, were the ones who drove those proceedings, based totally upon the US led findings of Nuremberg. Sole Objective: Avoid Wars. I’ve probably watched more closely, for longer than most, what’s happened to that organization, particularly as relates to wars.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen clearly that of all nations to have violated the resulting UN Charter, it is us, the US, by insuring the Security Council has been neutralized to serve only our purposes and those of our allies . As for the original purpose of the UN, at least post WWII, we have exercised our right in the Security Council of veto to kill every resolution, which found an ally of ours guilty of war or humanitarian crimes. Further, since WWII we are responsible for the most wars, over-throws, and millions killed, displaced, etc., all in clear violation of the Nuremberg Articles and UN Charter laws based upon our own 1945 work. Our nation, and the UN, both, have migrated so far from what we both were in 1945 that we are no longer recognizable.

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This is the sad and predictable result of having 'leaders' who are loyal to the WEF/Global agenda. They don't think of you as a person, you're just a number on a spreadsheet - and numbers can easily be replaced with other numbers.

The issue is that, as with covid, we're "stuck" waiting for the smaller countries to "come around" -- because they see the negative effects more quickly AND their governments are closer to the people.

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I’ve never been in love with Trump but I like him more and more with every attempt to paint him as what they are, corrupt, evil, and the most dangerous threat to Liberty. You’re right Dr Malone it’s time to throw the crooks out. The UN is nothing more than a globalist bureaucratic cluster F#%* that our tax dollars are being wasted on. We need a NONE OF THE ABOVE option on the ballot since they are nearly all worthless.

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