I hope that RFK reignites small community activism. I’m not sure how it could happen but getting little rural towns to be more collaborative .. get together around social stuff.... post needs like in a bulletin board on index cards and let those that can help ... help. Maybe government support for all those people AI is going to displace run community centers. Let me share a personal story: I’m the only phone and vehicle within 7 miles. I’m surrounded by Amish with no phone and no way to get to a hospital. So I elected myself at 60 to be the local ambulance. I’m part of the midwife team. Always on call and nearby when babies are arriving. Many 100 mph trips to local hospital later, I had a heart attack. Nine days in hospital. Two Amish families stayed with me. Got home and the community said what now. We think you should build. I guess if I’m not going to die then why not. They said we’ll help. And in 4 days they put up a beautiful 4,000 square foot shop I use now for my small business. And at 75 I still do ambulance service when needed. The power of goodwill must not be underestimated!!

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you look at the cities losing population the people there are being lied to the most and have suffered the consequences of these liars the most. There comes a point in all of our lives when we witness a relationship where one person naively accepts the lies of another. You know inside, your naive friends relationship will end. We’ve all been living under this government based in lies. Like your friends relationship this government is unsustainable. Many times the liar themselves are warn down by their own deceptions. Things begin to fall apart and they just leave eventually (Fauci). I’m sure, this will happen to the compulsive liars that are running our government today. There are to many of their lies to list but I wanted to mention a couple. The first and I think the most egregious is watching good descent people be slandered by lies or worse jailed. As much as I have been impatient with the H O Rep. their exposing of these corruptions have not only shown their lies but have had a wearing effect on these liars. A few other disgraceful immoral activities these immoral liars are backing, first Biden’s open border. This has created child trafficking. The second is Hunters sex trafficking “business” for profit. The largest stack of suspicious activity reports (sars) on the Biden’s, and there are hundreds of them, are Hunters bank deposits (and tax write offs) from sex trafficking. These are just a few of the lies, deceptions, and immoral activities the democrats and media have built their house on. As we watch this house built on sand, we sit back and see the beginnings of a great collapse right before our eyes. Live not by lies; Solzhenitsyn 1974. J.Goodrich

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I've been a Constitutional Conservative all my life, sadly waiting for a "Constutional Party" to join. Disdain or unnecessary compromise regarding that document is a deal breaker for me. Your prescription of small town America growing and strengthening is our best, last hope. Consolidation in crime, poverty, disease, corruption infested urbanity will destroy our nation. Go, gather, support and rebuild from the land and family out.

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I have no idea what it is that people want to hear nowadays. Plain truth is not popular. Frankly, I have to admit I am less concerned over the demons in power than I am the moronic hords who follow them blindly and continue to vote them in. History is a mirror. Over and over again we do the same things, follow the same patterns - like a script. I know this is going to get worse before it gets better, I just hate to speculate on what that means. As for those fleeing the damage done to the blue cities I have seen the results of blue immigrants to Atlanta. They bring their ideology with them without a clue that they are the problem. We are learning the art of low tech as a counter measure.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great post as always..the thongs meme made me laugh out loud!

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The UN/WEF is driving towards a new world order based around fascism (corporatism) and socialism (a global command economy).

That’s one powerful sentence. I’m going to use it and quote you.

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Both my husband and I travelled out of state this week. Both of my seat mates on my flights to and from were awake to the lies. It’s easy to start a conversation when you have Ed Dowd’s large book in your lap. 😀

My husband was speaking to two people at the bar in the airport (in Jersey no less). Both of them wide awake. One of them brought up the subject of the white fibrous clots. I wish I had left my vial of them with him. 😩

While this is an encouraging sign, when will people speak out? When will they get loud?

Pray for me. My county commissioner is coming to my home this Thursday. Pray that the evidence I present lights a huge bonfire in his gut and in his soul.


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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a different frame of reference. I witnessed the decline of SF first hand and it didn't just happen. It was not an inevitable city thing - no, a concerted effort went into making it a grotesque hell hole. And there was something very unusual about the fires in Santa Rosa and Paradise. For a time I collected bizarre photos it was so strange. So I've concluded there is a plan to make one of the most spectacular places on earth uninhabitable so that people have to leave - creating a vacuum for the 15 minute city of the future. There were all kinds of references to One Bay Area and other Agenda 21 policies. Rosa Koire wrote "The Green Mask" detailing it.

I fled to Oregon. My mother and I would go to Portland, only to find within the space of a year, it, too, collapsed. No more going to Portland and the small town I was living in went full Invasion of the Body Snatchers. My neighbor had a little stand at the street where people could take a free, homemade mask.

