I’m an old school teacher prude who never so much as uttered “shut up” and I’m laughing out loud with joy that Elon Musk has finally publicly said what we all think. Corporate America “Go F*** Yourself!!”

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Every single panel is a gem and a truth bomb. You, your lovely wife, and all your colleagues please keep bombing with truth and enjoying life.

Aside: Idaho had a Snowmaggedon event over the past few days and we're living in a beautiful snow globe despite being surrounded by globalists and totalitarians in Boise. I'll take the snow globe, thank you very much.

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Love the California straw ban. Tyranny cannot exist without government produced lists of subjects. To me the biggest story of last week was Jack Smith’s acquisition through the courts of millions of peoples tweets for the government, from the 2020 election. Subjugation: oppression or conquest: one group takes control over another group and forces them to do as their told. Subjugation is one of many types of injustices in the world. It has to do with one group of people dominating another group by taking away their freedom. Tyranny cannot exist without government lists of people they desire to subjugate. We are in a fight for our freedom. A person doesn’t loose when knocked down, it’s when you decide to not get up that you loose. The toughest fights are the ones worth walking into. We shouldn’t pray for an easy fight but for the strength to endure a difficult one. The expression of suffering is the fullest expression of our love for God and country. It gives us a chance to be close to our God. Hope you all have a peaceful Sunday. J.Goodrich

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And with respect to Mr. Bridgen, I'd love the chance to tell him that his heroism does not go unnoticed from across the pond. On October 20 he appeared for a debate on extant high excess mortality in Parliament. The chamber was mostly empty, but the spectators in the glassed-off gallery could still be heard cheering him. Whether it's Senator Ron Johnson's January 2022 and December 2022 hearings related to COVID-19 injuries and vaccines; MP Bridgen's pleas to bored peers wearing vacant stares; or Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's 11-13-23 hearing drawing 10 out of 535 reps and senators; it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that something wicked this way comes. But it's getting harder for the active participants, the sellouts, and the go-along-to-get-along crowd to claim they never knew.

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Another Spanish word of the day!!!!

"Cacafornia!" That’s too funny 😁 😂 😀 🤣

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I find it a little eerie that Newsom can still smile smugly as DeSantis is dropping truth bombs that should cause Newsom to hang his head in shame.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It appears some people who have never experienced living in a totalitarian environment are oblivious to the level of totalitarian progress already achieved in the West. “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is Liberty”,it also appears the people have no fear of either. That’s the definition of oblivious.

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40% of [voting] California DID vote to recall greasy Gavin. Though we lost that, it gave me hope. What that can mean is that ten to fifteen percent of the voters need to be persuaded over. If there was a mild conservative running in the next election, a good candidate, they could win.

The trouble is finding that person. CA's most endangered species....

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Great Sunday strip today! I don't know how you keep doing all you do, but don't ever stop. Enjoy your UK Visit.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So very happy to hear your trip abroad is going so positively. You all are well earning this terrific interlude! Hoping for your continuing enjoyments and Successes!

The cat stopped me. So like the one I visited this morning! Of the memes the 1776 to avoid 1984 hit home the hardest.


Thank you for your Skorbach and WR interviews. Caught up with them last night. Really appreciate your setting out all that needs to be accomplished. You could surely end up even busier. If so, will hope there will be a way to keep us sharing all treasured insights (DJGM?).

Continuing success, safe travels and magical interludes.

Bestest always ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy? Wickham House? Sounds like my kind of place.

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Laughing so hard, I'm practically choking...I usually have a favorite, but they are all priceless! So glad that you are having such a great time!

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Sunday Funnies, yes! A great compilation, as usual. Enjoy your trip and you and Jill keep on working for us! You know how much we appreciate all you do.

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There certainly is voluminous and assorted material for memes, as represented here – all true. It is sad each represent one of a thousand cuts to our existence. My four-year old gelding keeps taking my floating deicer out of the water trough and pulling on it enough it comes loose from the extension cord. At least he has not thrown it over the paddock fence and I’ve been able to find it. I thought I’ll just buy one that inserts at the bottom then notice this newer tank did not come with that common hole/plug. I must admit that half way through the Stockholm video I had to wipe my eyes to see the rest of it. I watched it three times before my laughter died down. So cool that everyone is helping even strangers stay afloat so to speak.

Safe travels while abroad Drs Malone.

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Drs Malone, I love winter but I also have funds in my will put aside for Princess Snowy Boots, the mule, and Miss Cow, the .... cow, to pay some poor sucker to come out and bust the ice off their water though every day it freezes. HA HA !!

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A debate between two non-candidates, I have to admit I didn’t watch partly because, although I have two dishes from a previous owner and a fiber internet connection, I haven’t bothered with anything but the internet in the two years I have lived here. I have the rare opportunity to live in the woods with deer, the occasional non-threatening yearling bear wandering through, and reliable, high speed internet. Three or four weeks ago I opened the garage door at 6:00 am to put out the garbage (overnight attracts bears) and found myself staring down an eight point buck, that retreated to the front yard and ultimately the adjacent woods.

DeSantis, although a decent governor, pretty much owes his election to Trump’s help and somehow I think he has blown this endorsement and Newsome, the California cacmaster, appears to have been Peter Principled as a florist. (No offense to the florists out there as one of my good friends in college was a florist’s son and worked in the shop where I was allowed to hang out at times. Growing flowers indoors in a northeastern winter is difficult, in San Francisco’s climate not so much!)

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