Feb 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

📚 So generous to let people read these books for free. I just shared your post!

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"FOR SALE...Vintage Tupperware Footbath"

That was my puke bucket!🤣

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, there is a wide range of information being spread about the budding environmental disaster in East Palestine, ranging from assurances from government officials that all is well (we know they are professional liars) to claims that this will destroy everything East of the Mississippi River.

It would be a benefit to your subscribers if you were to engage some credible, trustworthy sources to provide some factual information that would properly frame what has occurred and the potential long-impacts.

This reeks of a staged event of some sort.

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I have read all 3 books, they are scarey good. We can overcome this just by educating each other and friends and relatives. Let people know they are available.

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Watching Rome fall again. --- Agree 1000%


Has anyone else noticed the campaign of destruction is being pushed harder and faster?

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As a Dangerous Goods Act instructor for over 20 years in the transportation industry and having practiced law for over 30 years, also a Christian spokes person missionary for 19 years, I recognize evil, corruption, as A Canadian protester in the Ottawa convoy I can tell you under no circumstances should they have tried to contain the spill in Ohio through burning it making it air born. This was and is chemical warfare thousands will die probably millions will get sick and eventually die, this is the same prognosis as taking the vaccines! The communist inspired WEF, the UN, the WHO are all involved and I heard yesterday Biden is putting the WHO in charge of everything to do with your health, “ kill them all “ Satan loves to see us die slowly a few days a few years what’s the difference to him or should I say them! I saw an interview with Bill Gates in his drive way two plus years ago when he was asked if his boys will be vaccinated and he said no! Oh yeah do what I say not what I do!

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That first meme -- the Ukrainian- flagged and jabbed wokist claiming the “other” is brainwashed--really hits home. It brings to mind several of your most recent and VERY IMPORTANT posts: The new left really is a cult. Period. What are your thoughts on Yuri Besmenov’s assertion decades ago, that once “brainwashed” one can never be retrieved?

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Knowledge is power. Thank you and your colleagues for exposing fraud within medical and government institutions AND allowing free access to the proof behind your studies. You are a gem Dr. Malone as is Jill. Keep her forever, bless you both.

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Oh yeah they should have buried the five tankers with sand or earth till they could organize what to do next!

This maneuver of burning the gasses is what is called germ warfare!

Notice the rail people don’t want to show up at the town hall they know it isn’t safe to attend so close to the crime scene!

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Hilarious stuff. The JP piece is one of his best ever... Thanks for sharing all!

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Thanks for the books. I am reading yours. The story regarding the sham review boards answers so many questions regarding medical professionals abandoning their posts during the pandemic. There are very few independent physicians operating as small business owners. They are almost all salaried and owned by hospital groups. The scariest threat to the MD is loss of license to practice.

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So very generous on the books. The funnies were exceptional. I could not decide which I laughed harder:

The Tupperware bowl or Queen Marie Antoinette’s twin.

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The decade the "Melting Pot" had become the "Transblender".

Stuff carbon base life forms together in glass container. Seal cover tightly. Push #10 blend button.

Serve politically accordingly......Sigh.......

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Beth, thx! Sharing! Sweden just said no. @justthenews

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We live in frightening times. Jesus Christ and the Bible are the only true survival guides out there. People returning to God will change everything. Not doing so well insure we continue down the path to destruction. Those books are great too, and can maybe open the eyes a some who are still living in the dark. I look forward to learning more from them. I've already got the Fauci book by Kennedy. I'll grab the other two, and the Turtles All the Way Down as well. Thank you Dr. And Mrs. Malone!

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Thanks for the free books, your generosity, and your help.

6th generation warfare is based on understanding the power and weaknesses of social relationships and is more powerful then 5GW. I explain the basic principles in my article:


We live in a polypanic environment manufactured and maintained by the Washington DC Government. This article shows that the Ukraine war is actually an attack on US citizens not Russia.


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