So I fled, again, figuring it will be my last stand. Now I'm in eastern TN and I can see what the song is all about. But I can tell you - good ole boys with guns are no match for what's coming. Overnight, the money system could be changed. How are we going to pay our bills if we don't comply and become a part of the Borg? You can't prepay your property tax so you have at most, a year, if they only accept a new digital dollar. I've never lived in a place that ignored non-payment of property taxes.

And as they say, "Information is the new gold". How are we going to figure out what's happening if we can't log onto the internet - unless we comply? I vaguely remember California removing all their ham radio towers so ham radio might not work.

It won't matter if people don't want what's being designed for us unless we have systems in place we can choose to use instead. It's not enough to stock up some food. Those federal reserve notes could all be called in so unless these conservative states figure out some alternative cash, we are looking at a real mess. By design.

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Those who don't value our rights don't value our lives either. After they eliminate our rights our lives are the next thing on the agenda.

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And, regarding "small towns," another very important consideration unique to our wonderful form of federalism is the electoral college. The liberal left hates the electoral college for many reasons; one reason is without the electoral college they can ignore "small towns" and focus on the big cities.... except the Electoral college gets in their way.

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Greetings from Texel, the Netherlands.

I grew up in rural Pennsylvania. First in Palm, then in Sumneytown and later in Collegeville.

Agriculture, farms and the infrastructure to support it were prevalent; Agway, TSC, Tractor dealership's and organizations like the Grange. Heck, growing up, one was proud to be a member of the Future Farmer's of America and the 4H.

All of that started to change in the 80's. Farmland was bought up, and housing developments took their place. In Collegeville, big Pharma built several "Campuses" and slowly, the farm equipment dealers realigned to selling lawn equipment and tractors for the hobby farmers. The Agway closed.

The entire culture of the community changed. Gone was the majority with a connection to the land. They were replaced by a bunch of people who wanted street lights and sidewalks.

Sure, there were some good people who moved to the area, but on the most part, none of them had a vested interest in the area, much less who could appreciate the history. As my father once said, "plastic people, in plastic houses."

What is the hope for America? Well, I think that somehow, it involves returning to a sense of community. Getting involved in the Church, getting kids involved with real life; community gardens, little league, the Scouts, community Organisations. Heck, bring back the block party.

I doubt this will ever happen. Most folks are too busy with the mountain of not only paying the bills, but also distracted by the next shiny thing.

I now live in Kürten, Germany. It's a very rural area. We have a very tight knit neighborhood. Heck, we even have our own WhatsApp group. When we first moved to Kürten in 2007, there was a total of 10.000 residents. The population of Kürten includes at least five other towns. Development of the area is accelerating. Now there are over 27.000 residents, the roads have not been improved or something widened.

My wife has a Daycare. We wonder how these young couples can afford a house that costs at least 500.000 Euro, plus new cars. The bright side is that many of them are having at least three children. Modern life is a battle with time. Those wonderful labour saving devices need to be paid for,as well as all of the subscriptions to Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, and who knows what else.

I used to close out my posts on Facebook with "Please try to commit random acts of kindness.". That is not enough anymore. I try to commit active acts of kindness. We are all naked monkeys on this miracle of a blue marble. Try to be kind, and failing that, do no harm.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great lot this morning! I'm first and foremost with the Lion when it comes to picking a side. My next favorite (IMO that jolly well illustrates the truths of the matters) is the donkey with its herd of sheep. Your points are well taken!

Off topic: picked up, I think it was Smart News, the major attack on the Cleveland Clinic study has begun. Government forbid any dents in the fall Vax bonanza!

Have a rewarding day, your faithful Constitutional Conservative!

Bestest always! ♡♡♡

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Life really is better in small towns. After being born and raised and living in the big city most of my life, I felt the overwhelming urge to escape to re-connect with my soul. I now pursue a career I love in a beautiful mountain town. The only problem is the American funded environmental groups setting up shop in most of the mountain towns, bringing left wing ideas with them and working very hard to influence naive local politicians. People have politely ignored them for years and allowed them to carry on, which is how this insidious march to socialism (which is just communism in disguise) really spreads.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My little town grew from 482 in 2010 to 530 in 2020. Three new homes each on 10 acres built down the gravel road from me since 2017. Two homes adjacent to my north side with 5 acres each sold last month in less than 5 days at substantial amounts. I fear my property taxes will skyrocket!

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Determine for yourself that you will neither accept lies as truth nor acquiesce to them by default. Jesus cals us to be a light to a world engulfed in darkness and chaos. Speak truth, in love. Bring the Gospel of Peace with you.

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“With the internet allowing remote work, people may actually be able to settle into an area without having to move again and again for a new job.”

The internet made cities obsolete in theory; COVID made cities obsolete in practice.

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